And the world is spinning edge on to the sun? So it used to form a ring around the sun and now it is in orbit or something spinning edge on? I assume there is an opposite side to this pinwheel Wonder how they are doing :) Where does the sea go? Is it falling off the edges and siphoning off into space? Where is the edge if the sea keeps going? If that is not sea, how are the islands attached? I wonder if it will get colder and colder as time goes on. That was NOT a nice thing to do to a world.
Ixos wrote: Need Permission to access the map. To grant permission right mouse click on the folder it is in and select 'Share...', then select the 'Advanced' button in the lower right, then select 'Change...' next to the permissions. Pick the permissions you want. I typically select public/anyone may view. You can also select more limiting options but I'm guessing you want this open to the public.
Would it be possible to make my cleric hobgoblin bound soul a Warpriest? There was no Warpriest on the roll list and somehow a Warpriest seems to fit the nature of a hobgoblin better than Cleric. In general, for a player, may they choose one of the hybrid classes if they rolled a class that is one of the classes the hybrid is based on?
I'll take a crack at the skill question. I believe he said you could ADD one rank in a knowledge skill per level. That means that if you were a human druid you would get 4 ranks plus 1 for human, plus 1 rank in a knowledge skill, plus your int bonus per level for a total of 7 per level. That's the way I did it for my Calmness. Then you add the ranks for your bonded soul calculated the same way. The way I did it is I used the same int for my bonded soul as on my character. That may have been inappropriate so we'll see what the GM says. In Calmness' case, the bonded soul is an ignorant hobgoblin cleric fool so all he gets is 2 + 1 knowledge +1 int totaling 4. That gives the character a grand total of 7+4 = 11, at least 2 of which must be in knowledge skills. If that is wrong, Valjoen, let me know so I may correct it.
Dotting with the alias for the druid, Calmness. Do I do the crunch as a Cleric-1/Druid-1 with physical and mental bonuses from both races, max gp for a level 1 character or the original (not soul bound) class (adding one free masterwork weapon or armor), plus one point of knowledge skill (or do I get +1 knowledge for both classes)? |