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![]() Big news for the Gaming Paper Megadungeon 2 Kickstarter! Read on! Further off Deck $15000 - SUPER Story! Imagine a three author relay Pathfinder adventure (first one author, then the next, and the finale handled by the third) all taking place in one Megadungeon! Now imagine those authors are Stan!, Steven Schend, and Ed Greenwood! WooHoo! Now stop imagining because this is the $15,000 goal! At least 30 pages of unique adventure. PDF included (Expect an December delivery) for anyone pledging $7 or more and the printed version will be available as an add on once we hit the stretch goal. ![]()
![]() Gaming Paper, maker of fine mapping accessories and adventures for nearly five years, is proud to introduce the second product in the Megadungeon line. This is Megadungeon 2 "The Lost Catacombs". It is 25 pages of geomorphic (they are compatible in many different configurations by design) maps. Have you seen the Megadungeon 1? If not here is a link Megadungeon 2 is completely compatible with Megadungeon 1. We're introducing the Megadungeon 2 on Kickstarter because we need to fund the initial design and printing. If we can exceed our funding objective, we will reward your support with generous Stretch Goals – and make a great offer even more enticing! Anyone pledging $7 or more will be eligible for the FREE Stretch Goals. These stretch goals will allow us to G-R-O-W the Megadungeon and make it even better. ![]()
![]() Gaming Paper has been a welcome addition to the GM's toolkit. It comes in rolls 30" wide and 12' long. It is clay-coated so it takes marker incredibly well. It is permanent, allowing GMs to draw up all of their maps before the game. This reduces wasted game time, allows the game master to draw more interesting and immersive maps, and you can save your maps. Until now, Gaming Paper has only been available in one color combination: tan with blue lines. That is what this is all about. We want to add color to Gaming Paper. All of the colors will be available in both square and hex pattern. Click here to go to the Kickstarter. It has many pictures of all the new color options, information about the first stretch goals, and three amazing add ons. Including Gaming Paper Singles Cobblestone - which is like have 100 double sided dungeon (or city, or tavern, or castle, or inn, or warehouse) tiles Thank you and good gaming. ![]()
![]() Two of the many figureheads available in the Pirate Encyclopedia (Kickstarting now!). Very interesting and creative artifacts you won't see anywhere else! Backers of this project will see a couple more fun figureheads in my next update. Want to see more? Consider sponsoring! THE NYMPH
While figureheads of attractive women are quite popular with sailors as a general rule, few can match the workmanship of the Nymph, which is very carefully sculpted to resemble a beautiful fey creature. Even badly beaten and missing its paint, observers would agree it's the finest figurehead they've ever seen. While it never appears to stay with a ship for long, while it's attached, the Nymph brings its ship fantastic luck. Crew bonus: all crew on the Nymph's ship may reroll 1s they roll on Profession: Sailor skill rolls. Captain bonus: the recipient of the Nymph's bonus gains +2 on all Charisma-based skills. Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, THE ROLLING BONES
Though not as good as an actual chaplain, this figurehead contains the bones of the saint it depicts, and that saint's god looks favorably on those who sail with this figurehead. He is a god known for appreciating a good prank, though, so the figurehead works even if stolen. Crew bonus: all crew protected by the Rolling Bones automatically stabilize while aboard the ship. Captain bonus: the recipient of the Rolling Bones' bonus gains fast healing 1. Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item ![]()
![]() Yesterday I shared with you a new race that is introduced in the Pirate Encyclopedia, the Hekona. The super interesting and intelligent Hekona are just one of three new races introduced in the Pirate Encyclopedia. Now I will introduce you to one of the eighteen (yep, you read that right - 18) new class options introduced in the Pirate Encyclopedia. Just like with yesterday's Hekona introduction...the specific statistics of this new class option will be published in a second update for "backers eyes only". Meet your new shipboard paladin...or as I call him: CARPENTER-SURGEON Much like the cavalier, the traditional paladin doesn't match well with a nautical adventure. However, not all paladins fight evil the same way. Rather than spearheading the charge, some choose to support their fellow soldiers. These paladins are still holy warriors, but they protect their compatriots as fellow defenders of the faith. These paladins take up saw and hammer, rather sword and shield. While most common on the waves, carpenter-surgeons can also be found amongst armies that employ siege engines. Their skill at healing men and weapons, wood, and vehicles makes them a welcome addition to any group. As suggested by the name, carpenter-surgeons fulfill both those roles on ships. While all paladins are bound to defend the weak and do battle with evil, not all choose to ride against the darkness with sword in hand. Some holy warriors instead aid their allies in the good fight by making sure they are able to continue fighting. Those who sail the seas are no less warriors than any other, and given the unique perils faced by both military men and those who ship supplies to them, some paladins feel it is their duty to protect crew and ship as well as commander and troops. To read more about the Carpenter-Surgeon please consider backing this project! http://kck.st/PKDjeI ![]()
![]() It is a striking resemblance. Check out this Gamerati video and see if you agree! ![]()
![]() Welcome to adventure on the high seas! You are currently reading about Gaming Paper's first sourcebook, full of character options. Herein you will find a multitude of new feats,archetypes,spells,races,and equipment to more accurately reflect adventuring in a setting similar to the golden age of piracy on Earth, but with the fantasy twist common to Pathfinder games. And the cover is awesome! Take a look. http://kck.st/PKDjeI We were planning on publishing this in September, but the stars have all aligned and all the elements of the sourcebook were turned in two weeks early! We are going for a GenCon release! Can't wait. Thanks for checking it out. ![]()
![]() As Zherog mentioned, Citadel of Pain and All Stars Take on the Megadungeon are our two Pathfinder Role Playing Game adventures out. We do have another adventure releasing this weekend as part of Free RPG Day! We also offer the Mega-dungeon, Gaming Paper rolls, Gaming Paper singles, and even a line (3 styles - Dork Tower, Stan!, and Cthulhu) of wrapping paper. This is our 5th Kickstarter. All have been successful and all have been fulfilled...except for the most recent. It is printed and ready to ship, but cannot be distributed until after Free RPG Day (this Saturday). So, Slavers of the Secret Garden ships on Monday. Thanks for the question! ![]()
![]() Erik Bauer from Gaming Paper here! We have a new Kickstarter (well it's not totally new...it is about 12 days old and has only 8 days left. It is an amazing high level Pathfinder Role Playing Game adventure written by John Ling, maps by Lazz, and artwork by Joel Biske and Jude Beers. Please take a look and consider giving us your support! You can read all about it right here: http://kck.st/Mh7CtX Now a word from the author John Ling! Erik wanted a post from the author, but frankly… he’s an idiot, barely capable of stringing together words into a coherent sentence, let alone making a paragraph. And so, for your benefit, I’ve used one of my spell slots to get that fool out of the way for a while. Please, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Leander d’Arstond. I’m a supremely intelligent wizard who had the audacity to sacrifice some clerics of the Sun God and fracture my phylactery into four pieces. Don’t worry — I’ll avoid too many big words so as not to confuse you mere mortals. I’m about as evil as they come, one bad ass dude as you might say in your vernacular. I rip the tags off mattresses and laugh about it! With introductions out of the way, allow me a moment to convince you not to buy this little product. You would need to be a fool to invest even a simple six gold coins in this endeavor. I understand that Top Ten lists are popular among dwellers of your particular Material Plane, and so I’ll debase myself this one time to give you the Top Ten Reasons Not to Buy This Product. 10. Ling is an idiot. He and Bauer agreed to make this little soirée on the planes between 24,000 and 26,000 words. The moron instead wrote 34,000 words! If the man (I use the term loosely) can’t even hit a simple target, how do you expect him to produce quality? 9. For his part, Bauer has issues, too. His writer blew word count, and he didn’t assert breach of contract? And he’s going to publish the extra words? And not charge more for it? These are the sort of business decisions that make me weep. 8. Need more proof Bauer has no business sense? The man hired Lou Agresta to write an adventure. Seriously, he must have been desperate. I can promise you, dear reader, that Rone Barton wrote the good parts of that debacle, and he still weeps at the prospect of having to share the title page with Agresta. 7. Clearly, Ling and Bauer are boring, too. Want evidence? Nobody has even sniffed at the pledge level to have dinner with them at this thing called GenCon — whatever that is. Smart, dear readers. Very smart. Ling would probably just sit there and drool on his plate, and Bauer, no doubt, will regale you with boring tales about his characters. The fact that you could run up a 500 gold coin tab at one of the finest restaurants in downtown Indianapolis is clearly not enough to make that experience worthwhile! 6. Gaming Paper? Seriously, have you ever looked at what it is? It’s wrapping paper, with lines drawn on it. What sort of flagship product is that? It’s not like it’s super-convenient or anything. I mean, you have to rip it or cut it. What’s wrong with a little water, a rag, and some elbow grease to clean off a vinyl mat? 5. I have a highly skilled assassin strike team at my beck and call. Ling thinks the best use for that team is to send them after your PCs, with detailed instructions on how to kill them — and why killing them isn’t a big deal! But just understand… this is my strike team. I could opt to send them after you, instead, if you think traveling to the planes is a good idea. 4. Just so you understand Ling’s lack of writing skill… Assassin strike team aside, there’s a good chance your PCs will DIE while trying to track me down. Where’s the fun in that? Then you have to listen to them whine and cry while they make new characters, and they’ll likely blame you for it! I mean, I’ve had centuries to prepare for their PCs. Hell, one whole room of my lair is covered in glyphs and symbols. How do you think your PCs will survive that? Undead minions (including blood urchins, something you’ve probably never even heard of since it’s my very own creation!), constructs, fire giants, airship pirates, an advanced aboleth sorcerer, an angry and territorial crag linnorn, rock trolls, oozes, devils, demons, angels. I have so many minions — some of whom don’t even know they’re my minions — your players don’t stand a chance. 3. More proof that Ling’s writing is terrible? Bauer needs to hide it by doing things such as including color artwork, six full page maps by Rob Lazzeretti — the only talented person Bauer hired for this catastrophe — and a slew of black and white art. Clearly, Bauer is looking to take your attention away from the fiasco that is Ling’s writing. 2. Back to Bauer’s business sense… have you looked at some of the rewards? He’s practically giving away his only decent product: All Stars Take on the Mega Dungeon. What a terrible business decision, giving away perfectly good product just to get suckers to buy the balderdash Ling is writing. And since your players are angry with you for killing their characters, you’ll have nobody with whom to play All Stars. Save your money! And the Number One Reason not to purchase this product? 1. Seriously, how many times do I need to say it? Ling is an idiot who couldn’t write his way out of a wet paper bag, even if you ripped a hole in it to get him started. The dude thinks magical chamber pots are a good idea! Run, good reader. Run! Take your money somewhere else. There’s no need for you to purchase this obvious failure of a product. You don’t need the 34,000 words, the planar travel, the devious traps, the precious rewards, the glorious maps from Lazz, the color artwork. The fact that my unlife is at risk if your gaming group gets this has absolutely nothing at all to do with this suggestion, either. Speaking of suggestion, don’t make me break out more spells in order to convince you! Run! Go outside and play or something. I think while I have Ling under my control for a little while longer, I’ll take advantage of it. My lair needs cleaning… Just in case your PCs show up anyway, I need to get rid of the cobwebs. Sincerely, Leander d’Arstond Evil Mastermind http://kck.st/Mh7CtX ![]()
![]() I am playing and we just met Grigori. I am playing a halfling rogue and I am the spymaster. I dressed up (disguise) as a kid, approached a couple of the other local kids, and explained to them that Grigori needed some help fleecing his audience. Anything they were able to pickpocket during the performance he would split with them 50/50. During his next speech one of them was caught and confessed to the arrangement. During the speech I was pickpocketing a couple of the other audience members. Of course, when the guard arrived they found several of the stolen belt pouches on Grigori's person. The crowd wanted his head. We banished him in exchange for information. I hope he doesn't show up again. ![]()
![]() StanC wrote:
Uploaded now! Apologies for the wait. We had a hiccup with uploader. The amazing Paizo staff assisted us with a fix and bam! It's up. 100% more bookmarks and separated into two smaller files. Thanks for the patience. Erik ![]()
![]() Whizbang Dustyboots wrote: Does this adventure pack require the Mega Dungeon product? And is Monte's adventure, by chance, set in Ptolus? (It sounds like it's set beneath the city's necropolis.) It does not require the Map Pack. Although I recommend it for added coolness, of course. Monte's adventure is, in fact, set in Ptolus. Thanks for the question. ![]()
![]() I am excited to announce that Monte Cook (one of the contributors to this collection of adventures) was interviewed by MTV! Yep, that MTV. Monte is hanging out with the cool kids. Well, he mentioned All Stars Take on the Mega Dungeon! Thanks Monte and congratulations. Check it out: http://geek-news.mtv.com/2011/09/06/dragoncon-2011-spotlight-on-rpg-legend- monte-cook/ Thanks
![]() Louis Agresta wrote:
Yes! It should change to available VERY soon. ![]()
![]() Alephtau wrote: Will Citadel of Pain ever be put out in stores? Or can we only ever get it in PDF? Me personally i will probably never get the PDF, but would purchase the print version. Yes! It is available at game stores now. Paizo will have a restock in the few days as well. Thanks for your question and your support! ![]()
![]() DM - When we were play testing I went with the unwavering ironclad mindset that those were really only meant to be used a currency. ONLY as currency. I broke my own rule way too early when I was near deaths door...the results were disgusting, hilarious, and are still talked about around the table every time we play. I lived. ![]()
![]() Hi all, been following the posts here. Can someone please describe what you are looking for with regard to "bookmark"? I want to make sure you get what you want. In talking to my layout and design guy, he is wondering if you mean bookmark links from the table of contents? Or, is this some other kind of bookmark. Let me know! I am interested in making this the best product possible. ![]()
![]() It was a blast being on your show with all the legends Rone. I cannot wait to get your adventure out. Art is wrapping up. Just layout and printing to go. For the anthology, Steven and Monte's adventures are going through editing now. Brian and Ed's will head that way in about a week. So pushing for an August Gencon release (and super signing as mentioned in Atomic Array 55). |