Dont know how to do quoting but in response to Rixxen's and everyone else's posts about point buy vs rolling the main thing isn't stats, it's the player.
What more useful to a party? A guy who used point buy to make a (extremely) generic "ME SMASH MONSTER" type fighter with 18 STR or the guy who rolled a 18 and made the basically same character?
What's better for the party? A thief who's highest stat is 16 and nothing else higher than a 10 who is resourceful and creative enough to end a encounter quickly with minimum casualties, or the guy with a total modifier count of +8 who does nothing but steal from other players and runs away from any fighting?
All of this hullabaloo is based off of the fact that most players think that the only way thier character can contribute is if their stats are good enough, and if they roll low that they think thier character is better off getting killed and rolling again. But that's not true. All characters can fail, stat modifiers just make it 5% less likely to fail in specific situations.
I do have one thing against using point buy. In a campaign that I have been in there was this one guy who usually died about once every other session. He played a ranger and every time he died he would use the EXACT SAME STATS on every new ranger he made. When I asked him why he doesn't change them after the fifth time he died his response was "no, this is the most efficient point buy array and I'll be less effective if I put any less points into (certain stat)". The DM got annoyed with him and said "okay the world has run out of carbon copies of your ranger, you now have to roll for stats, no changing which stat gets what roll." He ended up rolling a fighter and ended up going for SIX WHOLE SESSIONS without dying, but that was because he fell in a poisoned pit trap which had a like DC 10 reflex save to not fall in and we were unable to get him out due to bad rolls and combat.