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RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. 333 posts (726 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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One thing I'm noticing in my playtesting as an air kineticist is that I'm forcing enemies to do move actions rather than steps, which is great. The aura, flinging updraft, and boomerang's damage on the next turn (depending on GM: is the boomerang noticeably whirling back so even animals know its coming? Or is it subtle so even high intelligence enemies only know after they've seen it?) all combine to force enemies to use that move action, which the other party members with AoO love (have a fighter and a stand still monk).

However, my poor kineticist is in melee with no reaction other than feather fall - which is a great reaction to have and has been very useful out of combat! But its not a combat reaction, so I'm usually not using one.

I know one of the directions being considered for the kineticist is "more martial" - if that is the direction taken, I think an AoO type ability, with a rider attached for each element, would be really cool and a good increase in the class's combat potential.

It would also just increase the number of actions that kineticists take overall: right now with gather elements being a "dead" action after an overflow, and there being 2 and 3 action impulses, this would give the player a bit more to do.

Does stone shield require taking shield block from a general feat or some other source before the reaction part of the impulse can be used?

"The weapon must be a one-handed simple or martial weapon."

Do bows count as one-handed? These rules:

Say how to use 1+ weapons, but not whether they count as one handed, two handed, or are their own group.

The rest of the ability mentions ranged weapons and ammunition, but otherwise the Hand Crossbow and Air Repeater seem to be the only valid weapons?

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As title. Manipulate making everything the class can do except elemental weapon, including the base melee attack actions, provoke feels bad. I know that AoO's are fairly rare on enemies, and there are options for casters to shut down enemy reactions, but it just seems unnecessary and unfun to have a class where almost everything provokes.

So, make it so that only the really big moves do it.

Side note: Fire's movement ability which prevents reactions to movement from the movement itself... provokes an AoO if done next to an enemy.

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With the wonderful clarifications coming in, I've gathered the Powered Armor questions I can find into one post. Please hit the FAQ button or add any other questions!

1) (CRB) How does Powered Armor interact with modifications to movement speed? Does Haste increase its speed? Slow? What about Levitate, fly, etc? The Rapid Response power from the Blitz fighting style?
There was some discussion of this here:

2) (CRB) Do armor mods on light armor worn underneath Powered Armor (such as jet packs) have any effect? Do Augmentations on a person wearing Powered Armor (such as force soles or a wyrm gland) have any effect? What about hand based powers considering that medium armor allows the use of the characters arms?

3) (Armory) Can Powered Armors be bought in upgraded form, or must they be upgraded level by level from their initial form? For example, can a Level 7 Battle Harness be bought for 3450 * (1.5)^2 = 7763 credits? Or must it be sequentially upgraded: 3450 + 3450*1.5 + 3450*1.5^2 = 16388 credits. I note that the former number is comparable to level 7 armors while the latter is comparable to level 9+ armors (and it gets worse).
There was some discussion of this here:

4) (CRB) How does the listed Damage on an unarmed attack interact with abilities such as Hammer Fist or Improved Unarmed Strike or a held shield making an unarmed strike? Does the character have the choice to use the best option? Are Powered Armor Unarmed Strikes archaic?

With some investment, Bull Rushing can be an extremely effective way to deal damage and support allies.

This hinges on the Soldier, Armor Storm Style, 9th Level ability Smash Through:

While you are wearing heavy armor or powered armor, you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls to perform a bull rush combat maneuver (see page 246). If you successfully push the target back 10 feet or more, you can also damage the target with an unarmed attack (and can use your hammer fist ability when doing so).

Now add:

Feat: Improved Combat Maneuver (Bull Rush): +4 to Bull Rush

Gear Boost: Massive Momentum: +5 to Bull Rush while wielding an unwieldy weapon.

Armor Mod: Juggernaut Boosters: When you move at least 20 feet toward the target before attempting a bull rush combat maneuver, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check, and if the attack hits, you can move the target an additional 5 feet.

Bonus Points: circumstances that lower the target's AC.

For more mobility: Take Blitz as a secondary style, allowing at level 13 the character to charge as a standard action at no penalty and bull rush at the end.

All combined, if you move 20 feet before the attempt: The Bull Rush attempt is at +15 and the target is moved an additional 5 feet. Because of this, as long as the check is successful you always deal Hammer Fist Damage. The target also provokes an attack of opportunity from you (probably again with Hammer Fist as you are wielding an unwieldy weapon) and from any allies along the path of movement.

Effectively: Attack at +7 over normal. On a hit, do Hammer Fist damage and then another normal melee attack at full bonus, and melee allies get an extra attack.

This is in addition to the benefits of moving enemies: you can protect ranged allies from melee enemies by swatting those enemies away, push the enemies off cliff/into acid vats, or just mess with their heads.

Hi everyone,

My players have just hit level 13, and the Paladin wants to add Greater Angelic Aspect to her armor. She took the craft magical arms and armor a while back (and has the +2 CL trait to help), and I suspect the main reason was to be able to add this. The rest of the party didn't object to crafting, of course :P.

My calculation of the cost would be:
4th level spell * CL 10 (lowest CL, though hers is 12)*2000gp*2(its a 1min/lvl spell) + 16,000*1.5 (she has +4 armor and it is the lower cost thing, so it gets the 50% added on) = 184000 GP

If she makes it Paladin specific (which is thematically good imo) then it goes down to 128,800 GP.

I've approximated that in the 4 months of down time it will take to craft this, the players will go up 2 levels, so at that point it would be roughly half of her WBL. A quarter if I let her get away with paying 1/2 total price (if I do I'm totally throwing in a side quest of helping an Angelic being as part of this... hmm perhaps in that case I'll let it help her to craft it to speed things up).

I think this price is appropriate for a buff of this magnitude, but this is the first time I've GM'd a game up through these levels. Its also Paladin specific, and I expect it will help her keep up with the party casters (wizard and druid).

I would really appreciate the opinions of people who have played these levels about whether this sounds fair/fun.


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The new magus archetype from the Familiar Folio has an ability that reads:


Familiar Spellstrike (Su)

At 11th level, whenever a beastblade's familiar successfully delivers a touch spell against a creature the magus threatens, the target provokes an attack of opportunity from the magus.

This ability replaces improved spell recall.


What exactly constitutes "delivers a touch spell"? In particular, does a full attacking familiar with more than 1 attack, using frostbite, deliver multiple touch spells per round, thus allowing for more than 1 attack of opportunity?

If so, the class allows a decent way of getting 3+ extra attacks per round for a character with combat reflexes at level 11. And it requires no actions on the part of the character, as the familiar can even cast frostbite on itself.


Hi everybody,

I've put together a Ranger thats supposed to be a flexible generalist - a ranged, melee, or mounted threat. I'm worried that its just going to be kind of 'meh' at all three however. Do you think its ok? Suggestions?

Half-Elf Ranger:
Str: 16+2
Con: 12
Dex: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 14
Cha: 8

SF: Stealth
1: Power Attack
2 (Combat style): Rapid Shot
3: Mounted Combat
4: Animal Companion: Horse
5: Ride by attack
6 (combat style): Many Shot or Improved precise shot
7: Spirited Charge

Battle strategy: flexible. Arrows for range or ambush - from horseback if I can bring the horse there. Greatsword in melee, lance for charges.
Each combat style is missing feats though - is it just going to be bad with all 3?

I may want to go human, drop SF stealth and pick up boon companion (reshuffle a bit so its at the right place). But I do like the low light vision, +2 perception, and +3 stealth - makes for a good scout who can ambush.

Hello wise and gentle pathfinders!

I was wondering what the lowest level is that a PC can regularly bring their companions back to life. So far I think it is 7th: a druid can get Reincarnate at that level, though it changes the recipient's race. A Paladin can get Raise Dead at 7th using Ultimate Mercy if they are built for it (and a Cleric gets restoration then, so at 7th the party can deal with the permanent negative levels).

Any methods I'm missing? In particular, the Paladin can get down to level 5 if I'm missing items to give more Lay on Hands charges at once. Actually, with feat retraining they can do level 5.

I'm building a Bladebound Magus and am wondering whether anyone who has played one has had problems with the size of its pool? 1 at 3, 2 at 5, 3 at 9. It seems a pity that its abilities can only be used once or twice a day.

Would an analogous feat to Extra Arcane Pool be balanced? That is, I take the feat and the blade gains 2 points in its pool.

My current thoughts on the build, if anyone wants to give advice I would welcome it:


@ Level 1
Human Magus (Bladebound)

Str: 16 + 2
Con: 14
Dex: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 10

Feats: Arcane Strike, Extra Arcane Pool
Favored Class Bonus: Hp

Traits: Lineage shocking grasp? eh, Perception
Skills: 5/level
Knowledge(arcana), Ride, Perception, Spellcraft, Swim

Spells: 3 cantrip types each day, unlimited
5 first level spells, 2 per day: shield, infernal healing, vanish, shocking grasp, true strike

Arcane Pool: 5
As a swift action, give weapon +1 enhancement for 1 point. Lasts 1 minute

Equipment: Chain Shirt (+4 AC, -2 ACP), Scimitar (d6, 18-20x2), Sling (d4, x2, dex for attack, str for damage) + 30 bullets: 115 gp, 3 sp
Remaining spent on various adventuring gear (24.7)

HP: 11
Saves: 4/2/1
AC: 15
Attack: +4/5
+6/7/8 damage (always two hands on, see

Feat/Arcana selection

1: Arcane Strike
1: Extra Arcane Pool
3: Extra Arcane Pool (blackblade?)
5: Spell Penetration
5: Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
6: Arcana: Empowered Magic
7: Intensify Spell
9: Toughness
9: Arcana: Ghost Blade
11: Improved Critical
11: Greater Spell Penetration
12: Arcana: Maximized Magic

If a two-handed fighter uses a Whirlwind Attack (with a two-handed weapon of course), does Backswing apply on targets after the first? RAW I think so, as Whirlwind Attack specifically is activated when using a full-attack action, and Backswing applies on full-attacks. And it would be a nice damage boost.

Here are the text of the two abilities for reference:

Whirlwind Attack


You can strike out at every foe within reach.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: When you use the full-attack action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.

When you use the Whirlwind Attack feat, you also forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities.



Backswing (Ex)

At 7th level, when a two-handed fighter makes a full-attack with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls for all attacks after the first.

This ability replaces Armor Training 2.

Hi! I'm building a switch hitter ranger and am looking for advice on feats.

Character background: Half elf (with the drow racial traits) grew up in a village in hills that border entrances to the underdark. Drow raids were frequent, as was persecution by most humans due to his/her appearance. One particularly harsh winter most of his village was slaughtered. He/she was left for dead, but the spirits took pity on him/her and led him to a sheltered cave. This became his/her home for the next few years as he learned how to survive alone, stalking raiding parties and bandits alike.

Race: Half-Elf
Drow-Descended - has the Drow-Blooded and Drow Magic alternate racial traits
Class: Ranger - Spirit Ranger Archetype (Archery combat style)
Traits: Magical Knack (Ranger), Highlander (+1 Stealth, +2 in hills/mountains)

Stats: (20 pt build)
Str: 16+2
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 14
Cha: 8

Weapon: longbow/greatsword

First favored terrain is hills/mountains and first favored enemy is either humans or elves (or split +1/+1 if the GM will allow it, but probably not).

1: Toughness OR Exile's Path OR Arcane strike?
2: Rapid Shot
3: Power Attack
5: Deadly Aim
6: Many Shot
7: Vital Strike
10: Improved Precise Shot
11: Improved Vital Strike
14: Pinpoint Targeting
17: Greater Vital Strike

I'm unsure about the first level feat - right now I'm leaning towards toughness, but I absolutely love the flavor and ability of Exile's path. Arcane strike is done at CL because of the drow spell like abilities, but is only +1 at first level - should I wait until later?

The holes at 9,13,15 are where improved critical, critical focus, and blinding critical would go, but I don't like them very much. A keen weapon is only +1, and replaces improved critical feat entirely. And a weapon with a higher critical range has less damage dice, which lowers the utility of lead blades/vital strike combo.

The only things I really don't want to change are the archetype and alternate racial traits, as they fit into the backstory. Are there any feats that go really well with the spirit ranger's spontaneous spells?

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Hi everyone! I've thrown together a prestige class based on the Dragon Disciple, only based on the Orcish bloodline. I did some searches and surprisingly didn't find anything, so I hope people enjoy. I'm not currently sure about the order of abilities for the touch of rage enhancements, or whether the level 10 ability is enough of a capstone to entice people to stick all the way through. Also I have no idea if this would be grossly overpowered (with bloodline gives +10 str, but then again DD with crossblooded orc does the same thing). Actually, I think it would be. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!

True Warlord

Your arcane powers mix with your boiling blood, creating a force not seen for millennia. The power that drove warlords of ages past now rages through your blood... will you use it to preserve or to conquer?

Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks

Power: Must be able to Rage as a Barbarian.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells without preparation. If the character has sorcerer levels, he must have the orcish bloodline. If the character gains levels of sorcerer after taking this class, he must take the orcish bloodline.

Class abilities:
Class skills: ?
Skill ranks: 2 + int
Hit dice: d12

BAB: 7/10
Spells: 7/10
FRW saves: strong weak strong
See Dragon Disciple for the exact progressions.

Abilities by level:
1: Warlord's Blood
2: Bloodline Feat, +2 Str, Simmering Rage
3: Rage Power
4: Boiling Rage, +2 Str
5: Bloodline Feat, Battle Armor
6: Rage Power, +2 Con
7: Overflowing Rage
8: Bloodline Feat, +2 Cha
9: Rage Power
10: Giant Form, Improved Battle Armor

Warlord's Blood: Your true warlord level stacks with any sorcerer levels to determine the level of your orcish bloodline. Bonus spells may only be cast if the character can cast spells of that level. It also stacks with your barbarian for determining what level rage powers may be selected. It does not add to rounds of rage.

Simmering Rage: Your touch of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to (half of your True Warlord level) + 1.

Rage Power: Gains a new Rage Power, as the Barbarian ability.

Boiling Rage: Touch of Rage can be done an additional number of times per day equal to your True Warlord level.

Battle Armor: Your arcane spell failure chance in armor is reduced by 15% (no action required). At 10th level this ability improves to 25%. You may retrain Arcane Armor Training and/or Arcane Armor Mastery to other feats you qualify for at either level 5 or 10.

Overflowing Rage: Your touch of rage affects every target you choose within 60 feet.

Giant Form: You gain the Power of Giants bloodline ability if you did not already have it. If you do, you may choose to become huge instead of large, gaining a bonus of +8,+6,+6 to Strength, Constitution, and natural armor bonus, respectively. Note that huge creatures have a reach of 15', 15'-30' with a reach weapon.

I'm making up a 4th level human fey sorcerer and am looking for a little advice - particularly whether this is combat viable within a party. Are there any great feats I'm missing for taking 3 spell focus's? At 5th level I'm planning on taking augmented summoning and learning summon monster 2, and I get Hideous laughter for single target lockdown. Get Haste at 6th for buffing and switch sleep for hypnotism?

Sorcerer: Fey Level:4
Int:13 This is for skills and maybe spell specialization?

Favored Class: hp/hp/hp/spell
Feats: 1) Spell focus and greater: Enchantment
3) Spell focus: Conjuration
Traits: Conspiracy Hunter (Perception), World traveveler (Diplomacy)
Weapons: Crossbow :)
Spells Per Day:inf/8/4
Spells Known: 6/3+1/1
0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Light, Mage Hand, Message
1: Sleep (dc 20), Entangle (dc 17)(3rd), Charm Person (dc18), Memory Lapse (dc 18)
2: Glitterdust (dc 18)

Hello! I'm starting a new pathfinder campaign after not playing for a while. One of my players wants to be a wizard, the other a sorcerer (5 person party). I'm looking at the spell progression of the sorcerer and it seems really gimped compared to a specialist wizard - spells a level later, barely more spells per day... do you think the sorcerer will overshadow the wizard if I change the spell progression and spells known by 1 level? Ie a 1st level sorcerer uses the lvl 2 row of the table.

Thanks very much for the advice!