
T'Ranchule's page

Goblin Squad Member. 247 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
12:00 AM Pacific time tonight (3:00 AM Eastern for me)

Soooo... (does a quick Google search) 6:00pm here in Sydney. Cool.

What time does the PDF go on sale?

Hold up a sec... Ikeshti? Do Lizardfolk have a new name for themselves in Starfinder? Or am I missing something?

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Nu-uh. I just watched Alien: Covenant. I know what happens when Androids become "liberated"...

Why do I get the strange feeling the Soldier is going to get a medic specialisation?

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The mental image that I got for using Bluff for Trick Attack was "LOOK OVER THERE!"


As an aside, I recall this exact scenario coming up in The Temple of Elemental Evil novel by Thomas M. Reid. The only memorable part of an otherwise forgettable book.

Calling it now: Paladin.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Project: J-ko wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
A rare PC race that speaks entirely in metaphors and allusions based on their cultural mythology....
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra? I'm game.
At this point, Internet millennials speaking in memes is already pretty close. Will their pantheon of deities will be headed by a cat god of some sort?

Memeis, God of felines and keyboard music.

Like others I wouldn't mind seeing the Xenomorphs show up, but after reading through the previews for the Hive creatures in Horror Adventures I think we'll already have them. Now if only their old sparring partners the Predators could get their serial numbers filed off as well...

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
I'm guess that science fiction adventures will be the gencon hardback
I just want to say I called it. I had no inside knowledge. Just my guess based on what is popular right now and what paizo did in the past with their adventures/player companions and what they haven't done with their hardbacks.

The evidence has been piling up for quite some time, hasn't it? Still, like you I've been calling this for years. Kinda nice to be right for once xD

Does it have a Paizo product?

I've had another thought, and it's a little out there (and apologies if anyone has already said this) but here goes: what if the secret project is a hardback D&D adventure? WOTC have been collaborating have been collaborating with other RPG teams for most of the 5th Edition stuff, so it's not outside the realm of possibility, right? Right?

Or is that it's 3:51 in the morning here in Australia and I'm just having wacky thoughts?

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I've got a couple of guesses based on stuff I've noticed over the years:

1)Unspeakable Futures. Because James has been working on the thing for years and it's become something of a legend around here.

2)Space Opera spin-off. There's a sizeable amount of rules scattered through the various supplements and APs that could be already be spot-welded together to make Pathfinder viable in a modern/sci-fi setting. I lean towards Space Opera because of the hints dropped in Iron Gods, especially the stuff about the Dominions of the Black. Add to this the various alien creatures in Bestiary 5 and *sniff* yep, it smells like sci-fi.

Although the Second Darkness update sounds plausible too.

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May I humble suggest the anime Record of Lodoss War? It is quite literately based on the events of a D&D campaign.

No, that all sounds fine. Thank you for your reply.


I placed the above order ten days ago and it's status remains 'pending'. I understand there's been some post-Gencon madness so delays are to be expected, but I just wanted to be sure there wasn't an outstanding issue that I needed to address.


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A novel with Lizardfolk as a focal point? Happy day!

Slightly off-topic: one of my World of Warcraft characters is a gnome named Froron, who is based around of Frodo claiming the ring and becoming the Dark Lord in earnest. So naturally he's a Warlock Jewelcrafter.

So yeah, I do believe a halfling can be BBEG, so long as s/he has the right tools to aid (or corrupt) them. Throw in a little fallen hero story for flavour and Bob's your uncle.

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Greys? Annunaki?

As if I needed another reason to suspect a Pathfinder sci-fi spinoff...

That first Bugbear reminds me of Mon*Star from Silverhawks.

Paizo Blog wrote:
Ultimately, we decided on making the arcanist about tinkering with the underlying forces of arcane magic, using a combination of study and innate talent to break magic down and shape it to fit her needs.

That reminds me a lot of the Diablo 3 wizard background. Experiments with unstable arcane energies and so on.

The Japanese seem to be big on the term "Esper". It turns up all the time in anime and manga, although it's usually a catch-all term for all super powers including the stuff we associate with psychic powers. I vaguely recall the psychic kids in Akira were refered to as Espers in the manga, but I could be wrong on that one.

On topic, +1 for seeing Unspeakable Futures in print some day!

Fires are very close to my town. It's been a hairy week.

Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

It's my favorite edition of D&D with further improvments. Why would I not be happy?

I wouldn't mind seeing the Amanojaku, basically a goblin-analogue for Japan/ the Dragon Empires.

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Reading that feat name and description makes me think someone at Paizo has been playing Dragon's Dogma...

The Demonblight Redemption, maybe?

Hmmm. That "levels gain through actions, not XPs" thing sounds similar to how the Pathfinder MMO is handling it's leveling. Which is probably exactly why they're adding it.

Just finished Matthew Reily's Six Scared Stones. Not my favourite Reily novel: I'm normally a fan, but the flaws in his style that I can normally ignore in favour of a fun yarn stick out like a dog's proverbial in this one. I've read enough variations on the phrase "It was a spectacle sight" to last a lifetime. I never believed the children's dialogue (seriously, what kid speaks like that, even if they are a genius?), and found myself rolling my eyes at the ways the character's cheated death. I'm no metallurgist, but I'm pretty sure a stone slab that big would crush titanium. Just sayin'.

But my biggest gripe is with the interlude chapter that, while intended as a glimpse inside their lives in quieter times, just makes the protagonist and his daughter come across as self-entitled jerks who believe themselves above everyone else. In an escapist adventure novel where you're meant to be rooting for the good guy, that's a REALLY bad move to make.

I'm about halfway through White Tiger by Kylie Chan. Kung Fu Urban Fantasy set (mostly) in Hong Kong. Dips a LITTLE into paranormal romance which I'm not into so much, but thus far I like the characters and the story, while a little slow is interesting. I'm in 'till the end.

While I too am disappointed by the lack of Lizzies (in this chapter at any rate: don't forget there's a whole chapter we don't know squat about), all the tools for playing 'em will be there in chapter 4 so I'm not too worried.

Although, given the outpouring of lizard love in this thread, would a "Lizardfolk of Golarion" splatbook be out of the question?

So much for the real life Bond villan.

Yes, I know there's more serious issues at play here, but ever since Team America it's been a little hard for me to take him seriously.

EDIT: Dang, got beaten to the punch on that reference.

I just finished Demon City Shinjuku by Hideyuki Kikuchi. It's clearly a debut novel, and it's easy to see the author's growth between it and the sequel which is included in the omnibus. Still, it leaves me with the dilemma I always have with translated works: how much is the original author's work and how much is the translators? I guess I'll never know short of learning Japanese.

Anyway, I'm now on to the Untold Adventures anthology of D&D short stories. Figured I'd round out the year with some quicker reads.

martinaj wrote:
T'Ranchule wrote:
I've always pronounced it the 'cow' way, but I tend to roll the 'R' sound a little.
Like a cat or something?

Sorta, but without elonggating the 'ow' part. Drrow.

...yeah, in text it doesn't quite work xD. My thinking on it was that it's meant to be a word that isn't human in orgin, so I tried to pronounce it in an unusual way. Kinda like how Cthulhu is meant to be pronounced by growling at the back of your throat and coughing at the same time.

I've always pronounced it the 'cow' way, but I tend to roll the 'R' sound a little.

I finished Matthew Reilly's Scarecrow about a week ago. Not his best book, but for a modern pulp pallet cleanser it did it's job. Currently reading Stephen King's On Writing because I figured if I wanted to learn this stuff, I may as well learn from a master.

Joe Wells wrote:

OK, I'm going to throw Lizardfolk out there. Yes, I know they aren't 0hd. That's a shame, really. They'd work really well using class levels only.

One of the first non(demi)-human characters outlined for the game was Phoebus in the original Rogue's Gallery. They're Neutral alignment, so they don't have any fussy morality baggage to mess with. They're big, they're bad, they're green.

And just look at that Trampier artwork.

Admit it. You need some lizard in your campaign.


Phoebus the JustFortunateEnough wrote:


Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk Lizardfolk


Word, brother.

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The noise I made when I discovered this... well, I struggle to accurately describe it, but needless to say it was of delight.

Vote blue in twenty-one-two!

...errrm. Smurf.

My thoughts are that it was an evil act, but given that the Monk in question is Lawful Neutral and mad as hell I wouldn't say it altered his alignment. If he keeps doing it, then it starts getting into alignment-shift teritory.

What interests me is that the player left it up to a dice roll. That's pretty chaotic to me. Sure, it was the player not the character, but still...

I actually appreciate that WotC, through Mearls, is offering this olive branch. I was one of the people didn't like the changes made in 4th Edition and thought the initial advertising was terrible bordering on insulting, but I think WotC is finally starting to realise their errors and are trying to heal the rifts in the community. I'm not about to begrudge them that.

I'm slowly but surely making my way through The Deed of Paksenarrion omnibus, a series I first heard about somewhere over the course of this enormous thread. Everything you've heard is true: while the first book Sheepfarmer's Daughter is more a war story, the D&D influences in the second book Divided Allegiance are almost immediately apparent. It's also a damn good read, so I'll second whoever first mentioned it here.

That first post just gave me the mental image of Gibbering Mouther flailing at a keyboard.

... is it possible to be a Gibbering Mouther and a Troll at the same time?

Matthew Morris wrote:
maxashe wrote:
I just recently switched over to Pathfinder. I hadn't thought of it until today but are there any Pathfinder rules for playing psionic characters?

Short answer: Yes, just do some conversion work on the XPH.

Longer version: Psionics has snuck into Golarion, both in the campaign setting and in Into the Darklands. There's no official 'Psifinder' rules put out by Paizo, though Dreamscarred press is currently in beta for their PFRPG compatible psionics rules. (disclaimer, I've not had the time to contribute to their beta, but a bunch of these folks were on the Mind's Eye team, so I know they do good work).

TPTBPaizo have said that any work on psionic offical rules are far in the future, I'd guesstimate 2014 at the earliest. (based on Tian Xia being 2011, and also a desire to see epic rules of somesort).

Wait wait wait... Tian Xia in 2011? How the heck did I miss that?!?!

Man, he presented us a lot of great films. Rest in Peace.

Richter Belmont wrote:
You don't belong in this world!

Awww, but I like it here :(

This was indeed a moment of awesome and I wish to see more. ALL HAIL THE PAIZO GRRRLS!

If you have access to Dragon magazine back issues, #318 had a Lizardfolk monster class that started them as a 0HD character. Not sure how well it would work under Pathfinder, and not everyone likes the monster class method, but it's there if you want to try it.

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