Teldyn's page

No posts. Organized Play character for thestrongangel.

Lantern Lodge

I am thestrongangel's (Nick Goodner's) brother. I am not sure if he knew anyone on here but I know he was very much into pathfinder as a community.

Nick has passed away. He became sick around the 27th of December. He had been fighting a virus which destroyed his immune system. He contracted the flu and was not able to recover. He passed on the evening of Jan 1st. 96/id/3542710

If you know anyone he might have known or have any questions please ask, I will do my best to reply - but I may not have access to this account for very long.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This may sound like a silly question, but I am trying to rebuild a character and would like to know especially for use in PFS play.


Spontaneous Healing (Su): At 1st level, a white mage can

expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to use one of her
spell slots to cast a cure spell (any spell with “cure” in its
name) from the cleric spell list as if it were on her spell
list and prepared. The spell must be of a level the arcanist
can cast.

Does this wording on Spontaneous Healing allow for the White Mage to be able to use cure wands without the need for a UMD check?

Lantern Lodge

Kingdoms! Kingdom Mapping!

Congrats to all that have been selected, go ahead and dot it up, intro posts to come shortly

Lantern Lodge

Kingdoms! Kingdom Mapping!

Discussion thread is up. Report here and feel free to get a feel for the group. Will make some preliminary posts this evening when I get home from the office.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This Faq states that rays count as weapons in all senses when dealing with things like bardic performance.

My question is this: when dealing with other spells that function identically to a ray or weaponlike spell, but are not a ray or weapon like, do the bonuses still apply?

Examples: Acid splash, Shocking Grasp, Acid Arrow, Produce Flame.

My real question is: Do buffs like Inspire courage, Divine favor and such affect only spells that have weapon like types, or do they affect all spells that make attack and damage rolls like weapons do?

Lantern Lodge

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel
within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration
should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and
west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of
this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful
behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry
remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this
24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov
and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of
the Dragonscale Throne.

I am looking for a few good players that are willing to be patient with a new-to-PbP GM looking to cut his teeth on running an online campaign. Currently I have one spot saved for a fellow player and GM that is helping me understand some of the finer points of running a PbP game, leaving 3 to 5 slots open for applicants.

Character creation:

Materials allowed: Paizo products only, no 3rd party.

20 point builds, No stat lower than 8 before racial adjustment.

Races: All Core races. Featured or Uncommon races subject to approval.

Characters: All classes allowed, including ACG. Any ACG class that is approved will have to be rebuilt once the guide is offically released. Hp is max at 1st level, and half+1 every level after that. Archetypes for the most part are allowed, but if you have a question, ask first. I tend to go by PFS restrictions, however there are some things not allowed in PFS that I would allow in game. Again, if in doubt, ask in a PM.

Role: All applicants need to explain how their character intends to function, both in and out of combat. Ultimate Campaign rules will be in effect, and I do intend to use the downtime system for this game. Crafting and professions are encouraged.

Gear: All characters start the game with 150gp for starting gold.

Alignments: No evil, no questions. Any neutral character, especially CN needs to have a strong background reason for being so.

Traits: 2 traits allowed, one must be from the Kingmaker AP. I personally do not use drawbacks, but you may use them if you wish, to add a 3rd trait.

Backgrounds: Please take your time to give a background as to your character, where they are from, how they came to their current occupation and lifestyle, and why the message that they have received from the Swordlords of Restov draws them to Oleg's. As a GM, I personally weight the background of a character more importantly than the crunch.

In Character Sample: Please provide a short to medium length In character narrative for your character.

Recruitment for this game will open today, and I plan to close it on the 8th of August. Any submissions need to be in at that time. I understand if you do not wish to make an alias before being selected, just please I ask that I can read and understand them. My first time doing this, so I expect to make a misstep or two. Please be patient with me, and I will be willing to work with you.

Note: I am not beholden to a perfectly balanced party. If there is a group of applicants that are strong, and I feel would make a good team together, I will go with my gut, over taking a rigidly balanced team.

Lantern Lodge

For anyone interested in the Kansas City area, both Kansas and Missouri sides, I am going to be starting up a new campaign based on the Kingmaker AP. The first night is going to be tomorrow night, Friday the 24th, and will mostly be character creation and background fleshing out, and if time permits we will do group introductions and the first night or so of gameplay.

We will be meeting at the Basement, which is located at 29 hwy and 64th street, over in the Tuleries plaza across the street from Hy-Vee.

Start time will be 6:30, though I will be trying to get there around 6pm or so for those that want to arrive early, and we are slated to go to 11pm, but can stay as long as the guys at the store will let us, and with their FNM tournaments normally are open till 12am or 1am normally.

If you are interested, please feel free to PM me here, or email me, thestrongangel at yahoo dot com.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Just a couple questions I am trying to clarify:

1) The staff states that you can apply one metamagic feat to a spell cast by the wielder of the staff by expending charges equal to the level increase of the feat. Does that include spells not cast off of the staff?

2) Are there any other PFS legal versions of the staff aside from the Necromancy version in the Core rules and Ultimate Magic? Character that I am playing would love to have one of those, but the necromancy spells are not what he would use, and supposedly in the description it states that there are other versions of the item.

Lantern Lodge

Ran into this at a game last saturday, and I am a bit confused as to how particular effects interact.

To lay out the situation: Group is engaging a succubus and a couple other minor demons. My character (3clr/3wiz/2MyT) has an active Magic Circle against evil on his person. The emanation covers our 2hand fighter, and one of the lesser demons attempts to charm person on him.

The GM, who is also one of our local VCs, said that charm since it is not a possession or mental control spell is allowed through the circle. What eventually played out was that because of the second effect of the circle suppressing the charm effect, the fighter ended up being charmed, but was saved by the circle suppressing the effect till after the fight.

My questions are these:

1) Has there been any clarification and or FAQ as to what constitutes "Exerting mental control" as stated under protection from evil?

2) What is supposed to happen in this situation?

Lantern Lodge

This came up in a boss fight this evening, so I figured I would ask, as the four GMs playing at the table were not in agreement on the answer. This is taken from level three of Thornkeep

End Boss has 4 claws, each does 1d4+4 damage and has grab.

Each claw on grappling also can eviscerate and does 2d6 sneak attack damage.

couple questions came up:

1) If the medium sized creature hits with a claw on another medium size creature, and makes his Combat Maneuver check to grab, does he inflict his sneak attack and ability damage immediately?

2) I cannot find where this is codified in the rules, but if said monster was say in melee range of 3 seperate PCs, and took a full attack action with 4 claws, and hits all three, does he get a chance to grapple all three of them at the same time? Yes or no, and cite rules where you find this. Given what we could determine at the time, I am inclined to believe that since each claw has grab, on a full attack action if he attacks 3 seperate creatures he can hold all 3 if he hits each of them.

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I apologize in advance for the seeming redundancy of several of these questions. I find a great many threads on the boards but no real understanding or explanation for many of the claims or positions made. So here we go:

1) Spells Known: It may be a personal perception issue, but I find it hard to understand why certain class features progress with theurge and others do not. Example being a domain versus a bloodline. As I take levels in MT, Domain spells continue to become available and usable. However, several times people have stated that you do not gain bloodline spells. Why is that the case? I gained the bloodline at first level. Bloodline spells are spells known, in addition to regular spells known, meaning they do not take up a slot for my spells known on the table. This also bleeds over into my understanding of Mystery spells. I understand and agree that class features and abilities are not advanced when you gain MT levels, but it clearly states that you learn the spell and add it to spells known in addition to the table. If you are not allowed access to the spells, can I at least get a citation as to why? Right now it feels like there is a major double standard being applied here, as such inhibitibing or in the case of progressing wizard MTs, downright crippling of a character's progression.

2) Entry Requirements: This mainly has to do with racial Spell like abilities. Both the Tiefling and Aasimar races have spell like abilities that are on Cleric and Wizard spell lists of sufficent level to satisfy the spellcasting requirements to enter the class. Now, I have seen wildly different takes on this. My question really comes down to this: Racial Daylight and Darkness, what does each spell like ability qualify for? Do they satisfy all, or just part of them?

3) Combined Spells: This one i understand to an extent, but also is a bit confusing in other aspects. So as an example: Cleric/Wizard Theurge, 3clr/3wiz/1MT. Character chooses to prepare a magic missile spell on his cleric side. If I am reading the rules for it correctly, that spell would classify as a 1st level divine spell being prepared in a 2nd level spell slot. Is that correct? If so, is caster level then determined by my cleric caster level, or does it retain wizard caster level?

I'm sure i have other questions, but these are the ones that came to mind right off hand.

Lantern Lodge

Just to clarify, I have not noticed anywhere where this has been explicitly set out, and as a result I have been rather confused.

1) Spell like abilities granted by either your class or class feature, i.e. a cleric domain or wizard school, can be modified by what abilities? I have had conflicting answers from GMs and wanted to clarify this.


Summoner's Summon Monster SLA that functions when no eidolon is out.
Wizard's Evoker school Force Missile SLA
Cleric's Magic Domain SLA

Are there any effects that can modify these SLAs? Feats, class abilities, magic items? If so, can you cite for me where this is allowed so as to be able to present it to a GM for clarity sake.