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I may be wrong, but as far as I know, the "Teleport at will" ability or other "at will" abilities still need a standard action to perform.

So a devil could teleport (Standard action), but not attack in the same round. He could use a move equivalent action now Bow kiting within the same round.

At least we played it that way.. :)

Maybe someone could comment on this.


A conman? Just two words: "Neal Caffrey" from the US show "White collar". :)


"Wasn't pounce intended for natural weapons? Have they not errata'd that yet?
It was intended for that. They have no rules saying it only applies to natural weapons"

James Jacobs stated in one of the questions and answer threads, that the barbarians pounce ability works with natural weapons ONLY and NOT with manufactured ones (which makes totally sense).

so if you choose the beast totem line, you could charge and attack with two claws, 1 bite, and maybe a gore attack on a charge.

I don´t know the thread´s name, you would have to search for it.



Terrifying howl (intimidating glare needed before) by the way is another fine option for a barb besides dealing damage, though you´ll want the "Intimidating prowess" feat to make it work.

It adds a fine way of crowd control to the barbarian and works very well with the "cornugon smash" feat. :)

Just be aware, that Beast totem line´s pounce works with natural weapons (claws and bite) only, not with manufactured weapons; as clarified by james jacobs in another thread. I´m too lazy to search for it right now. :)

1) Two weapons pounce is possible considering the two weapon fighting penalties for each hand.

2) Considering haste:
"When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon...."

Since charge is a full round action, but not a full ATTACK action, you don´t get any extra attacks from haste.

From my point of view you get three attacks so far:

1 attack with bite (primary attack)

2 attacks with unarmed strike or weapons, but considering the two weapon
fighting PENALTIES, UNLESS these attacks are natural limbs / attacks
(claws for example)

The problem I see is without beast totem line (Claws) or the two weapon fighting feats the two weapon attacks will probably miss due to the penalties.

But ok, if you hit with three attacks modified by elemental rage power, it can be quiet nice. (+3 D6 extra elemental damage) ;)


EDIT: Pounce allows a full attack, so by RAW the extra attack from haste
counts, if it´s not an iterative attack (which I think it is). :)

"Unfortunetly untill it hits the FAQ or Errata it may as well not exist for 99.9% of games."

You are probably right...unfortunately. Though if we know better, we should use it.

I should point out, that pounce DOES work with weapons, but NOT with iterative attacks!
So no dual wielding pouncing barbarian with two weapons and for example 6 iterative attacks on a charge.
Here´s the quote and link:

James Jacobs wrote:
"Pounce works with all weapons, manufactured or not. You CAN´T take ITERATIVE ATTACKS with a pounce, of course, and in most cases that won't be an option anyway since the vast majority of creatures that have pounce are not manufactured weapon users."

link: urQuestionsHere&page=177#8808


Pounce does NOT work with weapons, which was stated by james jacobs in a "pounce thread".

Pounce relates to NATURAL WEAPONS only (which makes sense considering that u can attack with a bite and 2 claws at once jumping at your enemy, while only doing one attack with an axe on a charge for example).

Therefore a barbarian can only pounce with his two claws (beast totem) , his bite (rage power or trait) and maybe gore attack (gained by fiend totem).

EDIT: Forget about the gore attack. Since you can only choose ONE totem power, it has to be either pounce by beast totem OR gore attack by fiend totem, not both.


That´s not quite right.

Overhand chop only works with a SINGLE attack, so it can´t be used during a full attack.
So you have to decide whether to use overhand chop with one attack OR backswing with full attack.

"Overhand Chop (Ex): At 3rd level, when a two-handed fighter makes a SINGLE attack (with the attack action or a charge) with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls..."


Hehe...ok: it looks like we turn to a PVP challenge, which istn´t a bad thing, if not taken too seriously, just for fun.



It depends on the builds. Could you post the fighter and barb build? :)


Concerning Robillards´s Gambit: Ich think Aelryinth is refering to the "Come and get me" rage power, which gives a barb an aoo for EACH melee attack his opponent makes. Combine this mit combat reflexes and a good dex, so a barb can nearly double his damage output.

"Not sure where you get this from. A fighter can use str on all weapons as well and gets an extra bonus from weapon training and is the only one who can take the weapon specialization feat."

Of course a fighter can use his STR bonus on other weapons. But usually a fighter gains weapons fokus / specialisation in just one specific weapon.
If he looses this weapon by whatever he has to use a backup weapon, in which he might have not WF/WS in, resulting in lesser fighting potential.
A barbarians rage on the other hand works with every weapon. He is not "bound" to one specific weapon. He gets his rageboni/ragepowers no matter if its a dagger, a cestus or greataxe.

I think that is what Aelryinth was refering to. :)


Considering damage a level 17+ barb will strongly benefit from his former "once per rage rage powers", which he could then use every round (rage cycling:
"Strength surge" and the "to hit" and "to damage" powers (which I dont remember right now).
I suppose, the use of these powers will put a barb´s damage and hit above a fighter´s, at least for some rounds...

Concering raw pure damage the feat "Raging Brutality" will bring the barb about +10 damage per HIT with a two handed weapon, which might result in +40 Damage per round.

But it´s not all about damage. :)


EDIT: Concerning longer lasting fights: There are a couple of feats, by which a barb can regain lost rage rounds. :)

Barbarian has got some nice rage powers, which can´t be duplicated by feats.

Although I like playing barbs it seems to me, as if the barbarian excels rather in "burst damage" or "burst tricks" (once per rage maneuvers oder abilities), while a fighter can do his stuff more consistently.

It depends on playing style and of course feat/rage power selection, party setup, monster type, environment etc....

In the end each group will like someone standing between the party and the monsters, be it a barb or fighter. ;)


I think, there is a PVP page, where you can make a char and let him fight another ones char. i find this very interesting, unfortunately I dont remember the internet adress. :(

I guess the fighters can handle this bei using 2 handed reach weapons (forgoing the spike damage)helped by the others with "aid" (+2 attack) or giving flanking.
Maybe the ranger can summon some critters to aid, too, or they have a potion of "enlagre" person with a reach weapon (4 squares reach). It depens on the the other players. Do they "aid", flank, buff, or just do nothing. :)


PS: Let us please know , how the fight turned out. :)

The barbarians rage power "Unexpected strike" gives you an AOO on ANY enemy movement, thus entering a threatened square.


I have got another question concerning bull rush:

Would a bull rush as a readied action oder as use of the "knockback" barbarian rage power stop a creature from moving.

For example: Fighter readies a bull rush, creature comes close, fighter bull rushes creature 2 squares back.

Can the creature now in this round still come closer, if it has movement left?


Combat reflexes gives you an attack of opportunity, even while flat footed and you need the feat for the "Come and get me" Chain (level 11) anyway. Power attack at first level is "overpowered", since many creatures drop without the 3 bonus damage and hitting is therefore more important than damage. If you are a frontliner you can avoid getting hurt as well by using a reach weapon and dropping enemys before they drop you.
(My char is a halforc for low light vision and orc ferocity, which might be useful at first level as well):)


Edit: If you have got a wizard/... with the spell "enlarge person" in your group, combat reflexes is nearly unbeatable (4 squares reach with a reach weapon) ;)

I play a Barbarian with almost the same stats as above, but with a Longspear (Glaive would work even better) for reach and Combat reflexes as first feat. With Dexmod 2 this guy can kill many things on level 1 before they come too close due to his 3 attacks of opportunity.

Might be worth a look as well. :)
