Talonius's page

Organized Play Member. 41 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hello all! I'm finally getting around to playing Ahmotep through Mummy's Mask and she has been fun. Question about her prestige class skill that states:

"When you attempt a Knowledge or Diplomacy check, you may recharge a card to add it's adventure deck number."

I know there are some pretty hefty knowledge and diplomacy checks coming up so my question is did I miss some errata that said to add knowledge as a skill for Ahmotep? 1d4 + AD number still seems far too weak for the checks needed to clear...

Can the skill "When you are dealt Combat damage, you may recharge a card to reduce the damage by 2" be used multiple times on the same fight? I just rolled nothing on a check against an ambush Traitor on a RotRL replay... so can I recharge my hand to mitigate the damage or is it one of the power then discard the rest of my hand as damage?

I know the rules about casting spells and using items per encounter, but I find my Varril with a spell called Divine Fortune which states "Display. While displayed add 1d6 to checks by characters at your location. Discard/Recharge at the start of your turn."

I just pulled a spell, Steal Soul reads "Display this card next to your deck to add 1d4 to your checks while displayed." It stays displayed until the scenario ends.

So would playing Divine Fortune while Steal Soul is already displayed count as using two spells at once? My theory is that Steal Soul is a persistent buff and doesn't count as multi-casting unless I tried to cast both on the same encounter, but I may be suffering from power-hungry bias. o.O

Hello all.

I'm a little confused about Varril's "When you attempt any check you may discard a card to use your Divine skill instead of any listed skill" power (although I love it, best thing since sliced bread).

I have been using it for ranged checks making my light crossbow use divine skill + 1d8. I just pulled the archers bracers which add 2 to any ranged check.

So even though I'm using my divine skill this is still a ranged check even though I'm using divine intervention to improve my aim, correct?

I am having a blast with this guy. He may join the dream team if he can catch up. :)

Is the Barbarian Horde henchman supposed to be an Army?

Hello all. I searched for this but couldn't find a definitive answer. Would Balazar be useful as an archmage? The wording of his power sounds like he couldn't buff his Charisma die to d20 since it's a strength check and we're only adding the arcane skill... but his arcane skill is charisma based.



I've played just about everyone through the early stages to see who I like best and for my solo run through I am taking Crowe, Seelah, and Kyra.

It's time to pick Mythic paths and I find myself Really into the Spellrager style for Crowe (plus I already have one Marshal with Seelah).

Has anyone played Crowe without mythic strength and is it painful in the late game? I always use spells when possible with Crowe but sometimes he gets stuck with a weapon and no spell which gives him a still formidable d12+1+weapon+d10.


Hello all.

This is in regards to the Steel Shield and Seelah's ability to recharge heavy armors when using her add 1d6 skill.

Would the Steel Shield be considered a heavy armor even though it isn't one of the attributes listed?

The reason I ask is the shield benefits from heavy armor proficiency but it isn't one...


It seems really strange to me that this version of Sajan uses acrobatics as a primary skill with almost all of the weapons in the Class deck, except the ones he owns. Is that a misprint where it lists Strength, Dexterity, or Melee as the checks on the Temple Swords?

Hello all. I'm very excited about the Monk deck and I look forward to starting a new group with Athnul included.

Is there an official recommended deck list for her, or just use Basic cards and run with it?

Every other deck searching ability seems to come with a shuffle afterwards.

I just added a point to Kyra's strength. So when she uses her Mace for a combat check, does that Melee skill include the bonus to strength as well?