Terrorforge's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Also there are several references to preparing spells even though Inquisitors are spontaneous spellcasters. The description for Piercing Spell advises you to "have it prepared upon a spell" and a bunch of spells including but not limited to Animal Purpose Training, Bless Water and Know the Enemy talk about whether or not they're worth having prepared.

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In the Devastator section, under Improved Devastating Strike you write:
"You're starting to drop your crit confirmation range to 16-20 without any other helpers."
Which I can only interpret as "this feat lets you threaten a crit on 16 or up" and I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. Surely "you gain a bonus on attack rolls to confirm a critical hit" means "you get +X on the second roll against AC to confirm the crit" not "your critical threat range expands by X."

Selsenay wrote:
Matthew Shelton wrote:

Curious now: the name "Arcanist"

what pronounciation do you use?

(a) arr CAN ist

(b) arr CANE ist

(c) ARR can ist

I've never had to say it out loud. Mentally I began with version B but at some point without noticing I've starting using version C and it's stayed that way.

It is definitely objectively b) arr CANE ist. Just about every online dictionary and pronunciation guide says so.

That's not how language works.