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Organized Play Member. 312 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.

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Our Price: $3.99

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A good scenario with a unique location


Valley of the Veiled Flame is a great season 6 scenario. The location of the scenario is great and unlike anything that's been seen in PFS before.

Creatures in the scenario:
Many of the creatures involved in the encounters are creatures that have been rarely seen in PFS (if at all). If you're tired of constantly fighting normal zombies and regular bandits, this is the scenario for you.

I had a ton of fun playing this scenario and I can't wait to run the next chance I get.

Our Price: $3.99

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Great Scenario!


This is an absolutely a great scenario. The theme and location is excellent along with some of the best encounters in the whole of PFS.

I've had some GM star replays that I've been sitting for over a year and I would not hesitate to use one of them to replay this scenario.

This is a level 5-9 scenario that should be played be everyone and I highly recommend it.

Our Price: $3.99

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Worst scenario I have ever played


This is the worst scenario I have ever played. The battles are far too easy to even be fun. Enemies can't hit you at all regardless of class, and the mod decides that having more of them would somehow make it harder.

The bulk of the scenario involves making incredibly almost impossible skill checks for the level of the scenario. Fail the skill check, and there's most likely a trap. It's the most passive scenario that could be written. Move, roll dice, accept that you can't make skill check, take damage.

Players have very little input into what happens in the game. Not to mention the rewards/penalties for failure. Under no circumstances should you ever play this mod.