Rukus Graul

Syd_Dave's page

6 posts. Alias of Dementrius (RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16).


Another question to answer:

Power Level:
(1) Everyone you meet is a 1st level commoner (or equivalent)
(10) Eliminster is coming 17th in his raquetball comp.

I am leaning towards a 2-3 on this one. The Baron should be (tops) 5th level. Why doesn't he save his own daughter from the Ogres? - because he's a chuuuuuummmmmppp.

That map was awesome. Any ideas for the name of the town?

What about something like "Wealdbrook"?

I forgot one thing on my list:

# of gods:
(1) Monotheistic
(10) There is a god of yellow highlighters.

My feeling is that we should limit this to perhaps 10 major gods + various demon/devil lords.

LocalDave wrote:

I know I'll seem dim, but I have a jpeg map (based on our discussions, Dan) which I'd like to post for you all to look at. How the hell do I do that? Is my only option to email it to you?


I've sent out an email with a rough version of the proposed map on it. And no, I don't think we can post pictures here.


LocalDave wrote:

Okay, first of all, my 2c from a while ago, before I found the new blog, and in reply to Sydney Dave's bizarro-earth map:

I like your ideas, Dave, particularly pertaining to the large scale map parameters- I think an arbitrary map like that might work well, although with the massively increased land mass we might want to make the dark area which was north and south America, plus the area beyond it to the west which was part of the Pacific, into a big Atlantic style ocean...

Or we could increase the ocean sizes by saying that, for instance, the -200m depth mark is the shoreline now. (Include pink in the oceans)

Campaign Questions:

Just a general questionnaire about some of the preferences for the new campaign (thought starters)

(1) Human Only [Earth / Alternate Earth]
(10) Every Race / Monster in Core Monster Manual [Faerun]

10 – Lets give 4th edition the full works

(1) All races stick to their own kind
(10) All races are accepted in all towns / cities

3 – Some small interchange between races, but most villages are mostly homogenous

Human Centricity:
(1) Humans are the main players in the world, elves can only be seen in deserted forests when the moon is full
(10) Humans are but one of the many sentient races, and can be expected to make up no more than 5% of the world’s total population

6 – Most NPCs are human more often than not, but a significant amount are non-human

(1) Monster attacks are rare and nobody believes they exist
(10) Monsters are expected and feared. Humanity exists in the cracks of the food chain.

9 – Monsters are everywhere! Some villages are holding back the darkness.

(1) No other planes exist
(5) 4th Ed Cosmology (Shadowlands, Feywild, Elemental Vortex)
(10) The great wheel

5 – 4th ed standard

World shape
(1) Gravity says “You’re a sphere”
(10) We live in a planar tree on the back of a unicorn made of pudding.

1 – Let’s not go nuts here.

(1) Massive cities, developed nations
(10) Wilderness, small self-sufficient hamlets
A range of 5 – 10 depending on region. Mostly towards the upper range.


Temperate to start with, but some opportunities to do cold / desert / ocean adventures.

Flora and Fauna


(1) Modeled after a historical society
(10) Every name has an apostrophe in it.

3 – Towns with names like “Stonebridge” or “Stormleigh” should be common in human lands (varies with race)

Culture (Local)

Feudal lords and Robber Barons with no overlaying authority. Knightly orders?

History (Local)

Do we want post-cataclysm / continuous struggle for survival / civilisation on the rise?

(1) Turnip Farmers (Dark Ages)
(10) Trade-based free enterprise (Renaissance)

2 – The major currency is food. Coins are rare, as is personal wealth.

(1) Magic is common and used throughout the land. Everyone has a magic shovel.
(10) You are strange and different. Meet “Mr. Pyre”.

7 – Perhaps 1 in 1000 people should be a spellcaster

(1) What’s that?
(10) Everyone worships

8 – Very religious, but with some dissenters

Celestial Interaction
(1) None
(10) I had a cup of tea with Torm and his angel posse this morning

3 – No voice of god, but visions sometimes. Cults bring demons and devils to the world.