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Villains and Organisations, but also sometimes not Villains?


They took the strides made with the Monster Codex and further refined it. I love the diversity of the organisations presented. There could easily be factions to play against or up against each other, enemies that could be sometimes allies, and new flavourful rules, I could see this entire arcs in a campaign spawned just by linking a few of encounters together. There is so much originality and whimsy in here that I cannot help but feel warmed inside. There is enough richness and complexity in some of the “boss villains” in a few lines that you could easily build upon, and that is before you even read the hooks that they have already made. While there are one or two rough edges, the book is a worthy follow up in the line. It leaves a sense of promise for the future.

PS – Robin Hood, Hell Yes

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Charmingly Succulent


Though each race is given an introduction, they are short and not overburden by too much text. However the rules and options in each races section are drenched in a sweet mellifluous layer of tasty flavour. I love the expanded options for new classes flavoured options.

If I am honest I was here for the Kitsune, Grippli and Vanara. Up till now I never considered a Ratfolk, but oh that Scavenger archetype. This steampunk take on the Investigator scratches an itch, a class that I normally overlook for the standard Alchemist. The majority of the options are open for other races.

There is a lot going on in this book, in which they still found place to add some really brilliant artwork. This book is unequivocally worth it.

List Price: $5.99

Our Price: $5.39


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Great Detail


This was a much better mini than i expected. There is some really nice detail in the backpack and numerous pouches he has, but also layering in the clothing and armour. The hands were a bit disproportionate, as another reviewer has already indicated. That said, I really like this sculpt.