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Organized Play Member. 187 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

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dragonhunterq said wrote:
Any ruling to the contrary has absolutely no basis in the rules at all

General rule for attacks "When you make an attack

roll, you roll a d20 and add your attack bonus. (Other
modifiers may also apply to this roll.) If your result equals or beats the target's Armor Class, you hit and deal damage."

Specific rule for Natural 1s "A natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on an attack roll is always a miss"

There is no mention of adding any bonuses to the natural 1 or comparing it to the AC.

Liberty's Edge

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A level of Monk of the Empty Hand lets you use any weapon as an improvised weapon. You would use an Elven Curve Blade as a quarterstaff though.

Liberty's Edge

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I do not believe you can miss by less than 5 when you roll a natural 1, because you can add five, ten, or an infinity to your roll and still miss. There is no number you can add to a natural 1 and hit, therefore you did not miss by a number.

Liberty's Edge

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I know someone that calls middle.

Liberty's Edge

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Normal people move buildings all the time. Lift the building and put it on wheels, or like with a manufactured home, cut it into a handful of pieces and put it back together.

Liberty's Edge

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
You'd think that people knowing how the laws of physics work in their universe would specifically remember to make the slits too small for that sort of thing.

I could also see them made specifically large enough to allow magic. Mages like improved cover too.

I think castles and ships used in Pathfinder tend to be severely flawed as they tend to be based on historic models with little thought of the perils faced in a high fantasy world. A thread discussing what features good castles would include, or how are all the ocean vessels not sunk by greedy aquatic creatures when most of the NPC ships in Skulls and Shackles can't defend the bottom of there ship could be fun.

Liberty's Edge

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The answer should be the same as the "Are they proficient with martial weapons?" Paizo developers have ruled that Outsiders with no racial HD only gain the proficiencies from their class, rather than the proficiencies of the Outsider type.

Liberty's Edge

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You forget that when you are swinging 160 pounds around willy-nilly you are being swung around by the bag weighing half or more of your weight willy-nilly too.

Liberty's Edge

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These carry on threads are getting ridiculous. Next we will see a thread about how you need to make an acrobatics check when you make a reflex save in grease as reflex saves require you to dodge which is clearly movement. After that will be a thread on how you need to make an acrobatics check in grease if you breath or have a heartbeat (movement).

Liberty's Edge

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There was a Paizo blog that added several weapons to the close group. Also pick up some wooden stakes for your brawler as they are close weapons that can be thrown.

Liberty's Edge

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When not at a dungeon we kept my burning bloody skeleton in the bottom of a barbeque. The punk rock skald had one of his followers (groupies) constantly cooking sausages on it.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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I went with Sovereign Court. I try to recruit king cobras and emperor penguins for the cause.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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We ran an event to encourage people to GM based on all the scenarios that mention solo pathfinders that are sent into the field.

We selected two scenarios (Immortal Conundrum and Golemworks Incident) and sent half our player home with one and the other half home with the other to prepare them. The next week players with separate scenarios were paired and ran the scenario for a character 3-4 levels higher than tier.

I the event was a success. People enjoyed seeing their experienced Pathfinders lording their skills over weaker opponents, several people that hadn't GMed before mentioned that they liked getting some experience at it in a low pressure environment, and as organizers we could spot some people that we really wanted to get to GM. In the 1 on 1 setting the scenarios ran 1.5 to 2.5 hours so both parties could run in one normal session. Players did not receive any rewards as this is a non-sanctioned format, but were excited at the end of the night and traded stories of how they handed the various encounters.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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If you wild shape with an intelligent item, it should control your tail. Those things have a mind of their own.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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It is well documented that chaotic evil souls are rendered into evil stuff and used to make demons that have no trace of the people they were made of. Seems to me that I am doing those poor souls a favor by press ganking their souls for Besmara.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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I feel the pain of dumping mental stats more society play than in a home game for a few reasons.

-In a home game you are with a consistent group of people so you can coordinate character development to cover each others weak points.

-PFS missions often require skill checks to complete successfully.

-There are several social scenarios where the low charisma is a huge hindrance.

If the player of the low intelligence character has not used up much table time before the puzzle I would be happy for him to solve it, as it is nice to give multiple players the spotlight during a scenario. If the player had already made most of the decisions I may ask the low int player to either give the other players 5 minutes to solve the puzzle before helping, or say your character can not complete the puzzle but you can pass on one piece of insight/comment a minute. Either way if the party reaches a point where they are stuck let all the players loose on the puzzle.

What I have found works well with low charisma characters being played by charismatic players is either have them make their roll at the beginning and then have the conversation, or when it comes time for the social role and they get a bad result I will say "In your head you had a great speech but you had a hard time putting it into words and it came out as (something appropriate for the role)"

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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Here is a list that I hand to people playing Confirmation, some items may not apply. It is never too early to worry about harpies, swarms, animated objects, and dr silver/cold iron.

Mundane Items
Make sure you can see in a dark area
· Torches (1 cp, 1lb)
◦ Sunrods (2 gp, 1 lb)

· Tindertwig (1 gp,) standard action to light fire
· 50’ Rope (hemp 1gp/10lb, silk 10gp/5lb)
· Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb)
· Air Crystals (50 gp PSFG ) – get two!
· Traveler's Any-Tool (250 gp, 2 lb, UE) the swiss army knife of
· Antitoxin (50gp;) +5 vs poisons
· Antiplague (50gp; APG/UE) +5 vs disease, or make 2
saves that day without bonus
· Vermin Repellent (5gp, AA/UE) vermin swarms dc15 Fort to enter
· Alchemist's Fire (20 gp, 1 lb) – SWARMS!!!! (get a few)
◦ Acid Flask (10 gp, 1 lb)
· Tanglefoot Bag (50 gp, 4 lbs)
· Thunderstone (30gp, 1 lb) – most effective protection against
harpies I've ever used
· Earplugs (3cp; UE) +2 to saves vs sound, -5 to hearing checks,
· Smelling salts (25gp, APG/UE) new save vs unconcious/staggered,
wake up dying
· Skeleton Key(85GP, UE) key opens lock like it has +10 Disable
Device, 1try per lock
· Cold Weather Gear (8gp, 7lbs)
· Hot Weather Gear (8gp, 4lbs, AGP/UE)
· Sleeves of Many Garments (200gp, UE)

Damage Reduction
· Alchemical silver weapon (bludgeoning avoids -1 dmg penalty)
· Cold iron weapon (x2 cost, backup main weapon) Your basic
arrows should be this
· Oil of Bless Weapon (50gp)

Nifty Weapons
· Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb) – in case of grapple/swallow whole (needs a
light weapon)
· Have something ranged!!
◦ Sling is free, and adds STR to damage

Potions/Oils (scrolls are ½ price of potions, if useable) (*Potions can be faster for some spells)
· Cure Light Wounds (50gp)
· Protection from Evil (50gp)
· Enlarge Person! (50 gp, faster than spell – GREAT for
fighters, stops large trample!)
· Potion Lesser Restoration (300gp)
(Get a potion – scroll has 3 round casting time!)

Wands of cure light wounds for 2 PP

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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I think it would be funny playing an oread with some of the GMs that have responded in this thread.

Oread "Excuse me, but there is a hoard of ghouls heading for this town you should prepare or leave the town"

NPC *Fails Knowlege Planes check* "What do you really want stone man. I have heard that you are all liars."

Oread "I am just trying to save you, if you look behind me you will see that the ghouls have entered the street."

NPC "I know better than to believe anything you say, stone man, just take off your mask and we can talk. Those ghouls are probably an illusion."

Oread turns and leaves.

NPC "That is right leave. I am no mans fool. What?.. oh no the ghouls are real. Why didn't anyone warn me! AHHHhhh."

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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Kintrik wrote:

Ya my Andoran Dwarf Inquisitor of Cayden heard tea party. Told everyone "to hell with that, I'll be outside with a real drink." Then proceeded to try and get drunk off the gallon of ale and wine he brought with him. He never got drunk and was pissed off the rest of the scenario. :D

When a westerner started mocking tea, my lantern lodge character kindly informed him that tea was such an important drink in the east we included it in the continent's name.

Scarab Sages

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Honored Brothers and Sisters,

I have to admit that my meditations of late have grown troubled. As is common among our people I enjoy sharing stories with travelers as entertainment. I once heard a story about how a far off country had come under attack by demons. This attack did not take place by abyssal hoards, but instead by isolating and replacing important people with disguised demons. Unfortunately my fellow traveler and I had to part ways before he finished his tale and I never learned how this country fared.

What troubles me is a report from Pathfinders that provided security for Amara Li at a recent meeting with the Way of the Kirin. When I first saw that Li was saved from the brink of death along with the Way of the Kirin's representative I was filled with pride and relief that our Society was able to get these important people out of a dire situation against over-whelming opposition. It was only later when meditating that portions of the story I heard seamed to bear an eery resemblance with events in the report.

The security force reported seeing two oni in the hostile forces landing on the island the meeting took place on and later detail a fight in which they slew one of the oni. This leaves one oni unaccounted for. Our lands stories are ripe with tales of oni changing their shape to fool people. The report also mentions that the oni that was slain had several samples of origami on his belt. Did the oni share this past time with our Venture-Captain or were they practicing the skills they would need to impersonate Li? Amara Li was captured with no friendly conscious forces around giving the opportunity for a switch to be made and her security force did not contain anyone powerful enough to see through the disguises oni use. Finally Amara Li is now isolating herself from all the people that know her best. Her closest servants were killed while she was captured and now she is leaving her loyal Lantern Lodge agents in the western lands while heading back to Tian Xia, leaving her without the support of the people that know her best.

I would like to selfishly ask that if there are any members of the Lantern Lodge with the ability to see a persons true form, could you please pay a visit with Amara Li and make sure she is herself?

Thank you for listening to my troubled thoughts,
Brother Billy Quan

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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I had another song that I had the goblins sentries working on when the party approached. The party could hear the sounds of the goblin sentries trying it out as they approached.

Burn destroy wreck and kill, arson, arson
Burn destroy wreck and kill, arson, arson
Burn destroy wreck and kill, Nightsoil Marauders surely will!
Whoa, ooohhh, oohh

A goblin speaks “I think it needs more burning”

A second goblin voice “ok how about. Burn destroy wreck and burn, arson, arson”

A third goblin whines “But now we don’t have any killing.”

Second goblin frustrated “How about. Burn destroy burn and kill, arson, arson”

First goblin “This is hard, I like Versevosh’s song.”

This song is a slightly modified version of the second verse of We Came to Drink. You can hear the original at the here . Second verse starts at 12th second.