Axe Lord

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Had the thought that Pathfinder might be a fun system to run a western themed game in. Like a game built around a cattle drive maybe. There's already some western themes in certain parts of the world and fluff. Anyone know of any adventure paths or modules with a western vibe?

The abilities all seemed to be on the right track, but then I got to the specializations.

Warlock seems like it was made with the Shadow in mind. Stealthy spell casting with shadowdancer-like abilities. But none of it seems to be usable enough. To many spells fighting over the incredibly limited slots available, and living shadow is limited to once a day. On top of it I'm stuck with a spell book.

I'm happy the folks at Paizo seem to be fans of Batman's daddy, but a bit disappointed too.

So i just noticed that the FAQ disagrees with itself on if a two handed weapon gets the bonus damage from power attack if you are using it in one hand.

This says you do:

This says you don't:


Has anyone in your group ever made you question why you play the game?

One of the players in our group had been having character troubles for a few session. In our last session, after a trying moment of RP, they walked away from the table. We ask the player to come back and they responded that their character wasn't there anymore. We were all stunned and ask what they meant. All the player would say was that their character wasn't there in the morning when the other characters woke up.

Eventualy I got mad and yelled at the player until they came back and told us there was a note in the room they shared with another character. The player gave us 5 seconds of what the note said and walked off again.

The player had just completely abandoned the other players, the game, the narative, and hadn't wanted to even give the rest of the table something to work with. They weren't happy with the character they had made, so they abandoned us after months of weekly gaming sessions.

What really bothered me though, was the remaining players. They acted like we must have done something wrong. They were angry with me for forcing the player to give us closure. No one was mad but me for having been left in the lurch, but I realized they would have been if I had done it. I was the bad guy for being mad about being abandoned, and I still would have been the bad guy if I had done the abandoning.

It's a moment that has made me question why I even bother playing.