Korvosian Woman

Terisa Nightranger's page

7 posts. Alias of Allen Dawson.


To all of us: good luck! Hope to see you all on the other side!

Still looking forward to this. It's gonna be an eclectic party no matter what....

Veegees wrote:
Seer of Shadows wrote:
There are enough quality submissions and concepts that I have formally decided to up the party size. So everyone's chances of grabbing a spot just grew a little bit larger.

So it'll be a party of 5 then?

I'm thinking about submitting a 2nd character from the forgotten realms. What domains would a cleric of Eilistraee have access to?

In the 3E days, she gave Chaos, Good, Drow, Elf, Charm, Lust, Moon, Portal, Hunt, and Night. Some of these would need examination of course.

Glad that there are more openings! The more the merrier! If being in an off-the-map afterlife can be merrier at any rate :)

Terisa might look at the bright side in time. She's mad at Waukeen now. It also sort of fits in with the fact Waukeen was trying to get back to her realm nicely. But meteor swarm stings when you're combustable.

Here's a bit of Terisa's last moments before Kisarta:

Selune shone down on the rolling hills, giving the ranger more than enough light to see by. The scruffy vegetation gave little cover to anyone who’d stalk the lands, not that anyone would. Unless they’re up to things less than legal, she thought. Long way from Darkhold though. Heading to Llorkh by a rather long road. She shook her head. I must be thirstier than I thought, if I’m thinking such things. The woman’s tongue licked her lips, tracing over her fangs briefly. Feeling the tips of her teeth she shut her mouth and snarled silently.

Damned vampire, Terisa thought for the thousandth time. For three long years she’d been wandering the wilderness, avoiding people, all because an assassin—probably Zhentish, but he’d seemed strange—had turned out to be a vampire. He’d managed to bite her before she’d rammed her sword in his heart, twisted it, and then lopped his head off. The damage had been done though. The priests at the Shrines of Nature had been unable to help her. No one in the entire city of Waterdeep could. Instead, they’d advocated killing her. Mercifully, of course—the paladins were nothing if not merciful. She’d left, not willing to die. Not giving up hope.

Three years later, there wasn’t much hope left to give up.

No one in the entire Savage Frontier knew a way to cure vampirism. She didn’t even display the traits of normal vampires. Garlic didn’t bother her, nor did holy symbols of any faith unless someone actively tried to channel holy power. She had a reflection, for that matter, though it had been a while since she’d seen her reflection. The last time she’d looked, her eyes were still green…but glowed sometimes, a deep dark red. Skin tanned by years under the sun was now as white as the moon. Like other vampires, she couldn’t bear sunlight. The pain of the burns hadn’t faded from her first sunrise, catching fire as she did.

It wasn’t all bad. Her senses were stronger, letting her see further in the night. She could smell blood, to some degree. Not that she could feel much; weather meant nothing to her now. And if she’d been strong before, now she was far stronger. A Zhentilar guard found that out the hard way when she’d punched him in a fight. His chainmail had burst to pieces from the punch, along with several ribs.

These thoughts, the ongoing musings, paused as a faint blue glow lit up the next hilltop. Terisa stared off at it for a long second before making up her mind. Old elf magic? I guess I can look. Terisa loped down the hill, picking out bits and pieces of game trail here and there. The climb to the next hill was swift—she never got tired anymore as an undead creature. Looking down from the peak, the blue glow had faded away. All that was left was a blonde woman in a fancy dress.

Said woman spun from staring at the ground as the vampire crested the hill to look up at her.

“You there.” The unliving ranger could see now that her gown wasn’t just fancy, it was made of gold, silver, and gems. Her tone was imperious, immediately setting the vampire’s teeth on edge.

“What do you want?” Terisa called as she began to descend the hill.

“I was informed there was a portal here dating back to the Crown Wars. Ilythiiri in origin.”

“Probably. I’m not familiar with elf history in this part of the world.” The ranger shrugged.

“Help me find it and I’ll see to it your rewarded handsomely.” Something in the woman’s voice seemed off somehow, as if it should carry further. The ranger snorted.

“Do I look like I want money?” She scoffed. “If that’s why you’re here, enjoy your stroll across the moors. Plenty of old ruins about if you look.” Terisa turned, no longer interested in the strange woman.

“You will not turn your back on me, human! I need to find that portal!”

“Not going to help. Try asking someone nicely. And I’m not human.” Terisa called back.

There was a snarl and Terisa spun. The woman waved a hand, her fingertips leaving a blue glow across the darkness. She pointed at the ranger…and nothing happened.

Great. My night aggravated by some crazy mage. Magic’s already gone a bit strange, doesn’t she know that? Terisa spun and raced down the hill towards the stranger. “Idiot. Magic’s going wild since the meteor shower we had, didn’t you know that? You want to turn yourself blue? Blow yourself up?”

“I don’t care. I will get back to Brightwater!” The woman screamed. She waved her hands again as Terisa hit the base of the hill and continued to run at her. This time her fingers glowed red in the night.

Brightwater? That’s—Terisa had no time to draw closer as each of the woman’s fingers fired off a flaming rock the size of a boulder. Fire trailed behind the stones as they streaked towards the ranger. She didn’t have the chance to dodge as they slammed into her and exploded. Terisa’s world became as bright as the sun and hurt just as much as her body burned away in the wake of the powerful evocation.

If chosen I look forward to seeing how Terisa handles this place. She's got issues of her own to deal with first. She does know who blasted her to bits for that matter.

All right, here's the fighter/ranger I originally wanted to play. First time gestalt, never used a fighter or ranger in 1E, been forever since I was a martial...this should be fun.

Terisa has been a vampire for several years prior to this, though I built her as a human of course. She's not going to be happy to see her afterlife.

No archetypes for her, though I did consider it. I might still change my mind on that. She hates the undead with a passion.

General role: walk up to enemy, engage the Cuisinart.