Taluron's page

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Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Just a thought, for the arcane version of Mastery of Elements, may I make a suggestion? Have it require the energy substitution feat, having this being the improved version, but it also gran an additional energy type per Int or per 2 Int modifiers, and not cost a spell slot any more.
Energy Substitution is not open content as far as I know. Pathfinder couldn't use it as a prerequisite.
Yeah, my group forgot that it wasn't in the PDnD book, so my bad.

Energy Substitution is in the SRD, in the Divine Abilities section.

As that section (like Epic) was never updated to 3.5 standard it is the 3.0 equivalent though (allows Sonic).

Haven't stated much since the beginning.

Don't combine skills with different stats.
(ie Search separate from Perception=Spot+Listen
Too hard to back date otherwise.

Skill Synergies. If you up the skill points loose 'em.

I wish to retain skill points, you lose to much personalization with flat-bed skills.

Vote for keeping skill points.

My group came back to 3.x from Hero system and other 'skills-based' systems partly because of skill points.

Getting rid of it seems like going back to 2ed.

DnD combat is simpler and faster than combat in most skill-based games. But without skill points there isn't really anything to customise a character that is not 'combat' based.

And before you say 'feats, you have more feats' I can count on one hand the characters in our group that 'waste' feats on non-combat options. Even item creation feats ultimately support combat as you will also increase the combat usefulness of your stuff.