Teodor Kalamov's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Oliver von Spreckelsen wrote:
Teodor Kalamov wrote:
The map is great and all, but when playing and you have the map on the computer, it is very annoying to search every inch of the world on your computer, so will there be a print-poster like map of Golarion available?
There are maps in the Campaign setting book and the Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer.

OK, the map to be made a separate product? :P

The map is great and all, but when playing and you have the map on the computer, it is very annoying to search every inch of the world on your computer, so will there be a print-poster like map of Golarion available?

I found some "Baba Yaga", a witch queen or something... I think it maybe is a reference to Eastern Europe, the Balkans' Baba Yaga, the witch (Баба Яга)

I don't know why it is so expensive.... They should probably drop the price to 30$ (for the first week of the release)and make shipment free (for the first week), and I would certainly buy a hard cover, just as the very small amounts of $$ allow me to. There is a crisis, you know, besides, we don't get dollars here... only Bulgarian money... and no euro till 2012.... so, hoping is hoping.

Of course, if the PDF is cheap, say $10, I would gladly download it, but I always like to have a material RPG book in my hands (not that I have one, all others PDFs.... I would feel better with a material one though, I like Pathfinder Chronicles as a PDF, but I would like it more as a material one, but all are expensive, even 4th edition ain't that expensive)

Gorbacz wrote:
I live in Poland, we will switch to EUR in 2012 too, life is a beach, USD-PLN exchange ratio swings like Nic Logue on a trapeze, shipments from US take 3-4 weeks and get lost sometimes, but still, despite all, Paizo gets my support. Never before I was treated so fairly by any company, never before did my feedback make any influence, never before had I my emails answered by the CEO, never before had my gaming $$$ such a great value.

Besides.... wish I had dollars.... well, have only 20$.... or so.... wished only that the shipment would be free.... damn crisis, everything is at least 40 dollars...

nightflier wrote:
Teodor Kalamov wrote:
nightflier wrote:
Now, I understand if someone doesn't have the money
No dollars here, only Bulgarian money
Mate, I live in Serbia. You live in European Union.

The euro fonds will come in 2012, and in this crisis, everything is expensive.

nightflier wrote:
Now, I understand if someone doesn't have the money

No dollars here, only Bulgarian money

Will there be a PDF?