Thog Grogsplit

Tasen the unwanted's page

20 posts. Organized Play character for Eric Parker 82.

Full Name

Tasen the Unwanted


| SP 16/16 HP 20/20 | RP 3/4 | EAC 15; KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1


| Speed 30ft | Orc Ferocity 1/1 | Spells: N/a | Active conditions: None.


Male N Half-Orc Outlaw Soldier 2

About Tasen the unwanted

Male half-orc outlaw soldier 2
N Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
Defense SP 16 HP 20 RP 4
EAC 15; KAC 16
Fort +4; Ref +3; Will +4
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee assault hammer +5 (1d6+2 B; analog) or
. . static electrovore glove +5 (1d6+2 E & P; recharge 2; powered)
Ranged merc nil grenade launcher +6 (1d6 P; explode [15 ft., 1d6 P, DC 14]) or
. . flash grenade I +5 (explode [5 ft., blinded 1d4 rounds, DC 15]) or
. . frag grenade I +5 (explode [15 ft., 1d6 P, DC 14]) or
. . shock grenade I +5 (explode [15 ft., 1d8 E, DC 14]) or
. . stickybomb grenade I +5 (explode [10 ft., entangled 2d4 rounds, DC 14], entangle [Acrobatics DC 14, Break DC 19])
Offensive Abilities primary fighting style (bombard), grenade expert (+10 ft.)
Str 14 (+2); Dex 17 (+3); Con 12 (+1); Int 10 (+0); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 10 (+0)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Perception +3, Piloting +8 (2 ranks), Stealth +4, Survival +7; (reduce the DCs of Culture checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about the criminal underworld)
Feats Versatile Focus, Weapon Focus (grenades)
Languages Common, Drow, Orc
Combat Gear flash grenade I, frag grenades I (2), shock grenades I (3), stickybomb grenade I; Other Gear freebooter armor I, assault hammer, merc nil grenade launcher (frag grenade I [5]), static electrovore glove, field rations (1 week), industrial backpack, personal comm unit, tier 1 antibiotic[COM], tier 1 antitoxin, credstick (207 credits)

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