Ragnolin Dourstone

Tamai Nullsprouter's page

9 posts. Organized Play character for Cpt_kirstov.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

nosig wrote:

Sorry - still not seeing why this is so. Craft magic items takes longer and can be done with a T10 roll. Infact - this same reasoning could be used to give a reason why you should be able to T10 on Day Job rolls.

also, as a gnome, adventuring became boring after my ninth adventure for the society, adventuring got boring and I stopped to avoid bleaching, after 2 centuries or so, when carving became boring, I came back to adventuring, finding the society was sending me more interesting missions now, during this time, I made enough carving my walking sticks cover my expenses, plus 20 gold or so. Who needs a profit in everyday living?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Doug Miles wrote:
Yes, Breadth of Experience is legal, and your gnome can be 100+ years old. He just doesn't suffer any aging effects on his ability scores. You're back in business.

100 years young you mean! you ain't old til you start bleaching!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
Clarification please: Do you mean "when you first gain access to an animal companion." or "Each time you acquire a new animal companion, such as by animal companion death, or choosing a new animal companion."
When you first gain an animal companion. Not each time you get a new animal companion.

This level 10 and 2/3 ranger who has lost 8 animal companions (6 of them one-shotted by failing saves in the surprise round) likes this much better than the current ruling

Liberty's Edge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been out of the loop for the past 75 posts or so, but I just want to say as a ranger with an AC - A low for my level spellcaster could pop my AC with one spell *cough fail on cloudkill at gencon cough* and I'll never have this part of my character back at full power as he is now 10th level (2/3 to 11th), where if I had chosen to share my favored bonuses instead, it would still be at full functionality...

Liberty's Edge 4/5

cblome59 wrote:
I think you should name it Tinkles

My Wolf is named after the death of the last one.

So far we've had "Stabby the wolf", "Drowned the wolf", and not "Charred the wolf"

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Natertot wrote:

Myles Anonycon was fun, you missed a good time. I am sure you will make the next CT or NJ con. Dreamation is going to be at the end of February in Morristown NJ.


Yup it was lotsa fun, my first local con. Before this only Con i had made was Gencon. *note to self: do not cough into mountain dew can and have it explode all over yourself and your core rulebook again*

Liberty's Edge

we're just so misunderstood!

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:


Pathfinder Companion: Dwarves of Golarion

bah! dwarves! you humans mistake me for one all the time! I don't chew on metal... well there was that one time... but it was only to test the coin, I didn't mean to swallow it! Gnomes are what you need! Tell McArtor to get crackin!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Ralik Estrel wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

yeah,yeah yeah, just wait until we free everyone else you have enslaved... think of all those halflings running around your city, no longer tied down