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We began back in June or July and finished last weekend, though our weekends all became complicated and it took us I think 2 months just to get the last 2 gaming sessions done. We had 4 players and I DM'd. The players were:
It was our first game with Pathfinder rules. I updated the adventure before each book. We started off with just the core rule book and added the APG after it came out. In general the party (with 3 of the 4 players being very smart, strategic, long time D&D players) didn't have too many problems, Pathfinder characters being noticeably stronger than 3.5 characters. But with the small group I didn't want to make it a difficult campaign and basically ran the campaign as is (small tweaks here and there--besides updating of course) Overall we all had a great time. Comments on:
First scene of play, the party is convinced that Dashki is a red herring and doesn't pay any attention to his mention of pugwampis. Instead they are suspicious of Father Zastoran who I played as being quite sexist (and 3 of the characters were female). Immediately I had to do some DM'ing as the group decided not to go looking for the lost goat and instead head for the monastery the next day. I really didn't want them to go there without having the the foreshadowing of fighting pugwampis and so I had another goat taken the next night which got things back on track. The party is scouting out the monastery from the outside, are convinced that the statues in one small room are gargoyles but discover stirges instead. The Ranger gets a stirge in the neck and almost bleeds out, which was apparently foreshadowing the fairly regular occurring feature of that character almost dieing. For multiple reasons I knew that Tempest would be most useful to the Fighter in the group. However, our fighter specialized in the bladed scarf which I just could not bring myself to claim was also used by one of the templars of the 5 winds, hahaha. So, instead of finding Tempest, I had the lingering power from the Moldspeaker (which happened to the fighter without me even having to cheat) infuse her current bladed scarf with the power of Tempest. Worked out very well. The Moldspeaker idea was very neat and the player did a great job of roleplaying it, at first worrying the rest of the group with symptoms of a split personality. The player even took 1 level of Sorcerer to reflect this more and took Enlarge Person as one of the spells since Jann have that. Very funny moment when after realizing that Dashki was missing, the group goes looking for him, following the trail which vanishes in the middle of a sandy area. The cleric quickly believes that Dashki buried something there and tried to erase the markings and so starts digging in the sand, literally digging towards the mouth of the dust digger which promptly swallows him whole! The rest of the party killed it and he managed to just barely get out alive. He was quite paranoid for a while after that. Epic fight at the Battle Market and we were all sure that the fighter was going to die since she got separated in the fight, she ended up on the second floor while the rest of the party was still on the first with Khardswann in between. Book 2 This adventure went pretty fast and straight forward. The group partnered with the trogs to get to the Carrion King. The Carrion King was a glass cannon. The worst thing that happened was that I had him use that disfiguring attack first on the fighter (the character was a belly dancer using a bladed scarf and who's second highest stat was in charisma), I hit and did 7 Cha damage, thinking it didn't really matter except that I forgot that character had a level of Sorcerer now and so couldn't use those spells until that damage was healed. Other than that, the scariest fight for the PCs was outside against two of the gnoll guards riding on the dire hyenas. The PCs ignored the mounts at first and paid for it with continual trip attacks. After that, those hyenadons were always the first things killed! ha Zayafid, who party quickly despised, escaped. Book 3 Zayafid quickly returns leading the attack in the desert while the PCs travel to Katapesh. The cleric really didn't like that this guy had escaped and had prepared every day since Zayafid fled both Invisibility Purge and Dimensional Anchor. haha He didn't get away again. Dinner party scene as is felt forced, but as I had the NPCs keep approaching the PCs, the PCs wanted to know how the NPCs had found out they had the scroll, and so Rayhan suggested the dinner and that worked out well. We had a little bit of trouble, when the PCs (led by the cleric) decided that the bad guys must need Rayhan alive to open the scroll (you know what they say about assuming) and so replied to the kidnap letter with a taunt...which killed Rayhan and displeased Sarenrae greatly. No other problems in the adventure, they got Rayhans body and raised him (I stressed that he was old and wouldn't normally have wanted to come back but he was too eager to try to open the scroll not to), he eventually opens the scroll and I decided that the energy from the broken scroll shatters and destroyed Rayhan, the group felt pretty bad about that. Oh, one issue with the AP which I had known going in. By book 3 there were some hints that the scroll contained Jhavul. In a normal campaign, the players would not have opened the scroll at all. But, they knew it was a key part of the AP and so they played along and let their character curiosity take them into it. Which of course they see Jhavul leave and just shook their heads. Book 4
I changed the background a lot in this adventure. The author, Jason Nelson, was nice enough to email people copies of his uncut original draft which was significantly different in parts than the published version. I went with a sort of in between version, having the earth genies brought in to stabilize the plane and not part of Jhavul's army. Our Ranger (who is played by a young man without much D&D experience) seemed to almost die a lot in this book. Generally in the same manner. Win initiative, charge bad guy, hit once, then get pummeled by full attack of monster. Rinse, repeat. The worst though was against the Golden Ram. The ram kept escaping them, so the Ranger comes up with a plan to sneak up on it and throw a tanglefoot bag. Good idea. So, they spot the ram again, he sneaks up on it, and then...proceeds to NOT follow his own plan and instead try to grapple it. Not even close, full round attacks then a trample later, only Breath of life saved him. The funniest thing about it was that there was a pattern of everyone coming up with a plan, and then the ranger would win initiative and not follow the plan, making everyone groan as they watched the fight become much harder...but this was his plan and he still didn't follow it! Well, I thought it was funny at least. Book 5 This was really the worst part of the AP. The book itself wasn't bad but NO ONE enjoyed being trapped on another plane after having immediately been trapped on another plane. Then throw in on how HUGE the place was and that it was essentially a dungeon crawl, it really messed with the pacing of the game and the party was VERY glad when this one was over. The group did some scouting, ended up in the Flickering Candle section and cleared that section out. They were making plans on how to attack the Fire Giants by the Bull pyramid when it dawned on them that there were a pile of Fire Giant heads in the Salamander room. So, they went back and brought with them the head of the Salamander and made peace with the fire giants. That saved A LOT of time! The giants escorted them right to the black jinni Imam Shabendeh and from there they went right up to the top of the citadel. They avoided lots of nasty fights because of that too, like the Div who I thought might TPK them with his rain of debris! The elf genie killer assassin guy attacked the cleric, I think, who rolled the DC exactly to avoid the death attack. Book 6
Davashuum got close to taking out the fighter (who was the moldspeaker) but the Bralani had finished off most of the flesh golems before the pcs even got there and so D fell after 2 rounds I think. The fight with the return of the Carrion King was fun but the room was really too small for the morgh's to really take advantage of the trap which heals them. The Carrion King only got one lick off on the cleric who had already cast Freedom of Movement so it did nothing. The cleric then cast wind walk and with the use of a handful of augury spells learned the fasted way to Jhavul and just whisked their way to him. I had the nightmares spot them and they managed to breath smoke on the wizard but she made the save and the party just kept flying past. Next the advanced efreeti hit a couple of them with rays of flame but they still sailed past and got to Jhavul. They used the wind walk to get to the other side of the lake before dismissing it and the battle was on. The Efreeti and fire giants came in chasing after the party but the Moldspeaker with an awakened Tempest set up a tornado (with the party and Jhavul in an eye) to keep everyone else out. The cleric and the wizard then made their rolls against Jhavul and his hit points disappeared quickly. But not before the Ranger charged him and let Jhavul hit him with a series of full attacks haha. Only some temporary hits points, stone skin (from the ram's horn) and the cleric's rebuke death kept him above 0 hps! But Jhavul only got one more good hit off before he was gone. I had decided (since we knew this was the last day of the campaign) that I was not going to have him flee, but I think he took enough damage from a maximized Dragon's breath spell that it wouldn't have mattered! And that was the end of the campaign. The end fight felt a bit anti-climatic but it was only because they had prepared well for the fight. The wind walk and ignoring eveyrone else made a huge difference. I've had to take a break from gaming for now, but this summer I'll be DMing Serpent's Skull for this same group, can't wait! Thanks go to Paizo for their work and for the great support by both Paizo, authors, and fellow gamers on these boards.
We began back in June or July and finished last weekend, though our weekends all became complicated and it took us I think 2 months just to get the last 2 gaming sessions done. We had 4 players and I DM'd. The players were:
It was our first game with Pathfinder rules. I updated the adventure before each book. We started off with just the core rule book and added the APG after it came out. In general the party (with 3 of the 4 players being very smart, strategic, long time D&D players) didn't have too many problems, Pathfinder characters being noticeably stronger than 3.5 characters. But with the small group I didn't want to make it a difficult campaign and basically ran the campaign as is (small tweaks here and there--besides updating of course) Overall we all had a great time. Comments on:
First scene of play, the party is convinced that Dashki is a red herring and doesn't pay any attention to his mention of pugwampis. Instead they are suspicious of Father Zastoran who I played as being quite sexist (and 3 of the characters were female). Immediately I had to do some DM'ing as the group decided not to go looking for the lost goat and instead head for the monastery the next day. I really didn't want them to go there without having the the foreshadowing of fighting pugwampis and so I had another goat taken the next night which got things back on track. The party is scouting out the monastery from the outside, are convinced that the statues in one small room are gargoyles but discover stirges instead. The Ranger gets a stirge in the neck and almost bleeds out, which was apparently foreshadowing the fairly regular occurring feature of that character almost dieing. For multiple reasons I knew that Tempest would be most useful to the Fighter in the group. However, our fighter specialized in the bladed scarf which I just could not bring myself to claim was also used by one of the templars of the 5 winds, hahaha. So, instead of finding Tempest, I had the lingering power from the Moldspeaker (which happened to the fighter without me even having to cheat) infuse her current bladed scarf with the power of Tempest. Worked out very well. The Moldspeaker idea was very neat and the player did a great job of roleplaying it, at first worrying the rest of the group with symptoms of a split personality. The player even took 1 level of Sorcerer to reflect this more and took Enlarge Person as one of the spells since Jann have that. Very funny moment when after realizing that Dashki was missing, the group goes looking for him, following the trail which vanishes in the middle of a sandy area. The cleric quickly believes that Dashki buried something there and tried to erase the markings and so starts digging in the sand, literally digging towards the mouth of the dust digger which promptly swallows him whole! The rest of the party killed it and he managed to just barely get out alive. He was quite paranoid for a while after that. Epic fight at the Battle Market and we were all sure that the fighter was going to die since she got separated in the fight, she ended up on the second floor while the rest of the party was still on the first with Khardswann in between. Book 2 This adventure went pretty fast and straight forward. The group partnered with the trogs to get to the Carrion King. The Carrion King was a glass cannon. The worst thing that happened was that I had him use that disfiguring attack first on the fighter (the character was a belly dancer using a bladed scarf and who's second highest stat was in charisma), I hit and did 7 Cha damage, thinking it didn't really matter except that I forgot that character had a level of Sorcerer now and so couldn't use those spells until that damage was healed. Other than that, the scariest fight for the PCs was outside against two of the gnoll guards riding on the dire hyenas. The PCs ignored the mounts at first and paid for it with continual trip attacks. After that, those hyenadons were always the first things killed! ha Zayafid, who party quickly despised, escaped. Book 3 Zayafid quickly returns leading the attack in the desert while the PCs travel to Katapesh. The cleric really didn't like that this guy had escaped and had prepared every day since Zayafid fled both Invisibility Purge and Dimensional Anchor. haha He didn't get away again. Dinner party scene as is felt forced, but as I had the NPCs keep approaching the PCs, the PCs wanted to know how the NPCs had found out they had the scroll, and so Rayhan suggested the dinner and that worked out well. We had a little bit of trouble, when the PCs (led by the cleric) decided that the bad guys must need Rayhan alive to open the scroll (you know what they say about assuming) and so replied to the kidnap letter with a taunt...which killed Rayhan and displeased Sarenrae greatly. No other problems in the adventure, they got Rayhans body and raised him (I stressed that he was old and wouldn't normally have wanted to come back but he was too eager to try to open the scroll not to), he eventually opens the scroll and I decided that the energy from the broken scroll shatters and destroyed Rayhan, the group felt pretty bad about that. Oh, one issue with the AP which I had known going in. By book 3 there were some hints that the scroll contained Jhavul. In a normal campaign, the players would not have opened the scroll at all. But, they knew it was a key part of the AP and so they played along and let their character curiosity take them into it. Which of course they see Jhavul leave and just shook their heads. Book 4
I changed the background a lot in this adventure. The author, Jason Nelson, was nice enough to email people copies of his uncut original draft which was significantly different in parts than the published version. I went with a sort of in between version, having the earth genies brought in to stabilize the plane and not part of Jhavul's army. Our Ranger (who is played by a young man without much D&D experience) seemed to almost die a lot in this book. Generally in the same manner. Win initiative, charge bad guy, hit once, then get pummeled by full attack of monster. Rinse, repeat. The worst though was against the Golden Ram. The ram kept escaping them, so the Ranger comes up with a plan to sneak up on it and throw a tanglefoot bag. Good idea. So, they spot the ram again, he sneaks up on it, and then...proceeds to NOT follow his own plan and instead try to grapple it. Not even close, full round attacks then a trample later, only Breath of life saved him. The funniest thing about it was that there was a pattern of everyone coming up with a plan, and then the ranger would win initiative and not follow the plan, making everyone groan as they watched the fight become much harder...but this was his plan and he still didn't follow it! Well, I thought it was funny at least. Book 5 This was really the worst part of the AP. The book itself wasn't bad but NO ONE enjoyed being trapped on another plane after having immediately been trapped on another plane. Then throw in on how HUGE the place was and that it was essentially a dungeon crawl, it really messed with the pacing of the game and the party was VERY glad when this one was over. The group did some scouting, ended up in the Flickering Candle section and cleared that section out. They were making plans on how to attack the Fire Giants by the Bull pyramid when it dawned on them that there were a pile of Fire Giant heads in the Salamander room. So, they went back and brought with them the head of the Salamander and made peace with the fire giants. That saved A LOT of time! The giants escorted them right to the black jinni Imam Shabendeh and from there they went right up to the top of the citadel. They avoided lots of nasty fights because of that too, like the Div who I thought might TPK them with his rain of debris! The elf genie killer assassin guy attacked the cleric, I think, who rolled the DC exactly to avoid the death attack. Book 6
Davashuum got close to taking out the fighter (who was the moldspeaker) but the Bralani had finished off most of the flesh golems before the pcs even got there and so D fell after 2 rounds I think. The fight with the return of the Carrion King was fun but the room was really too small for the morgh's to really take advantage of the trap which heals them. The Carrion King only got one lick off on the cleric who had already cast Freedom of Movement so it did nothing. The cleric then cast wind walk and with the use of a handful of augury spells learned the fasted way to Jhavul and just whisked their way to him. I had the nightmares spot them and they managed to breath smoke on the wizard but she made the save and the party just kept flying past. Next the advanced efreeti hit a couple of them with rays of flame but they still sailed past and got to Jhavul. They used the wind walk to get to the other side of the lake before dismissing it and the battle was on. The Efreeti and fire giants came in chasing after the party but the Moldspeaker with an awakened Tempest set up a tornado (with the party and Jhavul in an eye) to keep everyone else out. The cleric and the wizard then made their rolls against Jhavul and his hit points disappeared quickly. But not before the Ranger charged him and let Jhavul hit him with a series of full attacks haha. Only some temporary hits points, stone skin (from the ram's horn) and the cleric's rebuke death kept him above 0 hps! But Jhavul only got one more good hit off before he was gone. I had decided (since we knew this was the last day of the campaign) that I was not going to have him flee, but I think he took enough damage from a maximized Dragon's breath spell that it wouldn't have mattered! And that was the end of the campaign. The end fight felt a bit anti-climatic but it was only because they had prepared well for the fight. The wind walk and ignoring eveyrone else made a huge difference. I've had to take a break from gaming for now, but this summer I'll be DMing Serpent's Skull for this same group, can't wait! Thanks go to Paizo for their work and for the great support by both Paizo, authors, and fellow gamers on these boards.
I'm a big fan of LittleBigPlanet and have built some small levels if you are familiar with the game. I am looking forward to the release of LBP2 next month and was inspired with a great idea. I am currently wrapping up a Legacy of Fire Campaign. I thought it would be a lot of fun to create a series of 6 LittleBigPlanet levels based on that AP. I'm assuming though that this would not be legal because it is not covered in the community use policy? But I wasn't sure since it's a different medium. Some companies encourage fan based levels while others are against it.
When Holy Smite (and other references) say "evil outsider" does that mean an outsider who ALSO has the Evil descriptor, such as a Bone Devil: LE Large outsider (devil, EVIL, extraplanar, lawful) Or does it mean any outsider who's alignment is evil, such as an Efreeti: LE Large outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Hi, I just checked "My Subscriptions" and noticed that it states that Carrion Crown 1 will be shipping before Serpent's Skull 6. Is this correct? I subscribed specifically for Serpent's Skull and was not planning on purchasing Carrion Crown (a friend is going to purchase and run that one instead) but according to the info I'll end up having to purchase book 1 of Carrion Crown.
Reading through the Body Count thread is making me believe that this is going to be a very deadly AP to run. However, then I realize that I of course am only seeing part of the picture. Maybe all these deaths are small fraction of those who have played so far... So, as the title says, how many groups have made it out of the first adventure with no PC deaths?
Is there a general guideline or a rule somewhere that suggests how much a broken item would cost? I'm trying to price some broken items to place them in some treasure rewards. I'd guess 50% of the value, and was wondering if that seemed right (if there's not a rule somewhere) Specifically I'm wondering how much a broken chain shirt (rusted) would cost and a broken lt. crossbow. Thanks
I vaguely recall info from the 3.5 DMG that gave you the percentages of types of items in a treasure. For example, it might have said 50% coins, 25% goods, 25% magical items, and from there you'd go to other charts to roll how much and of which kinds of those items. Are there rules in Pathfinder anywhere that are similar? I looked at the treasure/reward sections in the core book and the GMG but they don't seem to be that detailed. I have to come up with some random treasure for a series of small treasure rewards and I do like rolling from charts for random generation instead of just arbitrarily assigning things. Thanks
Currently I'm running a LoF campaign and was planning on going to Serpent's Skull next however, I'd much rather start that campaign after all 6 books are out (plus equally importantly the map folio). However, it looks like my group might be done with the this campaign by the end of this year, so I've decided to run my own campaign instead. I love the APs and so I am trying to put together my own sort of adventure path campaign and I'm looking for some additional information. I'm starting the campaign in the southern reaches of the Lands of the Linnorn Kings. I am placing a remote village fort near the border of Varisia. Early levels will focus on some sort of invasion and dealing with evil fey. They will discover a weakness to Baba Yaga, or at least her daughters. My thought is that the goal of the campaign will be preventing Baba Yaga from placing her next daughter on the Irrisen throne and giving the Ulfen people 100 years of freedom.
I plan on purchasing both the Witchwar Legacy module and the Winter Witch book. Plus, by the time the party is ready to start traveling the world, the new campaign book should be out and that'll be a lot of help. Here's some questions I have: * I want the fort to be placed on the southern border due to raids from Shaonti barbarians. Which of the Shaonti tribes would be nearest to the Lands of the Linnorn Kings? And I have the player's guide to RotRLs, but is there an entry in one of the RotRL books on the Shaonti? * Any suggestions on what other components I could use for the party to gather and use? I like my idea to gather the components but I don't like that I only have 2 components! ha
I don't believe there are any more modules or other material that has information on either the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, or Galt, or Numeria, but if there is, please let me know. Thanks
The Whirlwind ability says that a creature can stay in this form 1 round for every 2 HD. The format of the ability though says that the form is usable so many times per day, but the entry for air elementals does not say how many times a day. Does this essentially mean that an Air Elemental can stay in Whirlwind form indefinitely?
So, as the subject says, I feel that I'm not advancing creatures correctly. I'm looking at taking the Wraith and making it a Dread Wraith. I could use the giant and advanced template as it suggests but the other option is to advance it to a 16 HD version and I'm confused on how. If anyone has the extra time, could you create a Dread Wraith this way and show the steps so that I can figured it out. Thanks!
Will be running End of Eternity soon and I decided to make custom wandering monsters for each of the islands. The list is far from perfect but I felt it better reflected the different environments of each islands. Also the list is not in EL order. But, still, I thought I'd post it in case someone else wanted to use it or customize it further for their game. I took out 3.5 MM creatures that were not also in pathfinder and added a couple of other creatures from the LoF beasteries. Aliskiren
Isle of the Dead
The Isles of Night
The Serpent Isles
And follow up question. How mean should I be about Rayhan? I definitely feel Father Jackal would kill him. But, would he just slit his throat or would he toss him to the Rough Seed creature to eat. If the later, then Raise Dead won't work, and maybe not even Resurrection, forcing the party to hire a different expert to open the scroll, one who will charge them for the work this time. Or is that going to far? Story-wise, it makes sense to me that he'd throw Rayhan into the creature to be devoured. DM looking to make sure that the game remains fun, I'm not so sure.
I began marking my Golarion community use map with information on where different races and tribes are located within the Mwangi Expanse based on the information from the Sargava book and Heart of the Jungle. I recently read a post about someone asking for a similar idea with location of races marked throughout the world. Can I post an edited version of the community use map if it uses information from another source? Thanks
Under the shipwreck info of Smuggler's Shiv it states: Quote:
Does this only refer to the npc quests? After reading that first and then reading through the rest of the adventure, I guess I was expecting separate events that could affect the morale of multiple npcs, like rats get into the food supplies = next day's morale has a -4 penalty or ship sited off the coast, next morale has a +2 bonus, etc. Or if an npc dies, all remaining npc's morale shifts down one stage. I might add something like this myself, but did I miss anything else about morale in the adventure?
My group finished Howl of the Carrion King last Saturday and I thought I'd give a recap of how it went. The party includes: Idal, human male cleric of Sarenrae
I liked how the campaign started. I changed Father Zostran to be a 6th level Expert with the Master Craftsman and Brew Potions feats. So, I decided he'd be a bit of a penny pincher and not be too happy to see full fledged spellcasters join the caravan. I also decided, since it states he was tending the male npc and not the female npc, that he'd be a bit of a sexist (which I thought amusing since 3/4 of party is female). The fire was put out without a problem. And then we went on to the investigation. It was clear the rest of the npc's disliked and suspected Dashki but they saw no evidence that it was him and so they COMPLETELY ignore any possibility that it was him! Essentially they grilled everyone and when it came to Dashki the conversation went roughly "Dashki did you do it?" "No!" "Oh ok, see ya". Haha I had to have Dashki follow them around a bit and randomly tell them that he thought it was Pugwampis, which again they completely ignored. Instead they were convinced that Father Zostran was behind it (because of the extra attitudes I gave him). When they reported what they knew (which wasn't really anything) to Lady Almah later that night, they never brought up anything about Dashki or Pugwampis, so I had no reason that she'd tell them to go out wandering the desert at night. I even had Lady Almah say "Did anyone else in the camp have any opinions of what may have happened?" and they all said "Nope", still convinced Father Zostran was behind it somehow. So, Rombard dies off-stage that night. They rest and memorize mending spells and the next day they look through the burnt wagon and they mend all of the broken bottles to see if they all belonged to the dead man or if there was an out of place container (they were looking for evidence of someone tossing in a flask of alchemist's fire -- from Father Zostran). They didn't find that and so that ended the investigation, it was ruled an accident. At this point I was worried because I didn't want them to get to the monastery without having encountered a pugwampi because they would not be prepared for it and may get themselves into trouble. Luckily they decided to rest the night again to reclaim spells before going to the monastery, so I decided that another pugwampi decided to raid the camp to steal another goat. The remaining goats get out again causing an alarm and the pc's are asked to go track it into the desert that night (of day 2). They find the cactus patch and didn't have too much trouble with the pugwampi nor rescuing the goat (which the wizard hit with a sleep spell so that it wouldn't struggle and hurt itself). But they did now have experience with the unluck aura. And of course it was very amusing that they now discovered the pugwampi and realized Dashki was telling them the truth about it. --Next, on to the Monastery
A player wants to use Craft Magical Arms and Armor to enhance a normal set of clothing (plus masterwork price of course) as armor, with the set of clothing starting at an AC of 0. I don't have a problem with this but they said that the rules say that the bonuses from these clothes would be Enhancement bonuses, and not Armor bonuses. So, that it would stack with Mage Armor and/or Bracer of Armor which give you an Armor bonus. So I've been looking at the rule but I'm a little confused. p.461 under Armor it states that magic armor bonuses are enhancement bonuses that stack with regular armor bonuses. p.550 under Creating Magical Armor it talks about enhancement bonuses However, using the chart also on p.550, creating a new magic item, it's listed as "Armor bonus (enhancement)" not just as "Enhancement" bonus which well, just confuses me. So, would a set of masterwork clothes (AC 0) with a +2 AC bonus have a +2 Armor bonus or have a +2 Enhancement bonus? Any help on clarifying this would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm looking for an alternative reward to give to the player who's character has become the moldspeaker instead of the manifesting Tempest from mold dust ability. The moldspeaker in my game is a 3rd level fighter who uses a bladed scarf (from the campaign book), the character is essentially a fighting belly dancer. I had Vardishal's spirit pour magic into her bladed scarf to become the new tempest (since it didn't make any sense that Vardishal had used a bladed scarf in the past). I like the upgrades that Tempest receives at the end of the campaign, but manifesting the weapon seems pretty weak (since I don't recall any particular parts in the campaign of the character being captured and their weapons being taken away). The later upgrade is very powerful and so I don't want something overpowering, just something that could be useful. I was also thinking of somehow making the first bonus something to do with improving Vardishal's possession, since the second part is all about tempest (which is powerful enough). The player plans on taking one level of sorcerer to reflect her connection with Vardishal. Any ideas on what I could replace the manifesting power with instead? Thanks.
The rules for multiple grapples in pathfinder has the additional grapplers use the Aid Another action essentially. This adds a +2 bonus for the initial grappler. However, what if the second grappler wants to do something specific such as tie up the creature being grappled? The second grappler has rope available and wants to approach and tie up the creature. Are there rules for this? Doesn't make sense to Aid Another. I adjudicated the situation but was wondering if there was a rule for this in the core rules. Thanks.
I looked up disabled and on both page 189 and the list of conditions on 566 the entry for Disabled refer to "your character" on 189 and "a character" on 566, both 'seeming' to apply to player characters only. We've always played this applied to monsters as well, and that's the way I assume it still works, but wanted to check to see if this was correct as per the rules. Thanks
I was wondering if someone could give me some real world examples of what the country of Katapesh might look like. The map of the Inner Sea Region shows that besides the southern part of the country (which is desert) that the majority of the terrain is plains. The LoF adventures though describe more desert like terrain (or so it seems to me). So I'm having a hard time seeing it in my head. Thanks for any insight.
I've been out of the game for a while but will be DMing again this summer and will be running LoF. In the past I never really did wandering monsters but with this campaign I would like to. However, I can't find how frequent wandering monsters are in any areas. Is there a default frequency that I am missing somewhere (which is quite possible)? There are a couple of places in the first adventure that it notes an area would be used for when wandering monsters show up, but then doesn't say how often this occurs. Any help/suggestions/info is appreciated. Thanks |