Swiftness's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I've always played Pathfinder with the first rule being to have fun and a lot of people in this thread seem to be against that and more for turning it into a job, no thanks I already have one of those.

So it took us 4 carts of oil soaked wood but we killed it. Opened the door shoved cart 1 in and closed it, the quasit had her sinspawn push it into one of the rooms closet, the sinspawn were already weakened from previous encounters with us so the fire finished them off. The second cart was quenched by a water elemental the quasit summoned. The third cart was pushed by the quasit herself into the second closet and closed off. The 4th cart she had no way of dealing with so it filled the room with smoke and after a lot of rounds she eventually died from smoke inhalation. The carts, wood, and lamp oil used ended up costing less then half the 1 scroll of detect invisibility I purchased. :)

According to the Paizo design team it does count to have a spell like ability: http://tenletter.wordpress.com/2014/02/27/pathfinder-spell-like-abilities-f aq-builds/

Um no, they worded it like that because the enchantment goes onto the arrows as you shoot them...

You are looking at this from the perspective of people who live sheltered lives without constantly having settlements attacked by monsters who kill, steal from, and eat people for fun. I'm pretty sure people that grow up in a pathfinder setting would have no more thought of killing the goblins babies or not to not be evil but on par with an exterminator getting rid of a rat infestation that are chewing up your house in our society. When they exterminate the rats they don't leave the babies in hope that they can raise them or that they wont still be pest and have no reason to think that way.

I agree that if an animal gains intelligence and even if they learn a language through linguistics or otherwise they still cannot speak the language. They can understand and perhaps read it but not speak it. This is the case for a Druid using wild shape it specifically says you can only communicate to animals of the same type while in the form of an animal and this is pretty much the same thing for all purposes while you remain in that form (an animal with intellect and the ability to understand languages).

Okay so, if someone has gone invisible it does not make you suddenly not know of them and therefore use them as a target of a magically guided arrow that can also shoot around a wall if someone ran behind it but you don't know what square behind the wall they are at. It completely negates concealment, your target is the guy you can no longer see. It can hit him.