General Dakovya

Sutehp's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.


Seriously, how did the inhabitants of Golarion come to name the trompe l'oeils as "trompe l'oeils"? French doesn't exist on Golarion, does it? Sure, Common might be the Golarion version of English, but that's Translation Convention, isn't it?

And if I'm wrong and Common essentially *is* English on Golarion, then which language does French become on Golarion? Taldan? If Galt is essentially Revolutionary France, then is Hallit (which is the other language besides Common spoken in Galt) essentially French but just spoken on Golarion?

One wonders if the devs even thought about any of this when they wrote Horror Adventures.