Ice Troll

Teetroll's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What a great idea! Nice,nice!
Happy Year of the Tiger!

with a cup of greentea,

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh man, why does nobody think about the poor Germans. It's already 7.30 p.m. here. I see myself reading the playtest again in the middle of the night and waking up completely sleepy tomorrow. I denounced this!

with a cup of tea,

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope that too! I sit here in Germany, drink my 4 o'clock tea and will probably work a night shift to wait for the playtest.

with a nice cup of blacktea,

Grand Lodge

I am very hopeful that someday he will be published, even if it will take some time. The idea of ​​replacing him with the bard as an aid does not really match the style of the class. But hey, we have time.
"Abwarten und Tee trinken".

with a nice cup of mango tea,
Teetroll (Teatroll)

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I think it's good when gods are not necessarily easy. This makes them mysterious and leaves more room for different beliefs of the same deity.
Especially when it comes to fateful personalities like Arazni.

with a nice cup of tea,
Teetroll (teatroll ^^)

Grand Lodge

Greetings from germany,

I know the question was asked here a few years ago, but how it looks because of psyonicbook for pathfinder?

Tranks for the answer,

Grand Lodge

Hoi Zark

"What is the Fighter and the Barbarian called in German? "

The Barbarian is the "Barbar" and the Fighter is the "Kämpfer".
Pronounce it hard, than is it reight ;)

Grand Lodge

Where they make the thing really well. Surely it is strange that classes are translated differently, but you know exactly what is meant by the class name.Unfortunately, there are some words in german simply not there . The wizards arcane school Conjuration is such a thing. A wizard of this school is called "conjurer", in german "Beschwörer". The Summoner however, would also mean "Beschwörer". Because conjurer and summoner means the same in german.
Of publications we are a good 6 months away from the Paizo stuff. That's because only two products appear in the month and certain things were not translated to german. Like jade regent. :(

Grand Lodge

If the book is published in german, I will give you the translations of the classes.
In the german translation of the older books (corerules etc.)a few strange things are already there.
Like the summoner = Paktmagier and the oracle = Mystiker.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the compliment ;)
I refresh it every time I walk past of the pc.
Btw. I'm curious how the classes are translated to german.
Like the warpriest = Kriegspriester
But you certainly less interested.

Grand Lodge

Oh dear, here in germany it is 12.o9pm. Since I'm awake, I'm waiting for the playtestmaterial. Unfortunately, that will probably take a while to appear.

p.s. Sorry for my bad englishskills,
I can read it better than write