Bloodless Vessel

Tasher Faelis aka DM Ane's page

No posts. Alias of DM-Anewor.

Liberty's Edge

Hey all,

This is a Home-brew set loosely in Golarion, and things are going to get interesting soon, so I'd like to make some replacements now before the real fun starts.

Due to some real life issues, and discovering that they didn't enjoy/have time for a pbp (first timers) we've lost two people in our pbp - Right now we supposedly have one replacement on the way, so I'm looking for one more replacement - might consider taking two though.

Anyways we've been doing for 12 days now, and are currently up to 211 posts (as of me writing this), so we're generally slightly more active than my requested minimum.

Character creation info can be found in our OOC Thread

Here is a link to our game thread If you wish to read up on our adventures so far.

So, if your interested post character concepts in this thread (note: we're currently 7th lvl characters, with 5 lvls in one class - 2 in another with different Bab's), first come first served, upon approval you have 24 hours to make the character and join us, before I look for someone else.

-Please look at one of the characters already in the game (besides Chord :) and use their character sheet as a template)
-If you join us you should read up on the story thus far (I recommend posting intentions to join here first though as spots may go fast.) All spoilers previous to the meetup in the inn are fair game.
-I would also wish to exchange contact info with anyone who joined our pbp, (great for a number of reasons) but that can wait a bit.

It is early in the morning and before you lays Carpenden a generally sleepy little village of tradesmen, surrounded by a community of farmers, hunters, and trappers. You and your companions have been traveling through rough terrain for several days after your latest series of misadventures, and the town surrounded by its rough wooden walls and some roughly three dozen, primarily wooden buildings, offers some semblance of civilization.

There are a few other people moving about outside the village if you would like to talk to any of them. (Diplomacy to gather information if you wish)

Welcome to the Out of Character/organizing thread! Recruitment is currently closed as of this posting, our adventurer's should currently know who they are. Please post in this thread as you work on/finish your characters.

Information for Game Background
Description: A new campaign in a town experiencing extraordinary events. Time will play a strong element in this campaign; both as ally and foe. Without the intervention of the PCs the town will face its imminent doom from a variety of sources, but perhaps such things can be averted.

Players: Number of players 5-8 – these spots will be somewhat arbitrarily filled at the GM’s discretion – please include at least a one paragraph back-story for your character – along with brief character description.
Post Frequency: Players are expected to post at least once a day unless they post about expected short-term absence in advance. I as the GM will try to make at least two posts each day. This PbP is expected to have more role-playing encounters and less combat encounters than a typical game, but when combat does occur, I would like for you to post your expected actions 3 rounds at a time – you can make the instructions as complicated as you wish.
I will be controlling movement in-combat you can set a general preference as to where you'd like to be standing as the party adventures (front, mid-range, back)
(aka. I will attack the monster with my bow twice a round for three rounds, here are my 6 roles (for attack and damage). … unless the monster attacks me in which case I will cast mirror image; if I haven’t fallen below half hp – in which case I would rather drink a potion of cure critical wounds[roll if you like here otherwise I’ll supply the roll for you if it comes up])

Game Ground Rules
Here are a few notes about the campaign.
• You can pull material for your character from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, and Seekers of Secrets – additional material printed by Paizo may be approved if it can be shown to the GM
• Characters should create a single multiclassed character with 2 classes. These 2 classes must have different Base attack bonuses, and one class must be 5th level and the other class must be 2nd level.
• Characters will be use a 25 point buy and the hit points will be your max hit die minus 2. So if you have 6 hit die per level you gain 4 hit points plus Con and if you have 12 hit die per level you gain 10 hit points plus con.
• If you have problems or questions about the way things are going in the campaign, do not hesitate to ask the GM about them on the OOC thread.
• Make sure to bookmark both the game thread and the OOC thread.
• Starting wealth will be 24,000 regardless of character generation method used; I recommend you spend it all in advance.

Pathfinder reference document if you need it for character creation reference

Sovereign Court

So I was reading through the pathfinder bestiary preview and under elemental subtypes it lists various effects such as Immunity to paralysis, poison, sleep effects, stunning, and not being subject to critical hits or flanking. Also, Elementals do not breathe, eat, or sleep (among a few other things)

Anyways looking at the players handbook it says under Elemental Body 3 that "You are also immune to critical hits and sneak attacks" which is omitted from the first 2 versions of the spell. Does this mean that you do not gain the elemental subtype by using elemental body/wildshape?

(which I suppose would also mean you don't gain other obvious effects like lack of need to breath, so a water elemental could drown?)

I also suppose questions about weather or not to trust the phb or Bestiary are relevant possibly

*Ooohh that arrow just crit the wind elemental through it's Oxygen"