Bugbear Shadow Sneak

Super3astard's page

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By the way I understand it, each poison would take effect as soon as the hit is scored. Each time the creature fails a save, the next one gets the increased DC, stacking for each fail. Then next round the creature would have to make a save at whatever the DC is up to for each active dose.

That whole thing is absurd. It implies that both combatants in a fight could never ever ever possibly know they're in a fight unless they have a class feature that prevents it. Every single battle begins with a sucker punch. If there's 12 people combined on both sides of the fight, the 12th guy stands there watching as the other 11 run around swinging swords and blasting spells, unaware of the possibility that he's in a fight. If two parties cross paths, exchange words, clearly present hostile intentions, and begin to rumble... No one but the first guy in the initiative can possibly know a fight is about to happen. The last guy, despite being part of the initial confrontation and declaration that a battle royale is about happen, and despite watching the chaos in real time, is still in a stupor and clueless to the fact the guy who just told him he's going to stab him in the face with the knife he's about to pull out, then pulls out said knife, then moves 30' over to him and proceeds to face stab him.

C1: You wanna go bro?

C2: Yeah bro bring it!

C1: I'm bringin it bro!

C2: Do it then bro!

C1: See this fist?

C2: Yeah I see it, what?

C1: I'm gonna punch your face with it bro.

C2: Come at me bro!

C1: This fist. That side of your face. Not so much in that area, or over there, but right... there...

C2: Quit talkin and do it then bro!

C1: Ok bro, you asked for it bro, here I come. Right now. Over to you. With this fist right here. To hit you right there! You ready!?

C2: I'm ready!

C1: I ain't playin bro! I'm gonna do it right now, on 3... 1... 2... 2-1/2... 2-3/4...

C2: (braces for impact)

C1: 3! (punch)

C2: (still flat footed) WHY YOU HIT ME BRO!? I wasn't ready!

By the rules, that's how it goes. And it's ridiculous. I've always ran it, as has every DM I've played with, as if you are only flat-footed in a surpise round IF there even is a surprise round, unless there's a specific feature that causes it.

Oh I forgot, nauseated when you first get one.

Negative levels are the debuhl! I personally don't care what the rules about them say, 1 negative level = -1 to hit/damage(including spells), saves, your con mod in HP, and CMD/CMB. You get as many as your character level and you die. I try to avoid using them, but I also like using undead things. Negative levels suck in every way, so I simplify. Other people I play with use this rule too when DMing.

Not that this will help with PFS, but I didn't see that anywhere in the topic, so my 2c.

Keen states it doesn't stack with IC in it's description. That's not a very strong argument.

That actually makes sense, and makes me realize I've never played in an unbroken game where someone had an animal companion. They (PC's and DM's) have always just treated them as secondary PC's in any game I've played.

What tricks are actually relevant to teach an animal companion? It seems they can already do most, if not all of them anyway.

I don't get the justification for making a wolf or an ape start medium and go large, but a bear of all things, is only small and becomes medium. Is that just a miss print? Is there a formula for making new animal companions not listed?

I keep seeing things that say can use stealth while being observed as long as they have cover or concealment, unless they have something that lets them make stealth checks without cover etc... So what are these things that grant stealth checks without cover or concealment?

Wouldn't that leave them trailing behind after 8th level?

Is that choice list in animal ally the only animals you can take?

What is Noble Scion from?

Ok, so I'm looking at building a Harley Quinn type character with a pair of beasts, and trying to find a way to keep the beasts relatively close in ability. Is druid VMC and leadership to take a monstrous cohort the best way to pull this off?

If you have a cohort that gets class levels, could it gain it's own cohort through the leadership feat? And are they allowed to take levels in classes with an animal companion?

Is it possible to take the extra rogue talent feat as a level 1 feat?

Can the combat trick talent be used to take weapon specializations at the appropriate levels?

What about Witches? I know they get a patron, but what does that do if they're not getting spells?

If take a spellcaster class as a secondary class, do you gain any kind of casting ability with it?