
Tahoe's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (5 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


Couldn’t you just create a deity that has a favoured weapon of the one you want to carry?

I have read over the multi classing a little.

I wanted to ask a few questions.

1) Can a human multiclass at first level?

2) And does anyone have a 4th level build of a multi class character?

I am really trying to understand how many feats and of which class or ancestry work together so I don't over power or under power a character.

I am trying to make a fighter with a cleric subclass, (I know I can make a paladin but this is a recreation of an original DnD character that has been reincarnated for every RPG I have played.

Thanks in advance