Taran Tatsuuchi's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


On a personal note...

I've had ideas for a wellspring summoner where the eidolon only manifests as the meld version.

Unfortunatly, consesus seems to be that meld with eidolon is pretty subpar...

I can hope for improvement.

I think I saw a thought sonewhere, someone considering just giving them level to damage for specilization, and dropping operative dice down one size.

The dice change would be an average of 1 damage per die, which is about what they are getting from the change to full level spec on small arms and operative melee...

Offhand, I don't know what other balance concerns would need to be consisered.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I was doing research unrelated to this subject regarding grab and constrict for an upcoming game...

And yet...
I found myself wrapped up in this discussion, unable to break away.

I am left feeling exhausted, and longing for more.