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So maybe you get rid of class/cross-class skills but do something else to make sure that certain classes stay better at certain skills. I want my 1st-level rogue to be better at Disabling Devices than a 1st-level fighter, no matter what. What if there were no cross-class skills but instead each class got bonuses to a few appropriate skills? For example, Wizards get +2 to Spellcraft, Knowledge (arcana) and Concentration. Rogues get +2 to Stealth, Open Locks, Disable Devices, etc.
Very nice and interesting idea
got me thinking
players want and some DM want flexibility and customization while other want easily prepared NPCs and higher level PCs. The problem with 3.5 is the rogue 3/ wizard 4/ some prestige class 5. To build such an NPC it would be a mass of class vs cross class skills, different skill points at different levels etc.
What if all all classes got the same number of skill points at each level , but level and class bonuses to specific skills. In the above example lets say 3 skill points per level, so 3+4+5 (the various class levels) so 12 x 3 or 36 skill points to spend however (no class or cross class). In addition they get class and level dependent bonuses to specific skills. So three levels of rogue means +3(+1 per level) to say Acrobatics, appraise, deception, diplomacy, disable device, Disguise, stealth and theft. With 4 levels in wizard they would receive +4 in craft, Knowledge arcana, knowledge planes, and spell craft, For the 5 levels of a prestige class the get +5 in a set group of skills.
Its just an idea. how many skill points all characters get each level and what skills would be connected to what classes can be debated. But its simple fair, and building NPC would be quick