Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen in a whirl of speed attacks the plant once more, but as he tires and the sweat breaks on his brow, the attacks lack the precision his training has taught. Flurry of blows 1: monk weapon Magic Nanchaku(+1) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() The blue man is a dangerous combination of quick fire moves as he presses home his attacks. Uses a ki point for an extra attack in the flurry
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen uses his monk's weapon to inflict more damage. Flurry of blows 1: monk weapon Magic Nanchaku(+1) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 damage 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3) + 2 = 8
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen nimbly jumps the fallen thorn creates as his nanchaku is raised and sweeps in an arch, thrashing towards the monster, before in a whirlwind of speed, turning and defly move back to his original position. If close enough for a spring attack, Surveen will use that
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen staggers back from the forcefully thrown thorn which pierces his shoulder. He rips the thorn from his flesh, but a green residue begins to eat at his raw flesh, there is something more his body is failing to fight, more than just a wound. Fort Save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 if poison he is still under the effects of a vial of anti-toxin, so has a bonus of +5, immune to disease. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Just to let you know I'll be at PaizoConUK next weekend 20th-23rd-ish and therefore won't be posting. And again from 2nd Aug to 5th Aug at the local Music Festival, so feel free to GM bot for those periods so as not to slow anything down. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() "Crazy or no, Eylin's guests didn't look as though they could handle the chaos of the bee swarms. Someone had to rise to the challenge." he smiles at Tudan, before he spots the mists and the flora. "Come Tudan, there is evil afoot here, run!" taking Tudan's hand, Surveen attempts to run away from the encircling hedge and mists, hopefully towards their friends. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen, lets Tudan's magic wash over him, soothing the pain and mending his burnt flesh, it returns to its normal blue hue. Even as he nods thanks to his fiend, he listens with dismay at the voice an anger steadily rising within. "This Tenzekil must pay reparation for the fear and disruption he has bought to Eylin's wedding celebrations. Let's find our host and his bride, we should see if anything can be salvaged of this day?" ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Thx Tudan, forgot the 1/2 damage, was pretty shocked when it turned out with 9d6, then getting a high count for the rolls ... I was quite happy thinking it being only 7. Surveen manages to avoid the centre of the intense fire, but even as he dives clear, the red and orange flame engulf him, burning his blue skin, leaving him severely injured. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Sharadon, not sure where you get the extra +2 on the damage. It's kinda important as its the difference between life and death. Also noticed you have 2 magic traits, normally you can only choose 1 trait from a category, (magic,faith,social,combat..etc.) ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() As the fireball explodes, Surveen dives for cover behind an upturned bench, but his foot slips on a patch of wet grass, causing his to loose purchase and stumble, instead he ploughs into the bench itself. Reflex Save 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() A little bit of healing would go a long way for Surveen at the moment... with healing I think Surveen can take 1 more round of punishment before he tries to escape the swarm and leave it to the magic users, unless you want Surveen to run now and you start damaging the swarms. Personally I think we need to keep the bees busy until the crowd is safe. Anyone able to command strong winds ... very strong, might be able to dissipate the swarm...just a thought. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Fort save 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 5 = 20 includes anti toxin bonus Seeing how ineffectual his blows have been to stop the swarm, Surveen moves in the opposite direction to the crowd and out of the swarms reach, before turning and waving vigorously and shouting at the swarm, trying to attract the bees towards him. Surveen picks up a handful of dirt ready to throw into the swarm, once the ceremonial area is clear of people. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen wanted to drink a vial of anti-toxin, as his first action. Has he done that? Any word from Sharadon? We seem to struggling a bit, just when we get to the first combat!! Surveen's next action, after drinking the vial is, when the time comes will be..
Flurry of Blows
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Surveen can use his natural attacks as bludgeoning attacks against the swarm, but first he will take out and drink a vial of anti-toxin. Do you want him to be in the middle of the swarm? His initial reaction is to shield the girl, shoo her away from the swarm and do his best to protect her from the swarm, even if it means taking the swarm on himself. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen Walsh wrote: Surveen sees a little girl get stung, he tuens to Halak and Gideon, "Did you see and hear that! There appears to be a hive of bees or wasps present at the funeral. And they ain't very friendly either, see they stung that little girl. Excuse me, I'll go over and comfort her." Sureen rises and moves to help the young girl. It was pointed out I managed to make this wedding into a funeral ... whoops my most profound apologies..I meant wedding as in .... wasps present at the wedding. So replace that above. Good job I am not a priest is all I can say .. :) ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen sees a little girl get stung, he tuens to Halak and Gideon, "Did you see and hear that! There appears to be a hive of bees or wasps present at the funeral. And they ain't very friendly either, see they stung that little girl. Excuse me, I'll go over and comfort her." Sureen rises and moves to help the young girl. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen will sit with Halak and Gideon, I assume that with Halak's insistence they would end up on the 2nd row, if Gideon makes it to the 2nd row.
From his position in the gathering of Eylin's friends, the undine is transported by the music and start of the ceremony. He almost wishes the leaves of the trees to fall and flutter down like confetti. The normally alert Surveen is less than concentrated on his surroundings, except the bride, groom, the priest and the music. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Sorry last post was eaten up in a crash. Surveen laughs at the good nature taunts, walking with Halak and Gideon to the ceremony. "Ha, Ha Gideon I am honored to be taught to throw shoes by such a professional as you, Ha haha! Lets go see how a professional cleric can handle our friend Elyin in this marriage ceremony, Haha ha!" He merrily tries to force a fast pace, pushing the other two so they can find that seat Halak was mentioning. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen feels the weight of the shoes in his hands, tossing each of them up in turn and catching them. Then enters the playing area and spitting on his hands, starts to throw his 3 goes. His first he throws to the middle post.
Seeing as his first easily hits the middle post, he tries the remaining shots at the furthest most difficult. As he does turns to Gideon, "For the beer!"
The first throw he drops the shoe on his toe as he tosses it up, and the crowd call it a shot and fall about laughing. Green faced embarrassed for an Undine and looking more at the floor than he posts, Surveen instinctively throws the last shoe, but its flight is all wrong barely making it as far as the middle post. "What's your drink then Gideon? You won that." as he laughs half-heartedly with his friends. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() "Games, reminds me of my youth, learning the ways of the masters, oft times there were games to sh strength, agility and prowess with your weapons of choice. Those were happy days." he voice trails off wistfully as his eyes have a long far away look in them. The as if suddenly awoken, Surveen shakes his head and points behind the amphitheatre, "There, whats that going on there." Surveen points to A5 and what in going on there. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() "It is our pleasure to meet the one that can restrain Eylin's roaming. Don't believe what he tells you about us, he exaggerates our part in his life's story." Surveen bows to the woman, "He is our fine friend and companion of many adventures, it an honour to have traveled with Eylin." ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Never one to really follow the fashions of the time and feeling comfortable after his traveling cloths, says "If you must, but I'll watch so none of you get caught in an embarrassing position. There are plenty of ladies here who don't want to see your battered and bruised bodies. So why you change I'm baffled, I'm sure Elyin wouldn't mind how you looked." Surveen nervously watches where you change. Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25 ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen laughs good naturally at Tudan's words, claps him on the back, "Why yes, it seems you were right!" he looks round at the rest of the group smiling, as he pushes Tudan into the 'lead' position. Still laughing he turns behind to the others, "Let's follow our lad here, he knows the way." ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen, doesn't wait to get changed, instead with his lips moist from the saliva generated by the smell of the food, he picks up a plate and heads straight for the the fish dishes, fish pate, baby octopus cooked in a rice dish with other sea food, though he can't remember what it was called. Soon he has filled his plate. "Do we wait for Tudan's blessing on the food, or just dive in?" he asks as the rest of his friends are also busy. He asks a couple of the guests, which is the best and tatsiest of the food, bowing to each after they answer. Yet it becomes apparent, after talking to many of the guests that all the food is most excellent. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() "You and your sweet tooth Sharadon, no doubting where you'd go first. Ha ha ha ha.... though all that walking in the shadows made me hungry too, so let's make it to the food tent. You never know, Elyin always liked a good nosh when adventuring, and a wedding is surely the start of some adventure." Surveen says loudly as his blue nose twitches as he sniffs the air for the scent of savories. Perception 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Laughing at Tundan's words, Surveen speaks loudly to Tundan, so all can hear. "Indeed, but sometimes being dressed for the part is misplaced, like our entrance here." his deep voiced laugh reverberates in the breeze. He bows low to the assembled party goers, "Our apologies for the entrance, now start that music and and let's have some fun, dressed up or not." a smile lights up his face. Aid another(Tundan) Diplomacy 1d20 ⇒ 15 ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() "Ha ha Tudan, that would be preferable to opening straight into trouble. It's easier to put our weapons down, than to use their blade. Let's hope you're right." laughs the muscular blue humanoid. He puts his arm around Tudan's shoulders and pulls him towards him, shoulder to shoulder, before releasing. He continues to laugh at Tudan's words, enjoying the idea of starting a skipping game, or surprising the elder bureaucrats of a village. ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Seeing the summoned being struggle in the depths of darkness around, Surveen's face shows distress, "Whatever magic out there can cause such distress to your watery friend, might easily present us with falseness on the path. In this plane of shadow, the darkness holds a myriad of dangers, so we must walk in the light." ![]()
Male Undine Monk 7 HPs:42/42, AC 20, (T19, FF16) CMD: 25 (27 grapple)
![]() Surveen stops and turns back, watching Tudan complete his magic as the water elemental makes its way off towards the sound. His face shows a mind torn between his hearts inclination to help a creature in need and his head that knows the dangers found from wandering away from the path. As his fellow samanera Shogthar had said, "The path holds the substance of the planes, its way is tortuous and cold, but it is the way we follow." Now the words came to Surveen's mind as he smiles at the peace they bought.