Rogeif Yharloc

Szioul's page

Goblin Squad Member. 15 posts (17 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

Goblin Squad Member

We were discussing the logistics of the Crowdforger Guilds, and noticed a discrepancy in the reward details.

The picture says 6x Crowdforger Pioneer rewards and Guild Starter pack. 18400_large.png?1355537351

Whereas the text description on the sidebar, says:

Crowdforger Guild - Patrons at this level get six copies of all the Loremaster rewards, including six digital downloadable copies of the Pathfinder Online MMO and an invite for six to play once the game hits Early Enrollment, six three-month game subscriptions, six New Player Packs of consumables, and six Pathfinder Alliance Packs. Patrons at this level will be invited to join Early Enrollment as a guild of six in the order that they pledged this level. The first 200 guilds will be invited into month number one of Early Enrollment. Once we have reached 200 guilds at this level, the next 200 guilds will get invites to month two, with the next 200 guilds getting invites for month three and so on through the ninth month of Early Enrollment. Patron guilds will receive a Guild Starter Pack, as well as having the right to reserve their guild name (subject to name approval).

Which is correct?