Telemnar's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


For those who are playing at home, I now have the file and according to check mark page I made up it took 284 attempts (yes that included calling to cookie monster in to eat my cookies)

Dave Blewer wrote:
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
Still get a blank document ie no pdf (for single file or seperate chapter files). I cleared my browser amd rebooted. Still no luck. Very very frustrated

tommyomega 16 minutes ago | FLAG | LIST | REPLY

Same issue. I can't download these files and only these files because they are empty. Tested other downloads and they are unaffected. :( 2pm CST

*Update - Finally got it to go through by clicking problem link over and over until it worked!

Try this. It worked for me :)

Idle curiosity, can I have a rough estimate on how many times you had to do it "over and over" I am currently up to 40 here. was it in the hundreds or thousands?

So I am going to have to wait 8 (probably closer to 9 or 10) months (becuase I live in restoftheworld) in order to get to have my Sorcerer updated.. doin me a disappointment guys.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

If your subs are long overdue then contact CS, for this shipping window in particular there's a lot that's causing delays, mine still haven't shipped for example.

The buying the PDFs because you can't wait for your sub to grant them to you is something you're doing of your choice. Again, like I said, unless your order has been lost or something and not simply delayed.

Yes I lnow it is my choice, my point is whan the items are due to be released charge me at that time so at least the PDF opens up instead of moving everything to this side cart, $70-$100 is somthing that I can budget for no problems but now the cart has two (and who knows how many more before it is ready to ship) and a multi $100 bill all at once is not somthing I can easily budget for... I thought the whole idea (and the reason I joined the sub) was to space out the book purchases as to make them lesss impactful on my finances.

is there an actual reason for this "subscription" twice now I have has to buy the PDF's separately as the subscription wont release the PDF to me until the hard copy is shipped, and as such I would still now be waiting for SoM as there is no sign of it being shipped to me. I can only assume that the subscription is only a valid choice if you live in the same country/city/street as the Paizo guys in order to have anything shipped before Pathfinder Ver 3 comes out?

so available "Today" but not yet today? :(

Thanks for the heads up... somtimes I forget how far behind (time wise) thr U.S. is

Sooo we are as I type 15 and a half hours into wednesday.. how much more wednesday do we need for the release of the PDF?