For free you don't expect much, but in this case you get some evocative art/design and very clear guidelines for ways to hook or integrate characters into the campaign.
It's broken down into a geographical overview, then most of the 12 pages deals with each race and class, detailing how that type of character fits into the campaign and rationale for them being there. This is comprehensive and draws on the rest of the campaign material if you use it. Major politics, events and geography feature prominently and give the feeling that this path does not occur in isolation but as part of the 'bigger picture' of the world's events.
As it says:
>The following pages outline qualities of typical members of all seven core races, all 11 core classes, and the six classes found in the Advanced Player’s Guide. Characters of all alignments, religions, and homelands can play a vital role in this campaign, and the following suggestions should serve to spark a concept or background for your PC.
There is a section on character traits that ties in characters more closely to the storyline and offers minor game benefits. This adds a little more depth to the character and offers some roleplaying and mechanical advantage.
It closes with a one-page precis of the voyage of the Jenivire, including journey timeline and major NPCs on-board. While not really part of the adventure, storytellers can weave this into their tale, or be used to stitch together final elements of party back-story.
Regarding the comment from '3.5 Loyalist' the text about Fighters in Sargava says this (might have been updated since that comment)
>Fighters might want to avoid dedicating themselves to the use of heavy armor—or pursue ways of increasing their mobility in such armaments—as the heat and other challenges of the jungle can make such gear unwieldy, or even dangerous, to wear.
I agree with other reviewers that more artwork would have been nice. It screams for an old-style map of the region with the Jenivere's course plotted on it, or some pictures of people and places in the area. While the text is detailed enough, more graphics would have really fired up the imagination.
Overall a solid and well-produced introduction. It certainly makes me thirst for adventure in long forgotten jungles and temples!