T.Donovan's page

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The reason I don't want to go monk is the theme of this build was for a huge threat range for tripping, AoO's and control, with shield bash for close range repositions.

The shield isn't so much of an issue at small because I was going to use enlarge person permanently, so the damage different between a small and large bashing spiked shield is 2d6 vs 2d8, not the end of the world. the Fauchard is an interesting choice, but the source material is a little esoteric, and the Lucerne Hammer has a higher base, which means when it grow in size the difference is 2d8 vs 3d6.

Also, the 10 levels in ranger isn't for Improved two weapon fighting, its for GREATER two weapon fighting for 3 off-hand attacks, being able to keep my DEX low at 15 vs having to get it up to 19 (especially if the GM rules that items don't make you qualify for feats)

I'm looking to build a melee dps / controller that uses a polearm in one hand and a shield in the other as his weapons.

I was thinking Phalanx Soldier / Infiltraitor, taking the shield feats for free bullrushing and two weapon fighting. Then using enlarge person so that he'd have a reach of 20 feat around him, using his shield to push back anyone close.

The leveling progression would go 3 Fighter, 10 Ranger, 10 Fighter. using the combat styles to pick up the full TWF tree without having 19 DEX, and taking the Dragon favored enemy to use the lunge adaptation (25' threat square yo)

I keep coming across a few issues:

I want to use a heavy shield (3d6+Str+Free Bullrush), but the -4/-4 until level 11 (which shrinks to 0/-4) is really hefty for that

I get the multiple offhand attacks really late (Level 9 and 13 vs 6 and 11)

I am unsure of what other feats to fill outside of the TWF, Shield, and Power attack line.

btw the other weapon would be the Lucerne Hammer, 3d6 when made large