StephenOfOlde's page

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Absolutely loved this story! Loved it so much I decided to record an audio version for my players to listen to before we start the AP.

Here it is for anyone interested in listening :)

Ron Lundeen wrote:
StephenOfOlde wrote:
Super excited to run this AP (my first time running an AP), but I had one thing I was confused by. It was my understanding things tagged "Uncommon" had specific unlock requirements, but I couldn't find anything that said how Players could unlock being able to use the Juggler or Staff Acrobat archetype, or learn the new spells in the volume. Is the unlock requirement just that they're playing this adventure?

Yes, they have to learn it somewhere in the adventure. Sometimes we're very clear about how you'd get an Uncommon rules item (this NPC has this particular item, or this book contains instructions for this particular feat), but sometimes we want to leave it up to the GM. For example, this adventure presents a bunch of new Uncommon snares. Where might the heroes learn these? Perhaps in the materials left by Lakkai in the aeon tower, or perhaps at Nemmia's camp. Maybe the heroes even seek out a hunter or trapper in town who isn't even listed in the adventure.

For the archetypes, the heroes' experience with the circus might be enough on its own to open up these archetypes, or the GM might decide the heroes have to do something in-game. That's why it's in a "toolbox;" it's a tool for the GM to use in the adventure however she sees fit.

The "Uncommon" tag serves a general game marker for "isn't the core assumption for every game." So you can't just hand your copy of The Show Must Go On to your GM in any home game and say "I'm a staff acrobat." But in the Extinction Curse campaign, it's as common as the GM wants to make it and we assume, somehow, the characters can get at it. (Similarly, we put the Uncommon tag on monster, in part, to say "you can't summon these by default.")

Awesome! Thanks for clarifying! Can't wait to get started :)

Super excited to run this AP (my first time running an AP), but I had one thing I was confused by. It was my understanding things tagged "Uncommon" had specific unlock requirements, but I couldn't find anything that said how Players could unlock being able to use the Juggler or Staff Acrobat archetype, or learn the new spells in the volume. Is the unlock requirement just that they're playing this adventure?

Will it be possible to start a subscription with the deluxe editions of the 2nd edition books? I'd like to do the subscription to get the free PDFs but I also want to get the deluxe editions.