
Tekk of the Golden Oaks's page

20 posts. Alias of Atorhal.



Opening discussion thread.

"You see your breath in the air, feel that chill up your spine? Note the frost on the ground and the trees bare of leaves? That ain't the weather, my friend. That's death himself, coming to visit."

Hello everyone, this is a recruitment for 4-7 PCs to play a Kingmaker-style game set in Ustalav after being devastated by an 8-year Crusade of Reclamation against rampaging undead hordes. The land is in chaos, and the country of Ustalav no longer exists. Brave and bold heroes are needed to head into the wasteland to bring peace and civilization back to the land. Will you step forward to accept this challenge?

Recruitment will stay open until Thursday, Nov 8th 8am EST.

Campaign Overview:
This game is based on the Kingmaker AP campaign wherein the characters venture into a hostile land and carve out a realm of their own. At its core, this is a sandbox adventure, meaning the characters choose the direction they want to go, and how they get there. Combat, diplomacy, magic, subterfuge - all are valid choices, and all are potential means to deal with challenges the characters will face.

Though the immediate setting for this campaign is dark, I do not intend to delve too much into “grimdark” territory. I will throw all manner of creepy monsters at the characters, but I won't be going into gory or explicit detail.

Here are the deities and religions most likely to be encountered during this game: Pharasma, Iomedae, Milani, Desna, Urgathoa, Old Ones (Cthulhu & his clan)

I have also included additional background information in the Campaign Info tab.

Character Creation:

General Guidance: Anything Paizo, no 3rd party materials.

Stats: Roll 4d6 drop lowest, order them as desired; roll 3 sets, then drop highest and lowest set totals; use 20-point buy if you don't like the results, or if your rolled results are lower than 20-point equivalent. Once characters are selected, we'll review to make sure everyone is on par with each other.

Race: More likely to accept standard & core races, but willing to entertain anything. Alternative racials and traits acceptable. For aasimar and tieflings, Variant Heritages are acceptable, but you must roll on the Variant Abilities and Physical Features table(s) if you want those.

Classes: Use Unchained versions instead of originals. All archetypes are acceptable. Ninjas, samurai, anti-paladins should have strong background. Emerging firearms.

Level: Start at 3rd level

Hit Points: Full @ 1st level, 1/2+1 @ 2nd and up

Skills: Using background skills optional rules (link)

Feats: Using feat tax optional rules (link)

Alignment: NE and CE not allowed. In addition, please provide three values that are important to your character (some examples are honor, wealth, power, compassion, pragmatism, logic, etc).

Traits: Choose two traits as normal. No drawbacks. In addition, choose one Campaign Trait from the following list:

* Worldwound Veteran: You spent time fighting against the demonic hordes of the Worldwound during which time you discovered untapped power to resist their evil. You get a permanent +1 to a single saving throw (For, Ref, Wil). This benefit stacks with all other bonuses/minuses.

* Belkzen Veteran: You spent time fighting against the orc hordes in the Hold of Belkzen. Brutal fighting is all the orcs understand, and you have trained long and hard in order to take the battle to them. You gain a permanent +1 to attack rolls made with edged weapons. This benefit stacks with all other bonuses/minuses.

* Crusade Veteran: You spend time fighting against undead in the recent Crusade of Reclamation. The hordes of undead shrugged off blows from sword and spear, so you became a master of the mace and flail. You gain a permanent +1 to attack rolls made with blunt weapons. This benefit stacks with all other bonuses/minuses.

* Noble Blood: Your house once held much power in Ustalav but has been outside the circles of influence for the past 100 years. Now is the time to reclaim your birthright. If and when you are in a position of power, you can use your influence to acquire greater resources and benefits for your realm.

* Foreigner: You are from a land located far away, and have no ties to Ustalav, Lastwall, or any of the other countries bordering this region. You gain a +1 to Perception and a +1 to AC. The benefit to AC is considered a dodge bonus that stacks with all others. Should you be surprised, incapacitated, or otherwise lose your AC bonus from dexterity, you will temporarily lose this benefit until you regain your bonus from dexterity.

Starting Wealth: Begin with 4,000 gp, no single item worth more than 2,500 gp. This is for real equipment, your character is 3rd level, so should already have clothes, bedroll, flint and steel, holy symbol, etc. Just buy the important stuff, weapons, armor, spells, potions, etc. Give your character mundane stuff for free.

Deity: Name of the deity, and what aspect do you venerate?

Submission Requirements:
- No alias required
- Please indicate your expected posting rate (every day, every other day, etc)*
- Character name, race, class
- Alignment with 3 values
- All 3 traits
- Background Summary - where is your character from, what drives them to do the things they do, why do they want to undertake this adventure? Expecting a paragraph or two, happy to read more if it's available.
- One experience you would like your character to have (allying with an intelligent weapon, defeating a powerful foe, becoming a renown bard, etc)

Feel free to include full character stats with your submission, but I'm only basing my decision on the requirements above. (*Posting rate will not affect my decision - it's only so I have the information)

Decision Basis:
Here are some of the criteria I'll use to decide on which characters to choose:
- Well-rounded, interesting characters, must be appropriate for and grounded in the setting.
- Does the background give me a good understanding of the character, motivations, biases, etc? Do I get an idea about how they will react in a stressful situation?
- Party makeup & balance

Posting Rate:
Looking for players who can post at least once 3-4 times a week. I'll generally post EST evenings. I will occasionally be able to post during the workday, especially if I’m just answering questions or providing feedback (i.e. whatever I can do from my phone).

I'll use group initiative, and I plan to use maps only for the major or tactically complicated fights.

About Me:

I’ve been gaming for decades, though I've had something of an extended break with moving to a new state, then welcoming twins to the family. I’m getting back into gaming, and while I don't have time for playing in-person, I do have time for PbP games. I've lurked on the forums for a while, and participated in a few short games on other sites, so while this is my first time running, I think I have a good idea what to expect. Looking forward to getting started!

Thanks for looking over this post, let me know if there are any questions.

Opening the discussion thread.

Hi all,
Wondering if anybody would be interested in playing a tweaked version of Kingmaker? This game would not be based in the Stolen Lands, it would take place in Ustalav. Would be played via PbP here on the Paizo boards.

The basic premise is that the end of Carrion Crown went badly for the heroes, and they failed to defeat Adivion Adrissant in the final battle. What followed their defeat was nearly 8 years of war as Lastwall declared a Crusade against the growing undead threat consuming Ustalav.

The Crusade has now ended, and Ustalav is in ruins. Most of its citizens were killed, and it has functionally ceased to exist/operate as an independent country. Lastwall, unwilling to have such an unstable situation on its border, has decided to send mercenary bands into the chaos to help pacify the remaining threats and bring stability to the area. As an added incentive, mercenaries that prove exceptionally capable will be encouraged to claim the lands for themselves with Lastwall's support.

The campaign would play like Kingmaker - hexploration, found and develop a realm, all the political conflict and intrigue, etc. Story and encounters would be changed to appropriately reflect Ustalav and it's environs.

Much, much more, but that's the general idea. Something worth pursuing?