Sable Company Elite Marine

Tamrith's page

7 posts. Alias of Cr500cricket.


That we do.

Male Halfling Rogue (Knifemaster)

"Well, He came in, not too many people took too much notice, he sat at the front, nearest to the bar and ordered a drink. His ale came, he drank it. Then he took out his sword and put one of the Silver disks into the Pommel. He stood up and the sword started to roar, he blocked the door and killed everyone." With that, the spirit disappears.

Male Halfling Rogue (Knifemaster)

"Well, he was about 6'8", Built like a Dwarf, likely a Half Giant of some sort. He was tanned but he had a Bandana so it's hard to pick out ethnicity. He never spoke and his helmet covered any hair he might have had, He wore a Black Breastplate and black chain mail underneath. He didn't show any skin other than the skin around his eyes but one of his arms was at least twice as large as the other. He also had a belt with a bunch of silver disks on it."

Male Halfling Rogue (Knifemaster)

" I'm here. The one who killed me, I'm not actually sure who he is, he came in with a strange sword that roared at us before shearing through bodies like paper. I can't give you a reason why he attacked it was completely unprovoked, but I can tell you no one escaped." 2 more questions

Okay, I now have some time to work on this. I won't be here Saturday as it is my birthday, but other than that, I'm a fairly regular poster.
Is Technology Guide allowed?

GM Rednal wrote:
I... don't think I'm familiar with Tamrith. What's it from?

??? I don't think it's from anything. I just made up the name.

Tamrith gestalt Marksman/Slayer is that ok?