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Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


I have a question about Balance and movement.

So say you want to move past a space of uneven ground. Under Requirements in the Balance action under Acrobatics says that "You are in a square that contains a narrow surface, uneven ground, or another similar feature." That tells me that you already have to be in the terrain in question to take the Balance action.

Balance is it's own action, which takes a single action. Does this mean that if you Stride into a space with uneven ground, your Stride action ends, even if you had more movement left?

What about Grease? You have to take the Balance action when you move into an area affected by Grease - does that end your current action, and then also force you to spend an action to Balance? What if you don't have any actions left? Do you just fall prone?

I've been googling for hours to try and figure this out and I've got nothing.

It would allow you to make a five foot step-like action in an area of rough terrain, or in any other circumstances where you are denied five foot steps but can still move.

Otherwise can't see a use for it.

The RAI seems pretty clear - if the spell is fire based, and does damage, it does extra damage. The bloodline itself offers fire-based healing abilities, so if the writer of the ability had intended for the ability to improve fire-based healing, it would probably have said so. Instead, it uses the word 'damage' twice to specify that the ability only applies when damage is being dealt.