Hand of the Inheritor

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Thanks for the comments and feedback! A lot of questions will be answered by the lore and history of Tempus Ren. A great point here is regarding stagnation. Outside of a group game, what's happening in the worlds of Golarion or Midgard this week? We plan to offer weekly world updates on Tempus Ren including empire actions, society involvements (could be your society), adventure hooks, modules and contests. You can play Tempus Ren in your own sandbox or help change future content through community involvement.

Thanks again everyone!
~Challis, Sunbearer LLC

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Greeting community. We are wrapping up preparation for the Kickstarter on our companies first campaign setting and introducing it to you before it goes live. We have over 30 pieces of art already created and the writing/play-testing is about half done for the initial book. In about 3 weeks we will be going to Kickstarter for additional funding to help make this book as great as we envision it.

Check out our website at tempusren.com

Tempus Ren
Tempus Ren is a game set in a thriving world that is currently in a state of conflict known as the Contention Wars. This is high fantasy; we prefer the term “FantasyTech” which integrates magic and technology. We have taken inspiration from the Michael Moorcock’s Stormbringer, Spelljammer, Confrontation: The Age of the Rag’Narok and Norse Mythology.

We have put a high value on lore in the base campaign setting. An in-depth history sets the stage with immortal beings called Keepers of the Realm carving their place in the world. Humans, known as Terrans, are not the predominate race. Fantasy races such as the Elohhan, Eldritch, Ancients, Quicklings, Ulfs and others dominate the realm. Outsider planes including Goldholm, Fiendholm, Nullholm, Feyholm and Lockholm help make up the Tempus Ren Cosmology. An Unspeakable God is ever present in his goal to be freed from his bonds and spread his maddening influence. The horror of the macabre monsters is real in Tempus Ren, with fear options that are not so easily cured. Six mighty empires and a multitude of societies have established themselves as the major political players, each with their own agendas. A short story will be included in the book reflecting the rise of one the imperial leaders.

Tempus Ren is offering a new world, a setting based in conflict, players options to become part of the story-line, new races unique to the word, prestige classes, archetypes, fighting styles, magic items including technology items, airships, space travel, monsters, history, lore, notoriety traits and more all in a beautifully presented product.

The Setting
Tempus Ren is the name of the planet that was founded by race of immortal demigods known as the First Keepers. These First Keepers have impacted the evolution of the realm and play vital roles in the world. Gods, Godheads and Elemental Powers watch over the realm and via for influence. A diverse ecology with environmental dangers and rule-sets lay ready to be explored. The empires of Alexandria, Necro’Heavenly, Zenter, Valiant, Darkland and Tel’Merikad struggle with the Contention Wars. The societies of RokuSin, the Norbanders, Silvered Lion Society, Parliament of the Owls and more reach for their hold on the world.

Evolving World
We were tired of playing in stagnate worlds that did not seem to evolve, so we laid the foundation for Tempus Ren to be different. Players can certainly choose to play in their own sandbox as their story line effect ‘their’ version of the world. However we plan to make Tempus Ren dynamic… changing as time passes. Those players who subscribe to our newsletter, integrate future supplements or participate in the website will see the world evolve as history passes. Empires may invoke war, skirmishes spots on the map will appear or the world may have new mythic threats emerge. These changes will come with adventure hooks, modules with new potential for players to influence the world history.

The world combines fantasy and science by merging psionics, magic and technology. Arc pistols, energy shields, air ships, androids, space travel, etc interplay with the classical sword and sword features of the world. Think that technology would suppress the use of magic in the world? Not in Tempus Ren. Magic is the primary power and can accomplish all the same if not more then technology. With technology available but not on the same par as traditional magic it blends nicely into our FantasyTech ecology.

The Contention Wars & Loyalty Traits
Conflicts have spread all over the world. Allies and enemies have been made. Some empires seek only to defend themselves as others fight for domination. While the world is a functional campaign setting on its own we are putting the focus on the contention wars. Players may choose their allegiance and work towards furthering its war efforts. Notoriety and loyalty traits are available for those who zealously carry out the will of their chosen empire or society. Adventure hooks and module will include objectives such as securing a military point of interest, diplomacy, ensuring trade, usurping powers, removing threats such as war monsters and war airships, etc. Mass combat is inline with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign options, with added intuitive quick play mass combat options as well.

Loyalty traits are an additional trait (advantage) that character gain in relation to who they are fighting for. Imperial traits are available for each empire and society traits are available for each established society. Wanna make your own society? Sounds good, there is room for your own loyalty trait creations.

The Campaign Setting Book
The core book is focused on the realm around the empires. It will come with color art that we are really proud of and be available in PDF and hardback form. We are really excited to share this product.

Artwork and Writing
We are making it a priority to have professional art and design in this book. We have some great artists committed to help us with the campaign book. Alexandre Chaudret an amazing France based digital artists is doing the majority of the artwork. Adam Soroczynski, an up and coming Poland based digital artists is working on some fantastic environmental art. Nakarin Sukontakorn a Thailand based artist is our material designer. And Christina Nordlander a wonderful UK based writer has been helping with the writing. We are happy to have such a great group of people aiding us with this project.

Round Up
We are really excited about this product and hope we can share it on a larger level with players. Sunbearer LLC is committed to the Tempus Ren world, wanting to see it grow into a full product line. We will let you know when the kickstarter is live. Thank you for reading this, please help us share the news of Tempus Ren.

Challis, Sunbearer LLC

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Greetings fine community!

We are here to crack open a door to our world. Tempus Ren is our in production, epic fantasy world with an initial core campaign setting book set to be offered in 2015. The campaign setting comes with new races, developed empires, gods/godheads, societies, major figures, a spirituality system, a spiritualist class, great artists/writers that are currently helping develop the world, amazingly in-depth history and more. After the core product release we plan to offer an evolving story line with continued products such as adventure hooks, modules, addons, miniatures, etc.

Empires are the name of the game in the core campaign setting. The ‘Imperial Realms’ will be the focus of the initial product which revolves around the regions of the empires. As said, our plan is to release the Tempus Ren Campaign Settings within the year 2015 with initial funding through Kickstarter. There will be a free primer released first so players may have an introduction to Tempus Ren before the book is released or before they later buy. We also have a short story being written so participants may better understand the world dynamics.

Please honor us with a website visit: tempusren.com

Questions? We would love to hear them. It might be a little early in the process for detailed answers but we will do our best.

Help spread the word, we would appreciate it.

Thank you for reading!