
Sylvia Falschen's page

2 posts. Alias of vegecannibal.


Submitting Sylvia, a Half-Orc Jinx/Spellspy Witch with a Rat named Cheese.
Background, Personality, and Appearance:

Sylvia is capricious when not undercover, her boisterous attitude serves to further distance herself from the serene disguises she wears while hunting down drug dealers. She used to be an addict, and after a brush with death thanks to shiver she's dedicated herself to tracking down it's source and ending it, permanently.
Her long black hair can be seen in one of two styles, sleek and down when disguised, or messy and up when not. Her tusks are so small that most could assume they're simply crooked teeth. Her skin tone is a pink-grey, though with enough powder it's a pale-grey.
She practices the arts of her mother before her, though the whims of her patron are a mystery to her still.

I actually had this character built for a different campaign but didn't get selected, it happened to use the same build rules and i just swapped one campaign trait for another. -1 Reflex, +1 Fortitude

If you're still considering players, I'd like to offer up [Sylvia Falschen]. She's a Half-Orc witch from the streets who uses shamanic flair to separate suckers from their money and help those lucky enough to be her friends.