
Thanatos's page

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yup thats a problem. well for my 2 cents i guess i'll take a Dm's side first, DM's want their players to have fun of course so if he sees that your enjoying it more with the Problematic NPC chances are he or she will just turn a blind eye to the problems and justify it as " they enjoy it so no biggie" however as my peers hav said, if you bring it up and address your concerns any good DM will carefully weigh the problem and solve it. Or If this was my problem as DM I'd have the NPC give players totaly false info that seems to be the most obvious solution. lead em into a dragons den even once cause of bad info and they should get the message that the NPC isnot a god of intel and can be fatally wrong.

Http://trce.proboards.com The Blue Flame Citadel

Wow finally a topic i can relate to. Nice XD. I'm totally in concurrance here, but as a general idea it seems to come down to age and teaching, older players like myself do tend to like the RPing aspect far more and do weigh in with the hammers on that ideal i know i do younger players are more of a kick in the door style just in iot for the ctance to cut stuff down with a great sword or spell. however the DM you play under seems to be just as big I'm both a DM and Player and yeah i do like to RP a lot but when i start teaching rookies how to play i try to be fair and let them decide how they wish to play, on the same note i alternate and have run many very popular storie and RP based campeigns with little combat at all. i don't abandon combat but find that most of my Players and myself Favor good Rp chances leading up to that big boos style rumble at the end. this is a hot topic on my forum site as well.
Http://trce.proboards25.com The Blue flame citadel baby.