
Supafnk's page

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Hawkmoon269 wrote:
The Paizo blog post today is about the Warpriest from the Advanced Class Guide. He's also slated to be a character in Skull and Shackles.

Now we have the iconic for every non organized play option correct?

Will all of the new player options be based on a figure from the npc codex? I've thought about picking it up, with the ROTR box as well, to add additional aspects to my home game but couldn't justify the cost vs the standees I forsee using.

Thank you for the heads up Lisa, its appreciated!

In case anyone is still having issues with their local store, alliance now shows it for a street date of the 28th.

Very much looking forward to picking this up, unfortunately my lo all shop is being told by alliance, their distributor, that they don't have the game in stock yet to send to stores. Are you aware of any delays or is this a random issue for my shop? Thanks as always.

For those of us picking up the new system W/O having played or read any other Pathfinder material will you be posting setting fluff or anything else I can point players to, besides the paragraph on each character and other card text, to help flesh out the setting? Or is there content you would recommend looking at from the previous rune lord RPG? This will be a big transition for some of the table and downloads like the character sheets are very helpful, thanks!