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Aelryinth wrote:


Moorcock invented the very term 'multiverse', and the whole Eternal War between Law and Chaos (as opposed to Good/Evil) is also his invention.

His Eternal Champion books are classics of the fantasy genre. Like Cthulu, they were even statted up in the original deities book at one point (and yes, Stormbringer was a one-hit kill weapon).

You REALLY need to go read them.


Moorcock did not invent the "eternal war between law and chaos," that is a staple of many mythologies. Look up Egyptian and/or Norse mythology, for example.

I hope you don't think that Tolkien invented the war between good and evil.

I really like the grit mechanic of the Gunslinger (the name for the mechanic is a little meh, though). I think it's a very strong mechanic because players are rewarded for taking chances and doing dynamic things.
Gunslinger looks very interesting and it definitely looks unique enough to be a base class.

I like the Ninja also. Rogues don't appeal to me very much, but the Ninja is something I would definitely play. It's just has much more flare than a Rogue - regardless of power levels. My current Pathfinder group is doing the Smuggler's Shiv adventure path and none of the five members chose a Rogue. Having a Rogue's utility would be pretty helpful, I think. It certainly adds a lot of cool stuff, but it ultimately still feels like an extension of the Rogue class. I think it should be an alternate class as the way it's written. I do not think it deserves being a base class as it currently stands.

The Samurai isn't up my alley, personally. I'd imagine it would appeal to the people who would like Cavalier. I don't see enough here in this class to justify it being anything more than a Cavalier archetype. I don't think it should be an alternate class or a base class.

Looking forward to the Magus feats coming out as I'm currently playing one. I'm pretty confident I'll see the +Arcane Pool point feat and/or +Magus Arcana feat after seeing the Gunslinger feat in this preview.

I've seen a few very vocal critics in this thread. I don't get it though. I happen to really enjoy the Magus class and I like the Gunslinger and Ninja as well. I think these three are more interesting than many of the core classes or APG classes.