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Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Just picked this up and gave it a test run in Foundry, and I am blown away. The interface is fantastic, I love the styling of the journals and windows. Descriptions of the cards, a full step-by-step interface for performing a reading (including stacking the deck, for when you absolutely want certain cards where!), and having quick access to how each card you've drawn has been interpreted, and you can save individual readings to look back at them as necessary. The biggest stumbling block I faced when running Curse of the Crimson Throne and did the readings was having to go through my little booklet to remember what on Golarion each card meant. Now it's available at the click of a button!

The one downside I can see is that my players are going to get tired of me shoe-horning these readings into every session. This is absolutely fantastic.

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pixierose wrote:

The removal of Aron Kir is pretty upsetting so that Sosiel can be a romance option kind of rubs me the wrong way.(unless it was changed since the beta)

While I have loved the beta and play experience so far, this is one thing that did make me uncomfortable. They were a really memorable part of (reading, sadly not playing) the original AP, and seeing his husband just.... erased from existence to make Sosiel single left a bad taste in my mouth.

the return of the elven Dark Fate with elves that are TOO evil turning into Drow spontaneously was an... unexpected return of some old lore that I thought had been pretty firmly swept under the rug after Second Darkness.

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Yep! You can run the GM mode through the dedicated Foundry app and then 'log in' to your game as a player through a browser. Just set your TV up as a secondary screen and put your browser on there and you're good to go.

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Still, I assume this wouldn't override the Incapacitation trait (cuz that would be opening up a WHOLE can of worms) so any creature of 2nd level or higher 'failure' counts as a 'success.' So guaranteed dazzled for 1 round, not quite as amazing. If you were to pair this with an appropriately heightened Color Spray though, then you'd get the fun stuff. :P

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I just got my copy of Edgewatch #1, and I just wanted to show my appreciation for the included Interactive Maps! I've been running my games of Extinction Curse online, but even when I ran in person I used digital maps and these ones are GORGEOUS (especially after the admittedly disappointing quality of the Interactive Maps for Extinction Curse. Unless that was ever fixed, in which case I apologize and will happily re-download them.)

The first thing that stuck out for me was the lines. Everything is crisp and sharp, which is a godsend for things like placing dynamic lighting. I won't be able to tell until I get it in a VTT whether the grids are square or not, but even just at first glance they look MUCH better than I'm used to. Also awesome? I can turn off secret doors! That's always a pain in the neck, because while the base images in the PDF don't include the room numbers and such, that big S was always baked straight into the map and I had to poorly edit it out. Being able to do that with the click of a button will be a lifesaver.

Overall I just get the instant impression that Paizo is trying to make things easier and cleaner on us digital folks, especially with the times being what they are. If just these maps are any indicator of the quality of the rest of this campaign, you guys are going to knock this out of the park.

Again, thank you so much, I am so excited for this AP and this just made things 10,000 times better.

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Riobux wrote:
I originally thought maybe replacing it with Cayden Cailen so the wine makes sense, but again we are talking about a full one hundred years between Aroden's banana-peel slip into the afterlife and Cayden Cailen's ascension.

I must admit to some confusion here. Cayden Cailean ascended in 2765 AR, while Aroden met his fateful banana in 4706. They overlapped for quite a period of time, plenty of opportunity for some overly Lawful clerics of Aroden to get fussy about some Chaotic wine cup making a mess. I do agree that the Nocticula angle makes less sense, with her ascension being quite recent.

I might actually go the Cayden route, and have the self-important old ghost be positively SCANDALIZED by the thing. I do like Zapp's framework for the abilities on the thing, although might have to change some to fit the new deity. Something to reflect his love of parties and freedom... Hmm.