VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
We could base our number attacks off of dex and that would make sense, but would require more work to calculate. Everything is easier if we just give a bonus based on dex and envision multiple attacks. Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't make it untrue. The fact is you do not need much strength to kill someone, and someone who is agile is able to land a blow in just the right place much easier then someone who is strong and clumsy.
You are talking about multiple things there. Yes, you can land a blow in just the right place. That is called a critical hit in pathfinder. Making it easier to get crits is uaully the tactic dex based fighters take anyways. It's why most of the weapons that you would bother finessing have a good crit range and you can take improved crit. Improved crit represents your character putting in the effort to get good at hitting in just the right place.
VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
If I get a knife in your back, I can twist it. You don't have that kind of control over a great axe. With a knife I can aim for more vital areas easier as it is light and small. Swinging a big axe you don't aim for small targets, you are just trying to hit the bastard. I think the problem lies with lack of imagination on your part.
I don't seem to be the one with a lack of imagination here. Assuming that a knife is better than an axe because you can twist it means you haven't consider the rouge snuck up and hit them in the neck with the axe. You do that right and the axe is just going to take off their head. Either way the person is dead, but the axe definately did more damage.
VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
No, I am not talking about death attacks. I am talking about hitting windpipes, and groins. Using a clumsy great axe makes that much much harder to do.
Again, those are called a critical hit. You obviously are talking about death attack since you used the example of twisting a knife in someones back and that's about the most on the nose example of a death attack as possible.
VegasHoneyBadger wrote:
I am guessing you don't watch much martial arts. Find an 80 year old that has studied and ask him whether or not he need strength to hurt you
Now you are talking about spending a lifetime of training to master the art of disabling people with minimal to no weapons. That's called a monk in this game. It's a totally different idea than sneaking up on someone and sticking a knife in their back. I think you may need to watch a few more martial arts movies yourself, as most of the heros from that tend to be ripped. They aren't built like body builders, but no one who actually fights as their living is. Go google "Bruce Leee Shirtless," or "Jackie Chan shirtless." Those are not the bodies of a low strength characters.