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Are there any resources online that have the Bestiary 2 & 3 monsters listed by type (like the Bestiary in the PRD)?

I am at work and am trying to create an apt encounter, but am a bit restricted to the Bestiary as I do not have a hard-cover 2 & 3, and dont have time to click through each monster.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Good afternoon,

I am a first-time GM for a group of friends who play casually. My adventure is essentially a "get to X, kill things, report to the king" with more frill around it... The get to X part is a multi-week journey in game.

During the journey there are the obvious random encounters... However, there has been the threat (and once executed) of our Alchemist being able to trivialize, negate or completely bypass the group from an encounter via flying potions.

As such, I am looking for advice, recommendations or suggestions on game-mechanics that will allow for me to nullify that advantage should it come up.


Good afternoon,

I am a first-time GM for a group of friends who play casually. My adventure is essentially a "get to X, kill things, report to the king" with more frill around it... The get to X part is a multi-week journey in game.

During the journey there are the obvious random encounters... Thus far I have been able to create encounters that will allow for each class we have in our group of 5 to get an opportunity to shine (i.e. trap encounters for the rogue, a hunting encounter for the ranger, melee for the fighter and barbarian etc.), with the exception of our Alchemist.

So my request is for ideas on a short mini-encounter with features that would allow for an Alchemist to shine a bit.

Thanks in advance for your advise and suggestions!