Storycrafter's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 38 posts (526 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.
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On second thought, I think I'll share the main courtroom action without spoilers. I'll trust that Sour Heck remembers that he's sequestered.
The judge in the center (known as Kasp Aldaar) bangs his gavel and asks for order in the courtroom. He announces, in a very loud, commanding voice, the rules of the court. After each rule, the court herald (the plated man) will ring a gong for good measure. He will conclude his speech by announcing that the good people of Lepidstadt have suffered many acts of terror and barbarity at the hands of the Beast of Lepidstadt for many years, and that while the Beast is doubtless responsible for numerous murders, the prosecution will focus on three recent cases to prove the Beasts guilt during the trial.
The prosecution's main lawyer, Otto Heiger, a very handsome middle aged man, begins with some opening remarks. "The prosecution will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this creature" (pointing at Andrew) "did take the lives of at least 10 people in the village of Morast a year ago, in addition to two horrendous crims that will be described as the trial continues."
Gustav Kaple will also offer some remarks, a half hearted attempt at a defense for the Beasts's innocence full of stutters and awkward pauses. All the while, the crowd in the mob will jeer and boo.
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Your reasons for being in Falcon's Hollow are varied. Perhaps you have come because someone you trust or serve has directed you here. Perhaps you have come because you believe there may be some coin to glean from serving the unfortunate. Or perhaps you've heard the call of service to help the town rid itself of a recent malady.
In any case, you find yourselves on the path to Falcon's Hollow. Situated just a few miles south of the Darkmoon Vale in Andoran, the town hosts some 1,400 residents. Largely consisting as a community of tradesmen serving the local lumber consortium, you'll find little entertainment and few luxuries. If you aren't already aware before you travel here, word reaches you very quickly of the "affliction". Often describe as a curse, those who have contacted this strange malady are beset by a serious, persistent hacking cough. Likely due to the sparse nature of the town's resources, the mortality rate is reputed to be quite high.
As you enter town and inquire about the affliction, you will hear several things often repeated. The first is that no one is doing much about the affliction except for one woman, the town's herbalist named Laurel. The second thing is that the source of the affliction was likely a fungus growing in a local well -- the later having been recently shut down by the local constable. The third is that there are many people still severely afflicted and several are dying each day.
You find yourselves coincidentally standing near the town center around mid-morning. Each is aware that the other has been making some inquiry and is now aware of the local plight.
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Greetings and salutations. I'd like to run a module for people that are new to D&D or Pathfinder.
Premises: * You are a beginner to D&D and/or Pathfinder
* You can commit to at least one posting every other day
* You would like to run a pre-made adventure -- D0 Hollow's Last Hope in this case
* That adventure will be relatively short -- enough to give you an introduction
* I am not an expert PbP GM, but I'm willing to fake it
* This may lead to follow on modules or a longer campaign
It would not surprise me greatly to find that not enough new folks are interested enough to form a 6 person group. If that should prove true after some days, I'll welcome veteran players who are interested in a diversion.
As for character creation rules, they are simple: * Pick a name. First names only are OK at this point.
* Create stats as per the 20 point buy system
* All Paizo material is allowed for race. I own quite a bit of 3rd party now as well, so if you are curious about something from another publisher, run it by me.
* Starting gold: 150gp
* Pick 2 traits
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F Human Barbarian 1 HP: 10/10 | AC 15 | 11 | 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +4 | Ref + 1 | Will + 1| Init +1 | Perc + 4 | Acro + 2 | Surv + 4 | Know(Nature) + 4 | Great Axe + 5/1d12+6/x3 | CMB + 5
"Hunger? Hunger?! You do not know hunger like I have!," screams Galia as she rush up towards the woman.
No time for a full round charge, so I believe Galia would sense the inherent threat and move in for a heaping helping of pain.
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Female Half elf Barbarian 1
Galia sighs and says, "Will you guys quit playing grabby with the envelope and share the wonderful news of what we're being tasked with? The sun marches towards zenith and I haven't eaten. Let's figure out what wonderful tasks we've been entrusted with and get moving so that I can get something to eat."
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I assume you're aware of subdual damage vs. regular damage?
As Horfil dances across the entrance way, his body and blades a blur of death in motion, he catches up to the fleeing Grelm and catches him, wounding him severely and knocking him to the ground.
As the tall fighter lays on the ground bleeding, the fighting between the goblin and farmer seems to stop. In fact, the whole room seems to take on a sudden quiet as all of the minor skirmishes about the room seem to end at once.
The lawman grunts to Kensington, "My word and my metal are all the badge I need", he turns to see that the goblin and the farmer have stopped fighting. He then notices Horfil chasing the other large fighter outside. He changes his focus and steps out of the entrance way to intercede. Immediately after Grelm falls, he shouts at Horfil, "Cease immediately, or I shall cut you down where you stand". He is now brandishing his long sword menacingly at Horfil in a very threatening display of capability.
With the aid of several people, including a drenching rain appearing from seemingly inside the Inn, The fire on the table near the scholar is now effectively extinguished.
The pudgy man continues to lie still, while a small sneer appears on his face.
Several patrons have backed away from the large grease spot on the floor and burning woman. They eye the wizard warily.
The pale elven woman continues to burn for another few seconds, and then passes out from the pain, collapsing to the ground. The smell of burning flesh, oil, and paper now lingers in the mostly quiet inn.
Latest map
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Sorry about the lack of posts this weekend -- was out of town at a computer show.
My, my. We have ourselves a lot of threats and some solid punching!
Colwin moves over to Grelm's companions, and threatens to unleash fire on them.
Loetian stands and delivers, thoroughly drilling the taller man for in the nose. This is immediately followed by a quick burst of arcane energy from Kensington, striking the same man full in the chest. The man staggers back from the blows.
At this point the man in the cloak shouts, "Stop immediately or I will arrest you all! I am the law!". He rears back with a gloved fist and attempts to hit Leotian.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
He connects, doing 1d3 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 damage. Immediately after this, he draws his sword and makes a threatening gesture between Leotian, Kensington, and Grelm.
At about the same time, Aldaara attempts to grapple the tall man, missing a bit and knocking him further back. He stumbles backward and knocks into the bespectacled man and another, younger man who had stepped forward to view the fight. This causes the bespectacled man to stumble forward and drop the partly rolled linen he was holding in his hands onto some spilled drink and an open candle. A small fire immediately ignites, instantly engulfing the linen.
Horfil becomes as a whirlwind, and moves behind Grelm, threatening him and attempting to intimidate him. His coercive tactic does not immediately seem to work, but Grelm seems unsure of himself at this point, regardless.
The pudgy man, seeing Grelm's predicament and the threatening wizard, scrambles backward, saying "Don't flame me. I'm leaving".
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
He doesn't manage to move from his square, so he tries again...
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
And again, he stays put, sliding helplessly in the grease.
The haughty pale elf glares and attempts to stand...
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
and her save
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
and she falls flat again. She then attempts to scramble away by crawling...
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
She succeeds, so she crawls back towards a clear patch of floor.
The hooded goblin is heavily embroiled in a fist fight with a drunken farmer at this point, and continues to exchange blows with him. He seems oblivious to Grelm's predicament or that of his fellow mercenaries. He also seems oblivious to Colwin's threats.
At this point, Grelm, seeing the drawn sword, the lack of support from his friends, and tasting the blood in his mouth as it flows freely from his busted nose pushes himself off of the patron behind him, back to standing, and attempts to flee for the door.
Attacks of opportunity as he movesaway from Andaara, Leotian, and Kensington. I'm assuming Colwin is holding his fire spell charge.
Updated map
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Let's see, some saves?
The female elf in banded mail1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
The human (wearing robes)1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
The thin and pale female elf, wearing banded mail and carrying a scythe at her hip tumbles forward ungracefully. The pudgy man beside her, wearing gold trimmed robes adorned with mystical symbols slips, almost catches himself on a barstool, before eventually falling flat on his rear.
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Heh, I thought Colwin's heaven comment was a pickup line as well. Heh.
Link to drive here
To Leotian, the bespectacled man says ,"Ah, my fine youg lad, this is an artisan shroud of the Chelish King Haliad III. It's over four hundred years old. See the remarkable likeness..er...hrmm". His voice trails off as he looks up at a large man approaching the party's table.
The large man, one of the gruff looking mercenaries previously eyeing the table, approaches very near to Kensington. He is clad in black scale mail and wears a dark, travel-stained cloak. His face is scared, likely the result of many fights. As he walks, he is careful to keep his hands away from his weapons (a longsword and dagger in hilts at his sides). He slams his fist down on the table, and angrily says, barely below a yell, "I killed that hob in a fair fight, and the fiery dagger is mine by right. Hand it over or face the wrath of the Company of the Black Banner." At this, his companions push back their chairs from their table and rise to watch the situation closely. They, too, keep their hands away from their weapons.
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Updated the Traveler's Stop Inn image -- please visit the google drive link to see the current room layout.
In the main dining room, the following people can be seen:
- 3 serving girls busy serving customers
- A chubby barkeep serving behind the counter.
- A cloaked figure sitting at the bar with a stern demeanor, a longsword at his hip
- Several other folks sitting at various tables who look to be farmers or common merchants
- The aforementioned scholarly gentleman sitting at a table next to you talking with another gentleman.
- The aforementioned table with rough looking mercenaries
Several of the figures at this last table seeming to be eyeing the group intently.
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A well-built inn painted in cheerful colors is tucked beneath the eaves of the forest. A stable stands nearby. A hitching post at the front of the inn has several mounts, and more than one farm wagon sits in the yard. A large red sign above the door proclaims in gilt letters, “Travelers Stop Inn.” Above this sign and stretching across the front of the building is a banner with artistic lettering stating “The Traveling Exhibition of Doctor Phineus Krane, Professor of Antiquities and Master of Shroud Artistry.” A number of colorful tents have been set up at the rear of the inn yard, apparently for this exhibition.
Most of the tents are closed for the night, and you can see a few remaining patrons of the exhibit heading inside the inn, perhaps for dinner and drinks.
Once inside the inn, the party sees that business is brisk as the long shadows of evening slant through the taproom’s open windows. A bald, red-faced man wearing an apron works behind the bar and several young girls carry platters of food and drinks to various tables. Most of
the crowd seems to be local farmers and traveling merchants, although clustered around one table sits a rough-looking group of mercenaries, one of whom is a short, black-cloaked figure who might be a goblin. They huddle over their drinks in quiet conversation, occasionally raising a head to eye the crowd. At a table nearby, a bespectacled scholarly looking fellow discusses a piece of decorated linen spread across the tabletop with a small group of onlookers.
The map is up and available on my google drive. I'll place some icons for npc's and such asap.
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After a cursory search of the area, the tracks of three or four humanoids can be found. Their orientation suggests that the track makers may have fought with the hobgoblin.
A glint can be seen coming from a nearby bush.
There are still 3 sleeping dogs on the ground, and the remaining conscious dog is hungrily feeding on that bit of meat. But not for long.
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As the bar of brightly lit soap flies through the air, it clearly illuminates the clearing before striking the corpse and settling a very short distance away. One of the dogs briefly lets go of it's fierce biting grip on the corpse to turn to the group and snarl. The rest flinch only briefly, but continue on in their savage tearing of the corpse. As the LightSoap settles, the party can count 4 distinct canine shapes.
For the moment, the dogs seem intent on tearing at their new meal.
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It is moments before dawn as the group breaks camp to begin walking the next stretch of their journey. While their destination, Falcon's Hollow, is still some days distant, they are eager to deliver their parcels, collect their due, and move on to more meaningful work. The intrigue of the mysterious stranger who had paid each of them a handsome sum for what appeared to be a simple delivery, and the admonishment not to open their parcels is the furthest from their minds at the moment. Shaking off the cold, wet, and bitter night and finding a warm and drying sun is what occupies most of their thoughts, currently.
They travel for the better part of the day. Stopping only briefly for a quiet meal. The previous night's damp sleep seems to be taking its toll on their conversation, or lack thereof.
The dark mass of the Arthfell Forest looms just to the north of the road, an ominous wall of unbroken green and shadow. Not far ahead is the famous Travelers Stop Inn, the only safe refuge in the area. Rounding a bend in the road, the group sees a trio of mangy dogs playing a gruesome tug-of-war with some sort of humanoid corpse. Their snarls and barks break the silence of the otherwise calm afternoon.
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OK, I have stats on the following characters:
- Horfil
- Colwin
- Leotian
- Steven
- Kensington
So I just need a character sheet from Aldaara. I'll be posting maps on Google Drive and posting links in the campaign thread, as I've seen that's a useful way to present graphic images such as maps as well as conduct encounters. I'd like to get you familiar with the area that you'll be adventuring in before we begin.
Are you guys comfortable with the notion of how you've all met? How familiar are you with posting with dialogue, action, dice rolling, and inner voice?