Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.
There is a comic/game store Emerald Knights in Burbank on Burbank Blvd., they used to have PFS on Thursday evenings. Not sure if still playing.
Also Game Empire in Pasadena has PFS robethe first Saturday of every month. Check out
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Sorry, but I don't think its whining when you are given a task with no hope of success. I always thought that the underlying philosophy of the PFS games was to have fun by using the player's creativity, imagination & grit to find solutions to problems, not put a rank in each knowledge skill.
Do any of you DMs have the actual language from to mod? I would like to know whether it is the mod or the DM.
I'm not a DM, but a player & thought this would be best place to get my answer.
Just finished playing Cyphermage dilemma. It was fun until the end. I was not awarded my faction point.
My character is Cheliaxan. My mission was to find cages to hold Hellhounds. To take notes & sketches & bring them back. I found the cages & started to take notes & sketches. The DM asked if I had a rank in engineering, which I don't. He said I couldn't do that since I didn't have engineering. We then said we will break them down or cart them whole whole using the pirate prisoners. He denied that too.
Does Cyphermage Dilemma actually say the only way to successfully complete the mission is to have at least a rank in engineering? If so that part of the mode really sucks.
Going on a vacation to Italy in Early May 2012. Would like to see what Pathfinder Society is like in Italy. Will be in Rome & Florence. Anyone have contacts?
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Unless I'm missing something....Jason's post there was talking about cleave, not a charge. Is there a FAQ that talks about it. All I have found is endless debate on multiple threads. Is there an official ruling on Charge & vital strike?
Is there a place that specifically says that you can't use Vital Strike & a charge?
My character just had his gun possessed by an intelligent creature so now the gun is an intelligent item. It has the ability to cast 1st level spells 2nd level spell 1x a day. At what caster level is the spell?
Besides the core rule book is there any other material out their on intelligent items? Even 3rd party material.
I am playing a homebrew of PF Kingmaker. My Holy Gun/Spellslinger/Gunslinger had the soul of a Peryton from an egg imbued into one of his guns.
The Peryton wants to redeem itself and become a servant of Iomedae, which my Holy Gun etc. is a Paladin for.
My DM used the example of the gun with the Peryton soul being a pit bull puppy in Michael Vick's dog operation.
My character has the feat of craft magic arms & armor. How do I teach the intelligent gun different abilities etc.?
Any suggestions?
I have an arcane gun. I wish to CAST a spell on the gun & FIRE it. Isn't this two standard actions?
Both Spellslinger & Holy Gun say you get a battered gun at 1st level. Does this mean I get two guns at 2nd level?
Pirate wrote: Yar.
THOMAS HAMLETT wrote: Sorry, but that didn't help me........Playing Ebon the Destroyer tomorrow & need a decision... I do hope that I have been helpful. By my reading of the rules, I feel pretty confident in my interpretation posted above (+4 hit, -0 AC is for the Cavalier only, mount still is at +2, -2).
Thanks.........think you are right...
Shtudd-Leee wrote: Must once again open the hallowed pages of the Halflings rule all and eternal sourcebook:
Halfling don't generally need to have a recorded Armor Class, they are nigh untouchable, in addition to being immortal and god-like...which is to say that gods are halfling-like.....sometimes I just have to sit back and take a minute, our overwhelming greatness takes a little while to process...there is ALOT there.
Sorry, but that didn't help me........Playing Ebon the Destroyer tomorrow & need a decision...
Ok, how about Cavalier's Charge. Does it go to both the mount & rider? Now neither have the penalty?
I am sure this very obvious, but I'm not sure.
If I am mounted & charging, who's AC takes the -2 penalty? The mount or rider? You are using the mount's speed, so shouldn't the mount take the penalty?
Name Violation wrote: so you want to combine 2 weapons into an uber weapon? Yeah. sounds about right.
Have a Cavalier Gnome who would love to add a Ripsaw Glaive to his lance. Is this possible? How would you create such an item?
Would like to take the feats Mounted Blade or Indomitable Mount, but it says you have to have Qadira or Lastwall Affinity.
Morgen wrote: Perhaps if you went into detail about what you wanted the character to do and be like? Ok, sorta looking at the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western of a man great with a gun that likes to throw dynamite around.
Sorry, I am sure that this has been discussed to death, but couldn't find a thread with a discussion about a build.
I want to build a Alchemist/Gunslinger using Point blank & Precise Shot as my opening feats. Not really how to proceed with the 3rd level onward.
Any suggestions?
Playing in PFS, my Cavalier purchased a Wand of Shield with his 2 PA. The thought being the Cavalier would give it to a caster who could use it & they would buff him up before we went in & fought with bad guy.
A DM stated that Shield is a personal spell and thus the wand could not be used on my Cavalier, only the caster wielding on himself. Was this a correct call by the DM?
Tristan Windseeker wrote: THOMAS HAMLETT wrote:
I would like to have a Cavalier & Fighter character & use boon companion. Has any one worked this out?
As far as I can tell, the cavalier's mount functions as a druid's animal companion. Therefore, "Boon Companion" should apply.
Boon Companion is worded a bit oddly, but the intent of the feat is similar to the "Natural Bond" feat from 3.5. Basically, you add 4 to your effective druid level, up to a maximum of your character level.
A Cavalier 1/Fighter 4 with Boon Companion would be treated as a Druid 5 for the purpose of the Animal Companion.
A Cavalier 1/Fighter 1 with Boon Companion would be treated as a Druid 2.
A Cavalier 2/Fighter 3 would be treated as a Druid 5.
A Cavalier 1/Fighter 8 would be treated as a Druid 5.
Hope that helps. What type of feat is the Boon Companion? If it is not a combat feat neither a Fighter nor Cavalier could take it. Do I have this right?
I would like to have a Cavalier & Fighter character & use boon companion. Has any one worked this out?
Mok wrote: Yeah, when you buy it you get in your downloads an option for the book as a whole, which on my desktop actually is a very poor performing pdf, or you can also get everything broken out into chapters. The chapters provide better performance.
Among the chapters is the poster map.
I think the poor performance for the pdf is because of all the maps in the book. Everything is a cascade of layers, with details broken out into different layers, and so all of those layers keep having to be processed.
If I buy the Inner Sea World Guide in PDF format, will the world map be there also?
Howie23 wrote: THOMAS HAMLETT wrote: My Gnome Cavalier uses a wolf. The Cavalier wants the wolf to make a double move & then the Cavalier attacks (Not a straight line for charge.) Can this be done? Wolf double moves and cannot attack. The rider can take a single melee attack after the movement; he cannot take a full attack if the mount moves more than 5'. He can full attack with ranged combat (not melee), during the wolf's movement.
Can you point me to the relevant book & pages? I have searched & not found it (sure I've looked straight at it)
Scipion del Ferro wrote: No, you cannot attack after your mount makes a double move. You can attack if they charge though, you also get the attack bonus and AC penalty. If your mount moves more than 5 feet you can only take a single attack as you have to wait for your mount to reach the target. You can only make an attack during a double move or run if it is with a ranged weapon, since you are essentially attacking while your mount is in motion. These are at a penalty as well.
D20SRD [Mounted Combat]
So, if the Gnome on the wolf, is double moving with a lance the Gnome could make an attack? With penalties?
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
My Gnome Cavalier uses a wolf. The Cavalier wants the wolf to make a double move & then the Cavalier attacks (Not a straight line for charge.) Can this be done?
Is there a crest for the cavalier Order of the Shield?
K Neil Shackleton wrote: Here is the link.
Actually, if you read to the end of the thread, it points out that the kilt is only listed in the AA as an update of the Campaign Setting (3.5) version. So the AA does not give cost, bonuses, penalties, etc. As all of that information is in the Campaign Setting, the item is not available for PFSOP.
Huh? I thought they were legal because of The Armory. Also this thread seems to at least imply that they are legal in PFS ociety/general/armouredKiltAndOrganizedPlay&page=1&source=search#0 Something is missing on the address as I can't get there.
Everything in Adventurers Armory is legal, with the accept ion of Pseudodragons (which have to be gotten from advanced familiar feat).
But in the Wayfinder the armored kilt is excluded. Is it legal for play?
Mahorfeus wrote: Ouch, I remember that description about question 2. I refuse to open that can of worms again, but I'll FAQ this just in case. New to this message board where find this FAQ. Did you make the handbook?
I'm sorry I know there have been many threads on this, but I have found nothing official. I keep seeing people say "Jason said", but can't find it. I would like something to show DMs who have conflicting interpretations.
Please point me to where it officially says that a Summoner (can or can't) use the Augment Summoning feat on the eidelon.
Thomas Hamlett
Did you ever make your handbook? Do you know where to find a definitive ruling on Augment Summoning & the Eidelon?
Thomas Hamlett
Ok, I don't know all the rules by heart & not good at calculating all the buffs & feats on the fly. I need a sorta cheat sheet that I can use. An Excel sheet would be perfect so that if my Half-Orc Barbarian decides to rage, is blessed, given bark skit etc. I have an easy way to calculate it all. I play both Pathfinder & 3.5.
If you could email me @ if would be appreciated.