Taft's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 44 Organized Play characters.

I received an email on 26Sep saying that my order was pending. The email included the newly released SF scenario 1-04. That item is still pending on my account today. I have not received any further notifications or errors such as incorrect credit card. Please let me know how I can resolve this order issue. Obviously I would like all further scenario subscriptions to be processed smoothly.

Additionally, I would like to change the name/information of my -701 and -702 characters. I cannot find a way to do this on the website, nor can I edit the clickable name that they are referenced and the name the GM sees when putting in data. Please let me know how I can change these. I decided after creating a bunch of characters that I wanted to play my -702 and -703 first which means I cannot use the Welcome to Starfinder boon with either. I started playing my 702 as 701 but I cannot update the site.

Thanks on all fronts!