Tulrin Endessell

Thalasi's page

225 posts. Alias of JASON RODARTE.


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I an gyessing we are done?

Yes, there is an add on to take attendance but nothing really good to do break outs.

Bander Drunkensquirrel wrote:

Are you face to face or online?

I am working to figure out how to do things online.

I usually use the Google classroom and google suite.

Rigjt now it is 9nline.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Got my teaching schedule for the year:

1st: Psychology
2nd: World History
3rd: Psychology
4th World History
5th: English 12 (British Lit)
7th: Latin I and II

I sold my prep for the 5th class because of a hiring freeze that the District has imposed and I have never thought it was fair for students to begin school with a sub.

That sounds like a deal.

Apparently they are going to want teachers on campus even for remote learning. My sxhool is almost 2k srudents with.about 200 faculty.

Schools are set to open with online classes in August untol day after Labor Day, then a hybrid model.

Restuarants in NM were not enforxing masks either were grocery stores.

hope every one is well

still here

Sorry, been cleaning and rearranging my room at home, need to get rid of old carpet and get tile installed. We have no idea how the school year will start.


are we done?

The white robe follows, not joining into the conversation as he is in deep thought about these dragon men.

the elf nods.

I felt well enough to work on my desktop as opposed to my phone.

it has been 3 weeks s8nce the draconian fight, can we please advance the story?

But wouldn't the map from the 3.5 version also be official? Or the 3.5 CS?

We should be off the elf recommends We have no way to know if there are more of those things out there

I think it depends on what edition of the game and which source you are using.

the bubbke has yet to dissolve so we still dont onow if th3 ussur has been s9lves. hopefullu next Fridsy will be a good day.

Margaret Weis Prosuxtions came our with several Tasshwlhoff's MAp packs.

the elf says nothing as he followa the group

just a reminder that I have my surgery tomorrow

We should take the coin and anything else that we might be able to use or replenish our supplies. The rest we should hide.

I like the original origins of the draconians.

Iirc there are special weapons which do not.

The elf begins to think about the implications of what all of this means.


It depends on what the surgeon says. If it is like last time I can look down and do things because my head has to be down with the air or gas bubble.

The procedure isn't bad but 8t 8s having to keep face down for a week that is awful.

The elf looks on/

Thank you.

Si. Next Friday

Looks like another surgery

This creature serves a goddess just as powerful if not more so than the bison of heaven and is something not seen before 9n Ansalon

The missing constellations. the Dragon Queen has returned with her shrieking hosts the elf says.

Know religion 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

would I need to make a know religion check?

The elf will cast detect magic on the dragon men's equipment

He will take a mental note and try to figure things out from his own trainig.

Know arcana 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

what kind of check do I need to figure it out

he shakes his head in the negative to the kender's query.

I'm still waiting for my lightenibg bolt to resolve.

The elf will move 25 ft down in between the kwnder and the minotuar and the kender and will pull out a little copper rod and a bit 9f rabbit fur. Running the fur onto the rod he begins to chant Ast tnibthisb psrmus as a bolt of lightning emerges from his outstretched hand

DC 19 REFLEX is Solinari is in proper position

6d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5) = 24 if i cast at +1 level 5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 1, 6) = 19 if not

Overcome sr 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 24 the +1 is if he is a +1 to caster level.


are the brown draconians stone?

which 4 are left?

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