
THAC0's page

46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


eat fish tacos

danced with hellish

singing power balleds

pouring from a

crazed hobbo sex at the local Tacohell

on a griddle

giant rubber pants

oranges are apples

Great Vomit Taco

danced like an insane hobo

pissed on Orko

pimp for a

Hamsters fell from

the duck exploded

the best thing about a Duskblade is quick casting Disentigrate and then casting it again as a normal spell kills just about anything

lust for tacos

while covered in

sweaty loin areas

when its sad

tasty chocolate hat

first they want us to all learn spanish and now they want our bounty hunter.....they can go f+** themselves cuz thats b#!~#$*~

to the badgers

chicken pot pie

onto the naked

Randomly cats fall

,oh hairy elf?

flavored hot chocolate

try some of the sword of truth novels by robert jorden his newest one called phantom has a part where this one woman tells a story about what it was like living under in a city occupied by a savage horde.

i hate Lakenhell and i hate the idiot i have to work with for the next 2wks

there are no towns in my world only an endless dungeon filled full of stuff to kill so i dont have to worry about that

Closing the Oblivian gate in Kvatch is hard when you are lvl 17

warforged either fighter/warforged juggernaut/psion with adamantine body feat so that way i can survive just about any thing and i get to blow stuff up.

or maybe an awakened dire weasel with levels of rogue and sorcerer

besause it reminds me that some things are just useless and just because your friends like it doesnt mean you will.

as for the avatar(Belkar) he reminds me of my first 3rd Ed charcter a crazed hafling rogue/ranger

In Complete Warrior they have rules for playing a Ranger or Paladin that cant cast spells and I was thinking of making a Hexblade along the same lines. So does any one have any suggestions for what I can replace the Hexblades spells with

sorry bout that room mate figured out my password

no we r's a 4channer

thats ONE HUNDRED with an S at the end and im not an idiot im 2 idiots

sorry i ment ONE HUNDREDS





for me playing 2ed was like being pulled backwards throu a knot hole while being hit in the head with a ballpien hammer because the dm i had was the type that played exactly by what it said in the book.

my barbarian smashes things with his maul my fighter stabs them with his glaive adn my wizard charms the biggest person he can see and gets them to do one of the above

Wait till it spreads to D&D online thats going to be fun

Demons and Devils are great and all but im more interested in Yugoloths.